Everyone started to classify, and Qin Yuan personally sentenced them

"Purely spectators, innocent and can leave"

"The first category, those who do not know the truth, verbally abuse, and criticize, will be sentenced to 1 month to 6 months in prison"

The first blow to becoming an emperor is to kill keyboard warriors

"The second category, those who do not know the truth and have substantial attacks, including throwing eggs and cabbage, will be sentenced to 6 months to 36 months in prison, depending on the severity of the circumstances"

"The third category, those who incite public opinion and guide public anger will be sentenced to 3 to 20 years in prison, and will be convicted as the main plotter and accomplice"

"The fourth category, those who have all of the above circumstances, will be punished for multiple crimes, and there is no upper limit for the superposition"

"The above is the plan I gave, you"

"Who is in favor, who is against ?”

“Your Majesty...isn’t this sentence...too heavy...”

Qin Yuan turned around and saw an old man who was about to be buried


“Words are invisible and the most deadly”

“When they hurt people with their words, have they ever thought about the consequences?”

“Even the heroes who saved people dare to bully them at will? If you hurt others at will, you don’t have to take responsibility”

“Then what is the law for?”

“This is the first time that the sentence is light. If you commit a crime in Daqin, you will be sentenced three times this standard”

“Who else has objections now?”

No one spoke

“Okay, then it’s settled”

“By the way, if you raise a question, you will be sentenced to one month more”


The people present all looked bitter when they heard this

One month more for one opinion?

Who the hell raised an opinion?

That’s good now

Another month more!

"But.....we implement humane office work, and compensation to victims can exempt part of the punishment, such as the extra month I just added can be exempted"

When the aunt heard that there was such a good thing, she ran to the insect man with a basket without saying a word, wiping tears and crying

"Young man, I'm sorry! I blamed you wrongly. These eggs are delicious. Just consider it as compensation from me"

Qin Yuan continued to speak

"The compensation standard is set by the insect guard team. Don't try to play those tricks. Moreover, transactions can only use the new currency of the insect empire now. The old currency is invalid"

The aunt smiled awkwardly when she heard this, and half of her hand stretched out for the basket and then pulled it back

"You've eaten the eggs, so I'll pay you!"


After solving this matter, the Qin Law was also posted on bulletin boards everywhere, and its implementation also aroused discussions among the public

Trafficking women and children, death penalty

Rape of women, castration. Those with serious circumstances will be sentenced to death (young girls, castration + death penalty)

Mental illness, murder and arson, can be sentenced to death

Those over 2 years old who commit serious crimes can be sentenced to death

Those who spread rumors and slander will be sentenced to 9 months to life imprisonment depending on the severity of the circumstances, and those with particularly serious circumstances will be sentenced to death

At a glance, the last two words are: death penalty!

The Insect Empire advocates martial spirit, and conflicts can be fought on the life-and-death arena

But those who actively provoke trouble can be killed in self-defense and are innocent

In troubled times, severe punishments should be used

The criminal law is very severe, but the law is only used for people who violate the law and commit crimes

Normal people cannot use it. In order to prevent abuse of power and false and wrongful convictions, each prisoner has a patrol officer to do the final prison inspection


Every death row prisoner must be personally interrogated by a legion commander before the execution

Specialized prison systems and monitoring forms are being established urgently

Qin Yuan met with Jin Lina again and made the final explanation

"Lina, let me tell you a little about the brain worm. If you want to achieve multi-location contact in the future, you must have Only brainworms can do it"

"You find a way to improve the ability of brainworms. In the future, I will find more brainworms and build a mental network."

Whether it is the real virtual world or the wireless mental signal tower, the future will be built by brainworms, even the war encryption network, and they can be seen everywhere.

"I will temporarily leave all the pets to you to take care of, and I will go to Dongxing City alone."

"Master, although I know you are very strong, your physical condition does not seem optimistic."

"Let's take Canglong with you, so that you can take care of it."

Qin Yuan has not had the opportunity to replenish the life force he consumed last time, causing his hair to remain white.


Will this little problem affect his 999 sword?

"It's okay, let it stay."


After explaining a few things about future development, Qin Yuan spread his wings and took off from the ground.

Starting a new journey.


Spread your wings and fly in the blue sky

In the air

Reach out and touch the soft clouds

Enjoy the free wind and shout




The sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish jump


It's still cool to be a lone ranger! Not thatSo many things to pay attention to

At least

I am free

I don't have to think about future crises

What doomsday crisis? What future disaster? What human race, Zerg race? Protoss?

I don't give a shit!

Screw morality!

Go away, conscience!

As long as I have no morality, I will no longer be kidnapped by morality

As long as I have no conscience, I will not be controlled by the saint!

This feeling

is really


Qin Yuan unconsciously swiped his arms twice in the air and accelerated again

"Speed ​​up!"

"Runaway mode·on"

I'm going to start speeding!


There was a sonic boom in the sky, the surrounding clouds were shattered, and three white circular patterns emerged

The whole person shot out like a rocket

He opened a path in the clouds

At a speed of several thousand meters per second, he broke through the white clouds in just a few minutes, and was blocked by a huge forest in front of him

He braked suddenly and stopped suddenly

Looked up at the giant forest in front of him


"Where is this?"

Oh no

I'm too excited!

It seems

I'm lost


"Ah~ Trouble..."

The earth now is not the little blue ball it used to be. It has expanded dozens of times

The flowers and grass have evolved

Why can't the blue planet evolve?

The consequence of the evolution of Blue Star is that the whole world is evolving crazily, and the continent has expanded dozens or hundreds of times.

"But the direction should be correct?"

I can only try my luck to see if there is anyone there.

"Underworld Ancient Emperor Domain·Open"


The invisible domain unfolds and spreads to the surrounding area within 20 kilometers.

Qin Yuan closed his eyes to feel all the useful information, and suddenly noticed an unusual breath.

"This... This is!"


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