"The change of every civilization in the universe begins with an exam."

"If you pass the exam, your civilization will advance."

“If you fail the exam, your civilization will be destroyed.”

"Number 073013 is in preparation for the plane biological leap exam."

"Candidates from all over this plane have been confirmed..."

"A total of 100 million people."

Chapter 87 Examiner·M

100 million people.

This is an amount that Chen Jing could not even imagine before.

He originally thought that this exam would only randomly select tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of humans to participate, but now it seems... he was still too conservative!

“Holy shit, there are 100 million people!”

Li Mobai didn't notice the change in Chen Jing's expression.

He was completely immersed in his own world, chattering excitedly and nervously, just like a senior high school student before rushing to the examination room...

"Competition is not easy." Li Mobai said loudly, as if he was very confident in himself, "But I think they are all a bunch of losers. I can definitely beat them!"


Chen Jing glanced at Li Mobai and felt that the "hanging hair" in his mouth seemed to include himself...

Has this grandson always been so confident?

"It turns out that the number of our world is plane 073013..."

Li Mobai was still studying the text information attentively, mumbling something in his mouth.

"The candidates come from all over the world...A Jing, do you think half of these candidates are old men?"


"Oh, after all, the aging population is so serious now. Maybe 50 million candidates are all old men and women who are half dead..."

"Probably not."

Chen Jing felt that Li Mobai's conjecture was a little too outrageous, but after thinking about it, he felt that maybe...after all, no one knew the nature of the examiner.

If He were the kind of Lord who was obsessed with fairness, it would really be possible to randomly select candidates from all over the world.

Old people and children are nothing.

Will people with disabilities be selected?

What about vegetative people?

"Fuck, I almost forgot that there's another person downstairs!"

After Li Mobai finished speaking, he hurriedly dragged Chen Jing out of the bedroom.

Downstairs, Qiao Youning was sitting on the sofa holding her cell phone in a daze, as if she hadn't yet understood what these text messages meant...

"Time is running out. I'll take her back to the city first. I'm almost ready there..." Li Mobai said, glancing at Qiao Youning.

He raised his chin impatiently.

"Go to the car and wait for me to take you back."


Qiao Youning nodded ignorantly. Her submissive character made her never have any opinion, especially in front of familiar people.

They won't hurt me anyway.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just be obedient?

Qiao Youning stood up silently and walked out of the house, but when she crossed the threshold, she couldn't help but look back at Chen Jing.

She seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it she fell silent.

In the end, she just held her phone and left without looking back.

"Then I'll go too." Li Mobai patted Chen Jing on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm quite relieved that you stay here. After all, this place is far away from people and there are few troubles."

"The city is probably in chaos." Chen Jing sighed.

"More than that..."

The corners of Li Mobai's mouth twitched, and he wanted to laugh inexplicably, but he didn't have the nerve to laugh.

But Chen Jing could still hear the feeling of gloating in his tone.

"I don't need to go back to see it. I know that the city must be very lively."

"When will you change your attitude of fearing chaos in the world... You still say you want to create a new world..." Chen Jing looked at him helplessly, feeling that he was unreliable from head to toe. Three words.

Li Mobai snorted nonchalantly, turned around and walked out of the house.

"It's rare for me to tell the truth from the bottom of my heart, but you still don't believe it... Don't tell anyone else! Otherwise, I will strangle you to death when I come back!"

"Are you afraid of exposing your secret?"

"Half and half, mainly because I feel quite ashamed..."

Li Mobai stopped and looked back at Chen Jing, his expression a little embarrassed.

"I got a little excited just now. It felt like I had drunk too much. I told you out of nowhere..."

Chen Jing didn't want to hear his explanation anymore, and waved his hand to urge him to leave quickly.

But before Li Mobai could take two steps, Chen Jing stopped him again.

"Wait, I almost forgot to ask you..."

"What?" Li Mobai stopped and turned to look at him.

"There must be other reasons why you brought Qiao Youning back to the city, right?"


This time, Li Mobai didn't hide anything anymore.

After all, he had already said so much to Chen Jing, so he didn't care to say a few more words.

"She has the potential to become a transcendent. Our association has noticed it a long time ago, so I have a mission when I return to China this time, which is to contact her."

Chen Dingding nodded, feeling that this answer sounded quite reliable, at least it matched all the clues he had noticed.

"And I also need allies. If I want to achieve something big, I'm not enough on my own..." Li Mobai smiled.

"Ally?" Chen Jing looked at him suspiciously.

"You will understand in the future. After these two days of work, I will pick you up. You should be able to find a safe area in the city. You can move there then."

After saying this, Li Mobai lit up a cigarette.

He raised his eyebrows at Chen Jing, left with a sly smile and left.

But just as he walked out of the door, he vaguely heard Chen Jing's voice behind him.

Like an instruction or a reminder.

"She is our classmate, still a little bitter melon seedling, with not much brain in her head, you should take care of her more... Don't hurt her."

Maybe Li Mobai heard it.

Maybe he didn't hear it.

Anyway, he never stopped for a moment, and ran straight to the parking place without looking back, and didn't look back at Chen Jing again on the way.

From beginning to end.

Chen Jing stood in the living room, looking at Li Mobai's back from a distance.

He didn't think his words were heavy.

Because he could feel... Li Mobai had changed.

Maybe he didn't have any ill will towards himself, but who could guarantee that he didn't have any ill will towards others around him?

The female extraordinary in Santana said.

He is a man who will do anything to get what he wants.

Although Chen Jing was reluctant to believe this fact, it was probably the case.

The tone and demeanor of his previous speech, the attitude of not caring about human life, really scared Chen Jing.

Qiao Youning is a good girl.

At least Chen Jing thought so.

Even if they had not contacted each other for so many years and were not real friends, Chen Jing did not want to see her just out of the knife mountain and into the fire pit.

What's more...

Maybe it was Chen Jing's illusion.

He always felt that Li Mobai was using her.

Maybe at some point, she would be abandoned by Li Mobai inexplicably.

Like a chess piece.

"Finally gone..."

Chen Jing watched the Mercedes-Benz car drive out of the village until the car completely disappeared from his sight, and Bai Aji, who had been hiding in the whistle, slowly appeared.

"That human... has a strong smell of blood..." Bai Aji's skeleton skull was suspended beside Chen Jing, with a curious expression on his hideous and twisted face.

Just as Chen Jing was about to say something, his phone suddenly vibrated again.

He hurriedly picked it up to check and found that the picture on the screen had changed.

It was no longer the previous text information.

It was... a video.

A thin figure in a robe appeared on the screen.

His face could not be seen clearly.

All he could see were his eyes that glowed faintly in the dark.

"I am the examiner, Mu."

Chapter 88 The First Law of Life in the Universe

Chen Jing had imagined what the examiner would look like.

Perhaps a humanoid creature.

Or perhaps some other strange species.

But in any case, Chen Jing had never thought that the examiner would look so... ordinary?


The examiner named "Mu" can only be described as unremarkable.

He was like an ordinary person, standing in a studio without lights on, wearing a gray cotton and linen robe and hiding in the shadows to be mysterious.

The language he spoke did not belong to any known human language.

But like the words that appeared in the sky, it sounded strange but could be understood inexplicably.

"I believe you are all confused now."

"Why has the world become like this?"

"Who are we?"

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