Since the master said so, then of course I have to listen to the master, not to mention... what qualifications do other people have to communicate with me?

As an ancient race that was once active in the old days.

Bai Aji has a natural sense of superiority in front of other creatures, just like humans look at those uncivilized monkeys.

"I'll go back to the house to clean up first, you help me keep an eye on the outside, remember to call me if there is any emergency."


"By the way..."

Chen Jing took out two bags of unopened potato chips from his backpack, helped Bai Aji tear open the packaging, and then handed it to it.

"You seem to like this." Chen Jing said a little embarrassedly, thinking of not letting Bai Aji eat anything good these days, he felt ashamed in his heart, "When we return to the other world, I will take you to eat other delicious food!"

Bai Aji whimpered twice, rubbed his head against Chen Jing's face intimately, and there was a human expression on his hideous and twisted face.

Just like a child who is valued by adults.

He smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed.

He tilted his head and opened his mouth wide, waiting for Chen Jing to feed him.

"From what Li Mobai said... he will come over again... how should I explain to him..." Chen Jing picked up the potato chips and poured them into Bai Aji's mouth, thinking bitterly.

According to his original plan.

He will settle down here after returning to Sentinel Ridge.

Because the old man has set up a barrier in Dongshan Water Pond, no one can enter that place except him.

So during the exam, it is safest to use that place as a crossing point.

What's more, it can be used as a safe haven...

After feeding Bai Aji, Chen Jing went back to the house and started packing his luggage, especially those shameful things, which naturally had to be taken to the barrier of Dongshan Water Pond and hidden first.

For example, the camera left by the old man.

The toys made by his grandmother for him when he was a child.

The photos taken from childhood to adulthood.

There are also some scattered things that carry many memories.

Maybe they are not worth much.

But Chen Jing thinks that there is nothing more precious than them in the world.

Especially after the apocalypse...

Chen Jing did not intend to let this apocalypse affect them, at least they should not be destroyed so early.

After all, he was a person who was extremely nostalgic, so taking them to the barrier of Dongshan Water Pond and hiding them was the only option.

After Chen Jing packed up these sundries, he carefully calculated and found that these items that seemed to take up little space almost filled three suitcases.

If Chen Jing had not transformed into an old descendant, with his weak scholar physique at the time, he would probably have collapsed from exhaustion when he had just packed halfway.

"Let's go."

Chen Jing tied all the suitcases to Bai Aji's back with ropes, then patted its head and raised his hand to point to the direction of Dongshan Water Pond.

Bai Aji raised his head and let out a long whistle similar to the neighing of a horse, and then began to slowly flap his wings.

The wing membrane full of holes did not seem to affect its flight.

In the process of taking off from the ground, Chen Jing unexpectedly found that he could not feel any wind sitting on Bai Aji's back.

It was like walking on a flat ground without wind.

In one word, stable!

"No wonder those ancient records say that Bai Aji is a divine horse, and even those old gods admire it..." Chen Jing lay on Bai Aji's back, hugged its neck tightly and dared not let go, "This kind of riding experience... I have to give it a full score..."

In fact, Chen Jing is a little afraid of heights.

But on Bai Aji's back, I don't know if it's because the flight is too stable, which makes people feel safe, or for some other reason... Chen Jing found that his fear of heights seemed to be cured.

Even if he was thousands of meters above the ground, he still didn't feel much fear, but instead felt an indescribable excitement.

Everything on the ground was shrinking in his sight.

Houses, mountains.

Everything was seen by him from a perspective he had never experienced before.

"What is that..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing looked at a certain direction of the mountains, and saw that the forest was filled with a lot of dark gray fog...

Those fogs were definitely not formed naturally.

At least Chen Jing had never seen them in the mountains.

It was like a soft gray scarf dancing in the woods with the wind.

From the sky, it looked like a turbulent water surface, with waves surging and rolling, as if it would swallow up the entire mountain.

Above the gray fog that was surging like a living thing.

Chen Jing vaguely saw a hollow and unfamiliar face.

Like a giant's face.

It almost occupied half of the mountain.

Chen Jing was still a little confused, but Bai Aji recognized the face, or rather... it identified the ancient and dangerous aura.

In Chen Jing's heart, Bai Aji almost screamed.

I saw that its flying speed suddenly increased, heading straight for the direction of the Dongshan Pond.

"It's them!!"

"They are coming!!!"

Chapter 90 The truth about the old man's fake death

After a brief exchange.

Chen Jing roughly understood who Bai Aji was talking about "them".

It did not just refer to the high and mighty examiner.

It refers to the entire group of examiners...

On that huge and terrifying face, Bai Aji smelled a similar aura to that of the examiner, just like the terrifying giants he saw outside the national highway when he left the city the day before.

The aura was exactly the same.

They all came from the distant sky.

Ancient and mysterious.

It's daunting.

"They haven't completely descended into this world yet..." Bai Aji seemed to remember something in a trance, and his tone was still filled with undisguised fear, "Let's find a place to hide quickly... Otherwise, they will find us!"

"Why did those things come to our Sentinel Ridge?" Chen Jing asked puzzled.

According to the experience gained along the way, Chen Jing found that those ancient and mysterious creatures almost only appeared in places where humans were densely active, such as cities...

Like Sentinel Ridge, a deserted wilderness.

Is it necessary for them to come?

"I don't know..." Bai Aji didn't seem to understand this either. After it distanced itself from the terrifying face, its emotions calmed down a little, "They shouldn't have found us..."

"Are you sure?" Chen Jing asked worriedly.

"They haven't completely descended yet, and their perception of this world should be extremely vague... I seem to have dealt with them, but I can't remember."

At the end, Bai Aji's tone became confused.

Chen Jing knew that no matter how many questions he asked, he might not get an answer, so he bravely looked back again.

The human face made of thick gray fog had already floated a hundred meters above the ground, but the direction it was facing was not where he was.

"What is it staring at the ground for..." Chen Jing looked puzzled.

At this moment, the face had turned around.

It looked down at the ground from a high place, giving people the feeling that... it was looking for something.

"Isn't that thing looking for us?" Chen Jing was still a little worried.

Bai Aji thought about it and said it shouldn't.


These two words don't mean 100%.

"That mountain... Is it looking for the old man?!"

Chen Jing seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

Because he suddenly realized...

That mountain...

Isn't it the mass grave where the old man was "buried"? !

Thinking of the words left by the old man in the letter, Chen Jing instantly connected all the information together.

“I faked my death not to avoid those scumbags of the [Ether Association], but to avoid the inspection of the examiner’s superiors… Don’t look for me blindly, there is no need.”

That’s right.

The old man should have foreseen this day long ago.

That terrifying face was most likely looking for the old man.


Chen Jing suddenly called out to Bai Aji.

At this moment, they were below the East Mountain area of ​​Sentinel Ridge.

But because the fog in the mountains was too dense, Chen Jing could not directly see the pond that the old man mentioned from high altitude.

Fortunately, Chen Jing had been to that place when he was a child.

So according to the details in his memory, he carefully identified it and quickly found the location of the pond.

“Go down.” Chen Jing said.

Bai Aji nodded and began to descend rapidly with Chen Jing in a dive.

I have to say.

Bai Aji really deserves the title of “Shenjun”.

From beginning to end, Chen Jing did not feel any discomfort when he was carried on its back.

Even when Bai Aji dived down rapidly, he did not feel the weightlessness that he should have.

He landed even more smoothly.

There was no sound at all.

There was no inertia of a sudden stop.

Everything was so natural.

"Let's go to the pond first. Since the old man has foreseen what happened today, the barrier he set up may be able to block their perception. We should not be discovered hiding there..."

Chen Jing said to Bai Aji as if talking to himself, and then glanced around the dense forest around him, and soon found an old road covered by weeds in this dense forest.

"Let's go!"

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