The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 139: Level 3 Zombies

It took Zhang Jianye, Wei Qin and others five or six days to come back.

During this period, the small town school encountered attacks from zombie animals and man-eating trees.

After just one meeting, Xu Zhiyong solved him.

The most dangerous thing is to encounter a third-level zombie.

The town's superpowers almost despaired the moment they discovered the third-level zombies.

Now everyone is still worried.

"That's a third-level zombie."

"In the end, Captain Xu slapped his head to pieces."

"I thought we were going to be wiped out."

"Before the end of the world, people in big cities were powerful. Unexpectedly, after the end of the world, people with super powers in big cities would be even more powerful."

The small town survivors got together and talked loudly.

Some survivors who were less likely to starve to death because there were more supplies for survival in the countryside and mountains were determined to go to Binghai City.

Yes, living in the countryside has more food, not to mention that every household in the countryside has a granary.

Even if the food goes bad in a few years and relies on the mountains, there will always be some food in the mountains that can still be eaten.

But you have to be alive first before you can have a chance to talk about eating.

The man-eating trees in the mountains are becoming more and more powerful, and there will be more man-eating trees attacking human gathering places later.

This time they escaped because of Xu Zhiyong.

After Xu Zhiyong left with his people, the people in the small town were unable to stop the attacks.

Here, Xu Zhiyong and Zhang Jianye are having a meeting.

Wei Qin: "Most of the women we sent back this time brought their families to join our team."

"These people are all based on our strength. Along the way, they have a general understanding of our strength. It is normal for them to choose us. But does our base need to accept so many people?"

Zhang Jianye was a little worried that there were too many people and the base could not afford it.

Wei Qin saw his worries and smiled: "As long as these people are not lazy, even if they work together to fight some first-level zombies, they can still get some crystal cores. With the crystal cores, it is not difficult to buy some food to fill their stomachs in the mission hall. At least alive."

"If you save hard, you can also buy some awakening liquid for your family members who don't have powers, or prepare antidotes for yourself."

Xu Zhiyong nodded: "There is still no need to worry about food, not to mention that our base is also researching planting."

"We will charge as much as we want, as long as these people don't deliberately cause trouble in the base and abide by the rules of the base."

Xu Zhiyong looked at Wei Qin and said: "Go and make statistics and see how many survivors in the town want to leave with us. You are not limited to joining our base. You can also bring those who want to join us."

Compared with those survivors, Xu Zhiyong knew that the town had less than a thousand people. In this group of zombie animals, strange beasts, man-eating trees, strange plants, and the occasional zombies, the survivors of the town wanted to survive. down, unless their abilities are always improved beyond the previous ones. Otherwise, destruction will only happen sooner or later.

"Okay, I will gather everyone later and count the number of people. Boss, when will we set off? When counting the number of people, we will inform them of the departure time so that they can prepare." Wei Qin thought about leaving time for those in the town. The survivors pack their bags and get ready to go.

"Leave in two days."

After finding some medicinal herbs last time, Xu Zhiyong also planned to see if he could find some mutated fruit trees.

I wonder if fruit trees will still bear fruit after mutating?

Is there any problem after people eat the fruit produced?

"Okay, boss."

Xu Zhiyong looked at Zhang Jianye and thought of the two big white geese following Li Yi.

If it weren't for the third-level alien plants that were always following him and tying them up at night, I'm afraid these two big white geese would still come out and hurt people.

He said to Zhang Jianye: "We caught four mutated white geese a few days ago. The school ate two of them and left two for you to keep for breeding."

"Raise, breed?"

Mutated goose?

Zhang Jianye feels that the world is a bit fantasy.

This is the end of the world, and we can still change from raising ordinary ducks and geese to raising mutant ducks and geese.

Prosperous and in a trance!

Wei Qin laughed sullenly, seeming to feel mystified by these words.

"This opinion was proposed by Li Yi. I asked him to teach the alien plant to write. Unexpectedly, he accepted a third-level alien plant as a helper, so when he saw the mutated white goose, Li Yi wanted to stay and try it. , after all, mutant beasts have stronger attack power."

Of course, Li Yi would not tell the two people in front of him that he could sense through his mental power that the third-order alien plant was entirely for the crystal core.

Helping in a fight may depend on its mood, but when Li Yi encounters trouble, he will still save his life, but the latter is completely succumbing to his own power.


Wei Qin and Zhang Jianye were both shocked.

What kind of bad luck did that kid Li Yi have to accept a third-level alien plant as a helper?

This is simply. …

Neither of them knew what to say.

"Originally, Li Yi proposed to raise exotic beasts for himself. However, considering his strength, I handed over this matter to your team."

Xu Zhiyong said matter-of-factly: "Your team's overall strength is good, and breeding mutant beasts is more suitable."

"And the base will allocate five hundred points to you as salary every month. As for how to allocate it to team members, it depends on you. Will you accept this base task? If not, I can find someone else. It is not a mandatory task. .”

Zhang Jianye glanced at Wei Qin who was eager to try next to him, and quickly agreed: "Take over, base director, our team will take over."

Xu Zhiyong nodded with satisfaction and said: "Don't worry, this is to contribute to the base, and I won't treat you badly. When you return to the base, you will build a breeding garden. In the future, as the breeding garden expands, I will increase your wages."

"Of course, it is best to develop into a profitable industry that produces and sells its own products."

"This is a long process. As long as you don't give up or lose heart, I believe it will come true one day."

Xu Zhiyong’s casual words of encouragement should mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

But Zhang Jianye's blood boiled when he heard the beast's blood boiling. He wished he could develop the breeding industry now. Thinking about the scenes of countless mutant beasts, how could he not be excited in his heart.

"By the way, boss, since we are leaving in two days, I now apply to take my team members out."

Xu Zhiyong "??"

Seeing the confusion on Xu Zhiyong's face, he didn't seem to react to Zhang Jianye's sudden jump in topic. He quickly explained: "I plan to take the team members to catch some pigs. It doesn't matter if they mutate or not, as long as they don't turn into zombies."

He thinks this pig is the essence of Chinese meat.

Since the breeding industry is carried out, the existence of this king must be preserved.

As a native Chinese, he can not eat mutton, goose, or beef, but he must eat pork.

Thinking about the big white pigs moving around in front of him, Zhang Jianye, a big man, almost drooled in dissatisfaction.

He didn't want to be so embarrassed, and he himself was desperate.

Who told him that before the end of the world, he was a rough man who had at least one meal of meat every day, instead of having a career of eating vegetarian food and chanting sutras.

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