"Okay, stop talking." Chen Jing gave Li Mobai a look, signaling him to shut up. Didn't he see that this girl was in a bad mood?

Li Mobai smiled indifferently and shut up obediently.

"I want to... go over and take a look..."

Qiao Youning suddenly said, hesitating for a moment, and finally didn't feel embarrassed to let Chen Jing and the others accompany her, so she picked up her backpack and prepared to leave.

"Wait! We're going too!"

Chen Jing suddenly called her, then turned around and touched Li Mobai with his arm.

"Are you going?"


Li Mobai stood in front of the French window, the lingering smoke covered his face, and his tone sounded a little complicated.

It seemed like he was nervous and afraid.

It also seemed like an inexplicable excitement.

"Ah Jing, do you believe in the end of the world?"

Chapter 78 Endless human blood

Chen Jing didn't know how to answer Li Mobai's question.

Because he felt that this kid was just talking nonsense.

That giant hand that reached the sky and the earth has knocked down the International Space Station, and you still ask me if I believe in the end of the world?

"It's a mess."

Soon after getting in the car, Chen Jing said these two words helplessly.

"It must be a mess..." Li Mobai started the car and glanced at Qiao Youning sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, "You all sit tight and fasten your seat belts. I think the road will be difficult to drive on in a while."

Chen Jing nodded, then leaned his face against the cold car window glass, silently observing everything happening outside through the gaps in the bloody rain.

Maybe the sound insulation of this car is too good.

Chen Jing couldn't hear clearly what the people outside were saying, he could only vaguely hear them screaming, roaring, and crying...

People with cars were driving recklessly on the road, trying desperately to escape from this city with giant arms.

People without cars were running.

Whether they held umbrellas or not.

Everyone was running wildly on the street like a madman.

"The changes are too fast..." Chen Jing sighed in his heart.

From a normal world to a world where everyone seems crazy.

This change process.

It was so short that Chen Jing felt a little scary.

Qiao Youning, who was sitting in the back seat, was not aware of the changes in the outside world at this moment, and was completely immersed in her own world.

She looked uneasy and murmured softly, as if she was saying something.

"Ah Jing, are you not afraid?"

"Before, I was a little bit, but now... I'm not that scared." Chen Jing leaned against the car window drowsily, and all he could smell in his nose was the iron smell of rain. "You know I..."

"Well, lie down, I probably understand." Li Mobai drove the car while observing Chen Jing's expression, "If it's really the end of the world... what are you going to do? Do you have to go back to Sentinel Ridge tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youning suddenly looked up and secretly looked at Chen Jing.

"Go back." Chen Jing said without hesitation. After all, the old man had arranged everything in that mountain, the shelter next to the pond... He really wanted to see what it was like.

"Then I'll take you there tomorrow." Li Mobai nodded, and glanced at the restless Qiao Youning in the rearview mirror, "You come with us."

"Me?" Qiao Youning was stunned.

"Yes, you come with us, we are all classmates anyway..." Li Mobai explained calmly, his tone was so sincere that it was hard to tell that it was fake, "Your family was wiped out, and the house you rented was gone, where else can you go?"

"No..." Although Qiao Youning wanted to agree right now, her personality made her instinctively refuse, "It's too much trouble for you... I can do it myself..."

"Just follow me if I ask you to, why are you wasting your time." Li Mobai didn't have as much patience as Chen Jing, and after saying this, he glared at Qiao Youning, "Follow us, do you understand?" ? "

It has to be said that although Li Mobai looks sunny and handsome, he is really scary when he suddenly gets fierce. At least Qiao Youning was scared and nodded desperately without saying a word...

"You can't speak, right?" Chen Jing looked at Li Mobai unhappily, "Can you speak better?"

"I'm just worried about her..." Li Mobai hurriedly explained, laughing dryly, "Go online and check the news first, what's the situation now, has anyone come out to explain..."

"No network."

Chen Jing shook his head, took out his mobile phone and looked at the no signal prompt again, his expression was very helpless.

"The network was disconnected when I just got in the car."

Hearing this, Li Mobai hummed and said nothing more, driving the car to the destroyed urban area with full concentration.

"But I looked online before, it seems that this bloody rain is not only in our provincial capital..."

"What do you mean?" Li Mobai asked without looking back, "Other cities are there?"

"More than."

Chen Jing took back the mobile phone and put it in the bag, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

"It's the whole world."


"The whole world is experiencing this bloody rain at the same time..." Chen Jing stroked the raindrops stuck to the glass through the car window with his hand, and there was a hint of shock in his tone, "So you just asked me if I believe in the end of the world... Is there any need to ask?"

Isn't this the end of the world?

A doomsday for human civilization.


Suddenly, Li Mobai slammed the steering wheel, and the whole car drifted outwards almost sideways for five or six meters, and barely stabilized at the moment when it was about to hit the roadside guardrail.

"Can you drive?!"

Li Mobai honked the horn and cursed, not caring whether the driver of the jeep driving against the flow could hear him.

"You don't drive on the right road, you drive against the flow, right?!"

"Don't curse, he can't hear you." Chen Jing comforted, his face was a little nervous, but his tone was calm, "Drive slower, we are not in a hurry!"

To be honest, when drifting out before, Chen Jing really thought that the car he was sitting in was going to flip over, and he even almost called Bai Aji to save the situation.

But fortunately, it stabilized...

"Fuck him!"

Compared to before, Li Mobai's performance at this moment was a little abnormal, and his whole mood was indescribably irritable.

Chen Jing noticed this, but he didn't know why.

"Slow down."

Chen Jing looked at the chaotic road ahead and reminded in a low voice.

"It's so chaotic outside. If we drive faster, we might flip over at any time..."

"What a bad mouth." Li Mobai muttered.

The closer we got to the flattened ruins.

The more complicated the road conditions became.

Except for the official vehicles rushing to the rescue, almost all the cars on the road were heading out of the city. It was very rare to see "reverse driving" cars like Chen Jing and his team heading straight to the disaster site.

After being almost hit by an oncoming car for the fifth time, Li Mobai finally chose to listen to Chen Jing's advice and slow down.

Because if he didn't slow down, he felt that he would not be able to go to the scene to watch the excitement.

The journey used to take 20 minutes.

Now it took almost an hour and a half to get there.

When the Mercedes-Benz stopped, neither Li Mobai nor Chen Jing was in a hurry to get out of the car.

Looking at the endless ruins ahead, they only felt a little inexplicably depressed.

"Be careful." Li Mobai reminded, and then bravely opened the car door and walked down.

Chen Jing followed closely behind.

Qiao Youning also got out of the car carefully.

"How many people will die..."

Although Chen Jing is not a sentimental person, after witnessing the tragic situation of the ruins up close, he felt uncomfortable as if a stone was blocking his heart, and felt inexplicably sad.

At the same time.

Burning fireballs appeared in the sky again, and they were like meteors streaking across the sky and scattering, but this time the terrifying giant arm did not appear again...

Chen Jing barely saw the black outline in one of the fireballs, and his heart became more and more uneasy... These burning fireballs seemed to be satellites.

"The world is going to end." Li Mobai said suddenly, as if he had already reached a conclusion in his heart.

Chen Jing did not speak, but walked forward without saying a word until he stopped at the edge of the sinkhole.

Looking from above.

There is at least a drop of nearly 30 meters here.

It is almost nine stories high.

Standing here feels like standing on the edge of a cliff and looking down.

This is just a casual palm from them.

This is the destructive power.

I'm afraid that even if the old man from the other world comes, he can't stand it...

Suddenly, Chen Jing heard a rat chirping.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw hundreds of rats preparing to migrate along the underground pipeline that was broken due to the ground subsidence not far away.

And whenever a burning satellite passed by rapidly in the sky, these rats would stop all their movements at the same time, looking up at the flames across the sky in confusion.

The red light that lit up from time to time in the sky made the dirty water in the pipeline red...

But perhaps they were originally red.

It was all rainwater.

It also smelled fishy.

It was like the endless blood of the human world.

Chapter 79 The Ancient God Appeared

As more and more official personnel gathered at the scene, Chen Jing and Li Mobai could only walk around the edge of the palm-shaped giant pit for a while in order to avoid trouble, and then prepared to leave.

After Li Mobai got in the car, he opened the window and leaned out, shouting to Qiao Youning who was standing on the edge of the huge pit: "Don't stand there stupidly! Come with us!"

At this moment, the scarlet rainstorm in the sky has stopped.

The heavy rain clouds were blown away by the wind at a speed visible to the naked eye, but unlike the fresh air brought by the strong wind after the rain in the past, Chen Jing and the others could still smell the lingering smell of blood.

Qiao Youning stood there stupidly, staring at the ruins in front of her that could only be described as tragic. There was no expression on her face, and she was as dull as if she had lost consciousness.

For Qiao Youning.

The meaning of family is very vague.

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