The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 138: The food chain still exists

"No matter how they mutate, the food chain still exists, right?"

These righteous words convinced Xu Zhiyong.

Xu Zhiyong felt that Li Yi was not unreasonable.

He nodded, pointed at the mutated geese and said: "Stew two of these things, and let your second brother take care of the remaining two. When Zhang Jianye and the others come back to Binghai City, they will be responsible for establishing an exotic beast courtyard to manage the aliens." beast."

Li Yi: "??"

Shouldn't the boss leave the strange beasts under his control?

This was the real reason why he tried so hard to persuade the boss not to kill all the geese.

After all, although his second brother didn't help hunt the geese this time, it was already a great reward for him to be responsible for saving lives.

Not to mention that his second brother's escape speed was incredible.

Xu Zhiyong saw through Li Yi's mind at a glance and said: "If your proposal is adopted, I will reward you with two hundred points. But I did not let you be responsible for the alien beasts, mainly because your force value cannot be controlled. Alien beasts are no better than alien plants. Beasts have more animalistic nature and are more likely to hurt people. Even after mutating, most of the plant species have a more Buddhist-like temperament."

Xu Zhiyong's words about force value instantly made Li Yi realize that he was a hard worker without special powers.

However, Boss Wang and Li Yi had different reactions. He always felt that the boss's words meant something.

After Xu Zhiyong left, Boss Wang murmured to his brother Li.

"Do you think what the boss said to Li Yi just now is a bit strange?"

At this time, the five people had returned to the dormitory, and Li Yi was not there either. They were wiping the hot sweat on their bodies with water while thinking about what had just happened at the school gate.

Then he shook his head at Boss Wang in confusion.

Boss Wang said sadly: "A bunch of idiots, think about it carefully, Li Yi has no powers. Isn't it the familiar saying that you are an ordinary person, or you have no powers, etc. Why don't the bosses mention this? Just want to say that Li Yi's military force is low?"

"The more I think about it, the less simple it becomes."

The remaining four people "..."

They feel that their elder brother has a lot of drama.

However, due to the power of Boss Wang, the four of them did not express this view at this time, and they all nodded and said: "Yes, what the elder brother said makes sense."

Anyway, if they agree with what the elder brother says, they won't get hit on the head or be called stupid.

Boss Wang glanced at his younger brothers with simple minds and well-developed limbs.

The more I looked at it, the more heartbroken I became.

It seems that the wisdom inheritance of their old Wang family has fallen on his shoulders.

From now on, we can only let him use the wisdom of their old Wang family.

On the other side, Li Yi was blocked by the survivors of the town.

Probably because Li Yi seems to be very approachable and loves to answer their questions.

So the survivors in the town were thick-skinned, so they pulled Li Yi and started to inquire about the news behind their base.

"Brother Li, what is the name of your base?"

I asked this person if he planned to follow Li Yi and the others to Binghai City.

He also thought clearly that if Li Yi and the other strong men from Binghai City left, the town would be faced with attacks from strange beasts or zombies, as well as man-eating trees from time to time, and it would be difficult to survive.

So when he goes to Binghai City to inquire about it, if Li Yi and their base are really powerful, he plans to join their base.

If you want to find out if this base works, how can you not know the name of the base?

However, this problem made Li Yi feel bad.

What's wrong with asking? I have to ask about the name of the base.

Haven't you seen that people like them usually skip conversations when they can?

Li Yineng opened his mouth and told this person that their base had a very personalized name.

It’s called ‘What the hell is a safe base’?

He trembled when he thought about what he would see after spitting out this name, he couldn't imagine it!

While Xu Zhiyong and the others were thinking about raising exotic plants and animals in this small town, the infrastructure construction activities in Binghai City were proceeding like a fire.

"It's clear, it's clear, the water is clear!"

"What the hell is this safe base?" A series of happy voices sounded.

Guan Caiwei looked at the clear and clean water flowing out of the water pipe and nodded with satisfaction.

"Although the technology can only supply cold water for the time being, the weather is hot now, so it basically has no impact."

Wen Shanshan and Ye Qi were also very happy.

"After they find a way to connect electricity to our base later, won't they be able to find a way to connect hot water?"

"My wife is right!" Ye Qi echoed his wife's words with a smile.

Guan Caiwei felt slightly envious as she looked at the loving look of their couple.

I couldn't help but think of Xu Zhiyong, who had been away from the base for several days.

I don’t know how this man is doing now.

She may be the person who knows Xu Zhiyong best in the world besides Xu Zhiyong.

Therefore, Guan Caiwei is not worried about Xu Zhiyong's danger.

Just some faint thoughts.

"Did Base Chief Xu say how many points will be awarded to those people?"

Wen Shanshan looked envious.

Points will definitely be awarded, and those points can be used to buy nice things.

Even the most important food, most needed for survival in the last days, can be piled in a big pile.

It's a pity that although she cooks for the base commander and the others and eats as much as a quilt every day, she doesn't have much food in store.

Originally, her husband went out to collect supplies with other people at the base, and his income was not bad.

As a result, he was accidentally attacked by a second-level speed zombie. After he was injured, he spent hundreds of points to buy an antidote. The supplies he finally saved were sold because he collected points.

"Li Yi is not here. He proposed this plan and provided some technology. The reward given to him is a big head."

Looking at Wen Shanshan's appearance, Guan Caiwei thought of Li Yi's appearance when he proposed to restore the water supply.

"If Li Yi were here, he would jump up with excitement." Ye Qi chuckled and said: "It's a pity that this kid doesn't know why, and he has become less and less important."

Guan Caiwei shook her head and said, "Let's go and give rewards to the heroes who restored the water supply this time."

Wen Shanshan suddenly remembered something and said: "It's a pity that their team owes a lot of antidote. I'm afraid this point reward can only satisfy the ear addiction?"

"Haha!" Ye Qi suddenly remembered this. "Then they will have to die in despair."

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Li Yi sneezed several times in a row, sniffed, and said in a muffled voice: "There must be someone scolding me behind my back?"

He stretched out his chopsticks towards the goose meat and said, "I need to eat two more pieces to make up for my wounded heart."

Xu Zhiyong: "."

As the most powerful person, he killed two geese in the school and half of them ended up here.

He felt that he didn't throw Li Yi away with a wave of his hand, all because of his own kindness.

Li Yi suddenly felt a chill on his back. He glanced at the big man's expression silently, quickly pretended not to notice, and pushed the plate with goose meat in the direction of the big man.

He said with a concerned look on his face: "Boss, you have worked hard catching geese, so you should eat more."

Xu Zhiyong's face looked better. This kid finally had some self-awareness.

"Hehe, hehe." Li Yi looked up with a silly smile on his face, but secretly thought in his heart that he was lucky enough to escape.

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