"What are we going to do to you again..."

The examiner seemed more like a human being than a god.

At least his way of communication made Chen Jing feel friendly, and there was no contempt or contempt for lower-level creatures in the words.

"Projection error..."

"Hold on……"

"Restart the dimension connection..."

When the examiner Mu finished these words, the phone screen instantly went dark.

But less than two seconds later, the examiner appeared again.

This time He did not appear in an electronic device such as a mobile phone.

But in Chen Jing's eyes.

Bai Aji's eyes.

in the eyes of all living things.

It's like some kind of projection on the eyeball.

The terrifying clarity, as if it was right before his eyes and at his fingertips, made Chen Jing shudder.

"To put it simply, the development of your human civilization has reached the 'red line'. Like other intelligent civilizations in the universe, you must pass a test before you can continue to reproduce..."

The examiner, Mu, was standing in front of Chen Jing, or so he felt.

But no matter how close the distance was, he found that he couldn't see the examiner's face clearly.

Under that robe, there seemed to be an indescribable nothingness.

"If you pass the exam, we will guide human civilization to leap forward and go to higher dimensions to survive and reproduce. If you fail the exam, human civilization will be completely destroyed by us, and we will even erase all traces of your existence."

Mu's words made Chen Jingdu feel a trace of sincere fear.

It's one thing to know the content of the exam from other sources, but it's another thing to hear it from the examiner's mouth.

Although His tone was always as calm as ever, these few understatement words gave people the feeling of announcing the end of a civilization.

"It's really going to be chaotic..."

Chen Jing looked at the examiner's projection in front of him with a dull expression, while Bai Aji beside him trembled and remained silent.

It didn't even dare to open its eyes and look, as if it was the most terrifying thing in the world to it.

"The end...the end is really coming!!"

"Why does he want to use an exam to determine the survival of our human civilization?! Does he really think of himself as a god?!"

"If you fail the exam...will everyone die?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I don't want to die..."

"What kind of exam is this?! Who is this examiner?!"

After the examiner announced the rewards and punishments for this exam.

Humanity all over the world is in panic.

Some people lost their minds and screamed out of fear on the streets, some roared hysterically at the examiner's projection, but more people were crying desperately and helplessly...

There are many artistic works about the "doomsday" in the world, whether they are novels based on text or movies presented through visual art... It can be said that most human beings are familiar with the theory of doomsday.

Many people have imagined it.

If the end really comes one day.

What will you do? What should be done?

It turns out.

Nothing can be done.

Despair is the most common emotion among human beings, and it is also an emotion that can spread like a virus...

"I believe you must be feeling very desperate right now, and even hate us alien visitors so much. We, the so-called creators, must be no different from demons in your eyes, right?"

The examiner seems to have insight into everything.

All human reactions seem to be seen by Him.

"It doesn't matter. All civilizations will treat us this way before going through the exam... Next, let me explain to you why I want you to participate in this cruel exam."

When the examiner Mu's words fell.

A huge silver ball of light appeared in front of Him out of thin air.

The diameter of the light ball is about one meter, and the whole body emits light as bright as the Milky Way.

This ball of light seems to be composed of countless hair-thin lines.

The first time it appeared, it began to rotate, expand, contract... repeating this series of changes.

"In all dimensions of the known universe, there is an eternal basic law. We call it the 'First Law of Life'... Its existence cannot even be explained by us, the creators, just like you cannot completely Explain the laws of physics in your understanding.”

The first law of life?

This strange vocabulary is extremely unfamiliar to Chen Jing. This seems to be the first time he has heard of it.

“The total amount of civilization in all dimensions in the universe is constant.”

"For example... this number is one hundred, then the number of intelligent civilization groups that can exist at the same time in the entire universe will always be one hundred."

"While these one hundred civilized groups exist, there will no longer be any intelligent creatures born in any world."

"If one of the civilizations is destroyed, the vacant quota will randomly allow a certain world or dimension in the universe to give birth to a new group of intelligent creatures."

“And this is the meaning of our existence as examiners.”

"When a certain civilization develops to the 'redline', we will conduct a test on the civilization."

"This test may be cruel to you, but it is necessary... You must prove that you are qualified to continue civilization."

The examiner paused slightly when he said this.

"In fact, the biological leap test of your human civilization should not start until five thousand years later, but after our observation, you must enter this test in advance..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was a little confused.

A test five thousand years later...why should it be advanced to now?

Is there any special reason?

"According to our observation, human civilization is special and even extremely rare in the entire universe...your moral level and life concept have not made much progress in thousands of years, and are even regressing."

His tone was calm and helpless.

"Human civilization is one of the few civilizations in the known universe that kills its own kind."

"In your seemingly brilliant civilization, we can't see the existence of any biological equality. If the leap test is held five thousand years later, almost all examiners can foresee...you will start a war in the interstellar space."


"This is an atrocity that must not exist in the universe."

"So the [Creator Council] unanimously decided to increase the 'leap red line' index of human civilization and bring this test forward by five thousand years...that is, now."

"Before your morality completely collapses, before your cosmic values ​​are finalized..."

The examiner Mu's eyes seemed to penetrate the dimensional space and reach the depths of every human soul.

That kind of heart-wrenching and compassionate look.

It made countless theists cry and repent of their sins.

"Prove it to us."

"Prove to us that your civilization is worth continuing."

"Prove to us that you can save yourself."

"Prove to us..."

"You can still be saved."

Chapter 89 Gray Fog in the Mountain

The universe is like a farm full of carrot pits, and all intelligent civilizations are carrots occupying the pits...

One carrot, one pit, never more, never less.

Chen Jing looked at the projection of the examiner in front of him in silence, and felt that the universe was much more cruel than he had imagined.

All civilizations have developed to a certain extent.

They must go through an exam.

Only by passing the exam will they be recognized by them, and continue to reproduce and thrive, and even go to a higher dimension...

If you fail the exam, you will lose the right to survive.

In simple terms.

If you fail the exam, it will be the end of the world.

Then you can make room for other civilizations that have not yet been born.

This approach...

Is it because you are afraid that some civilizations will occupy the toilet without shitting?

"Can anyone really pass the exam five thousand years in advance?" Chen Jing murmured in confusion. Although he had experienced the internal test sneak, he still had no confidence in this exam.

At this time, the chief examiner Mu's speech was almost over.

The silver ball of light suspended in front of Him began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There are still 191 hours before the biological leap test begins. I hope everyone can prepare in the last minute..."

After saying this.

The chief examiner Mu disappeared from the eyes of Chen Jing and all the creatures.

As if she had never appeared.

"191 hours..."

Chen Jing murmured, and hurriedly called up his personal test panel, staring at the countdown that appeared on the light screen.


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 191 hours, 4 minutes and 21 seconds]


"Sure enough, it's synchronized..." Chen Jing raised his hand and gently stroked the emotionally unstable Bai Aji, and his mind had already begun to calculate, "It will be transmitted into the other world in nearly eight days..."

In fact, thinking back.

Chen Jing found that he was also quite unlucky.

From the moment I returned to the real world, troubles came one after another. In just two or three days...

I had to deal with Smith and his group, and then I went to a class reunion, and then the world ended inexplicably.

I didn't even have a chance to breathe.

"Two worlds..." Bai Aji suddenly murmured in a low voice.

The observations in recent days seem to have made it realize that the inner world and the outer world are different.

So the master is taking me to travel between the two worlds?

Bai Aji looked at Chen Jing in confusion, and felt that this kind of travel between dimensions...seemed to have happened more than once.

"Don't tell others." Chen Jing patted Bai Aji's head gently. Even if he was telling him something fatal, his tone was still gentle, "This is our secret."

Bai Aji didn't understand so much.

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