Soon, the two arrived at the scene. All the people were excited and shouted, "Kill the life! Shoot this villain!" "Death penalty! Must be executed!" "What a beast..." "Kill it! Kill it!..." "Kill it!" ... Qin Yuan was also very curious, how much public resentment could make so many people shout for it to be executed? "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! His Majesty the Emperor is here, can't you see? Get out of the way!"

With a nearly six-meter-tall rhinoceros beetle leading the way, the road was unobstructed

Qin Yuan was also shocked when he saw the scene

A little girl was lying on the ground, her lower body was bright red, blood was flowing from her brain, her face was pale, and she had obviously been dead for a long time

Next to him stood a male insect man wearing an apron, his nose and face were bruised, and there were bruises all over his body, and there was still undried egg liquid thrown on his hair

His eyes were dull and he looked like he was not in a good mental state. Of course, it is not ruled out that he was pretending

The key is that he was holding a bloody fruit knife in his hand, and his gloves and apron were stained with blood

The only thing missing was to write "I am a prisoner" on his face

This is not normal

Very abnormal

It murmured

"What's wrong... woo woo woo.... What's wrong?... Don't hit me"

Pretending to be mentally ill?


In the Qin Empire, whether you are mentally ill or a minor, you will be treated the same. If you deserve the death penalty, you will be sentenced to death. If you deserve castration, you will be sentenced to castration

Qin Yuan frowned and began to issue orders

"Come on, seal off this place, no one is allowed to leave"

Hundreds of insect men wearing military armor appeared from the dark and surrounded everyone

The crowd suddenly became chaotic

"What are you doing? I'm just a spectator, let me out"

"I still have to go home to take care of my kids"

"The gas at home is not turned off, please make some concessions"



Qin Yuan spoke again in a strong manner

"Whoever dares to break in will be killed without mercy"

"If you dare to do it, throw him directly to the prison"

There is no human rights in the prison of the Qin Empire. If you treat prisoners well, you have to make them pay the price

The first rule of the prison is: prisoners should not be treated as human beings, but as prisoners

"What happened? Anyone who saw what happened just now, please come out and tell me in detail."

Seeing that no one dared to come forward, Qin Yuan held out a finger

"The first person who tells me will be rewarded with 1 jin of gold"

"My Lord! I know"

"Your Majesty, I saw the whole process"

"Your Majesty, it was like this, before dawn this morning, when I got up to open the breakfast shop, I heard a noise in the alley, and I ran over to take a look"

"This insect man was lying on this little girl, kissing and touching her"

"I called the patrol team to arrest him on the spot, but this guy pretended to be crazy and refused to admit it. The patrol team didn't know how to deal with it, so they stood there in order not to destroy the scene"

"This beast didn't even let go of a little girl of a few years old. Not only did he insult her, but he also brutally killed her. This... They are not human beings, they are simply beasts."

"Yes! I think these insect people are beasts and should be driven out."


Qin Yuan turned his eyes. His ears were very good. Even if it was just a muttering, he could hear it clearly.

It was a young man wearing a hip-hop hat, who looked like a teenager.

"It seems that he needs discipline. Come on! Send that boy to the juvenile detention center for 3 years first. Don't let him out until he is reformed."

The hip-hop boy didn't expect to go to the juvenile detention center for three years in one sentence. He begged for mercy.

"I'm still a child! No! Help! ..."

But no one dared to pay attention anymore. The onlookers shut up one after another, fearing that they would be involved.

They just remembered that

the super handsome guy in front of them who looked exactly like a human was an insect man!

And he was the emperor of this country!

Speaking badly of insect people in front of it?

It's really like lighting a lantern in the toilet

Seeking death!

Qin Yuan looked at his capable assistant, the rhinoceros beetle

"Rhinoceros beetle, didn't you smell anything strange when you came here this morning?"

The rhinoceros beetle began to glance upwards, and his fingers unconsciously slid up and down his cheeks. He remembered

"When I came here this morning, there seemed to be a smell of lavender?"

Sure enough

Although the smell was very faint, it could prove that there was a third person at the crime scene

"Everyone stay where you are. The rhinoceros beetle smells, is there any familiar smell among these people?"

The rhinoceros beetle twitched his nose and quickly picked out three people from the crowd of hundreds of people

A girl in school uniform, a middle-aged uncle with glasses, and a thin middle-aged woman

The rhinoceros beetle leaned forward with a sense of oppression

"Uncle with glasses, are you still not going to confess?"

The uncle knelt down on the ground with a snap

"I was wrong! PleaseDon't kill me, I still want to live!"

He didn't expect that the insect man had a physical method to solve the case

He smelled it with his nose

At the same time, he confessed everything truthfully. Last night, he raped a little girl, and the girl resisted violently and was accidentally killed by him

Then the not-so-good-brained insect man was making supper. When he heard the noise and rushed to the scene, the little girl was already dead

The insect man who others saw was kissing and touching the little girl, and it was the insect man who did artificial respiration and chest compression for the little girl for a whole night

Unfortunately, he failed to save the little girl in the end

Everyone misunderstood the insect man

The crowd was speechless

The real murderer who killed the little girl turned out to be a handsome old man with eyes who was usually polite

It was not the mentally retarded insect man who killed him

Seeing that the criminal had been caught

Everyone wanted to leave, but the insect man who blocked the road outside remained indifferent and trapped them tightly inside

They immediately quit

"The real murderer has been caught, why are you still surrounding us?"

"Yes! Get out of the way, I still have to go home and give my cat a bath!"

"My son's dog food hasn't been poured out yet, don't block it"

"Are you all right? We haven't broken the law, why are you stopping us here?"

Qin Yuan half turned his body and looked at them with murderous eyes

"Who gave you the illusion that you didn't break the law?"

In my territory

It is a crime to slander others

It is a crime to assault others

It is an even greater crime to instigate others

The law is for all

If one person commits a crime, I will kill him, and if a million people commit a crime, I will kill them too!


It is called professionalism!

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