The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 15: No one dares to raise so many children

Xintong didn't know why there were inexplicably fewer zombies outside the school, and now she could even see one occasionally.

It was also for this reason that she just had the courage to deal with the aunt who turned into a zombie in the cafeteria.

After the end of the world, Xintong felt that his strength had become much stronger.

It was also for this reason that she had the courage to deal with the zombies in the cafeteria alone for the sake of the dozen or so young kindergarten students behind her.

The canteen has beds for temporary rest, as well as rice and other food, just enough to survive.

Xintong took the children to the canteen, found some food for the children to eat directly, and sat on a stool in a daze.

In the apocalypse, she would not be able to live as a woman, let alone with so many children.

She doesn't even know how long these children will be able to live after the school supplies are used up, and how many of them will be alive.

Maybe in the end, not even her will be left.

With such complicated emotions, Xintong cheered up and told the children.

"It's very dangerous outside. We don't have much water to drink. Teacher, go out to find water first and close the door from the outside. You must not go out or fight inside. You can only speak in a low voice."

The children shrank down, and one of the children with twin tails stepped forward and grabbed Xintong's trousers.

"Teacher, I'm afraid, you have to come back early."

The little girl's soft voice made Xintong feel soft instantly. She looked around and met a pair of pure eyes. These children had become much wiser in just a few days.

Especially knowing that yelling would attract monsters, I never yelled again.

Xintong's eyes moistened for a moment. She nodded heavily and said, "Teacher must be back soon."

There are very few zombies on the streets now. If we don’t go out to find some supplies at this time, we will not be able to live in the future.

Xintong plucked up the courage and originally planned to find a more suitable weapon, but unexpectedly found a wrench in the cafeteria.

She was a little surprised, so she quickly picked up the wrench, and then a bone-cutting knife.

This knife is a bit heavy and much thicker than an ordinary kitchen knife.

Because children need to drink bone soup to supplement calcium, the school cafeteria bought this bone-cutting knife.

Xintong compared the two weapons and finally decided to carry them both.

As for the iron pipe she used to poke the zombies in the cafeteria, she had already thrown it away when she threw the zombies.

Xintong carefully came to the street with a weapon in one hand.

She knew that there were two large supermarkets nearby, but they were still two streets away from her. There would definitely be many people in the supermarkets when the end came, so Xintong, who was alone, gave up decisively.

There is still a canteen near the hotel.

Xintong took a look and found that there were no zombies in that direction, so he decisively decided to go to that canteen.

No matter how small it is, there should be no shortage of mineral water.

Moreover, the canteen is small and will not easily attract the attention of other survivors, thus avoiding disputes caused by material issues.

When approaching the canteen, Xintong saw four or five zombies swaying in front of him. Before he could turn around and run, he saw something floating in the air, and those zombies turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Xintong was shocked to find that there was indeed some strange black dust on the street.

She looked up suddenly and saw a figure from behind by a window on the second floor. The figure quickly disappeared from her eyes.

But based on his back, Xintong also discovered that it was a man.

She was thinking a lot, and her whole body was shocked by this scene.

"It turns out that the zombies in these streets are almost missing because of him." Xintong murmured in her heart. The dozen or so little mouths in the school waiting for food left her no time to think so much.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no zombies around, Xintong stepped forward to open the rolling shutter door of the canteen.

The young man who was hiding in the canteen heard the sound of the door. He originally planned to pretend that no one was inside, but suddenly found that the rolling shutter door seemed to be pulled upwards by a strong force, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly spoke.

"If people outside come to me for anything, don't hold the door open."

If the door is broken, wouldn't it mean that zombies can come in and out?

Thinking about that scene, the young man shuddered and hurried forward to open the door.

Xintong was about to use his brute strength that suddenly increased after the apocalypse to force open the door, when he heard the sound coming from inside and was so frightened that he immediately let go of the door.

The canteen department soon opened, and a man and a woman looked at each other.

Xintong blushed in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, big brother, I, I want to take away some mineral water."

She didn't know if the canteen belonged to this young man before the end of the world, but she still tentatively spoke.

It would be best if she could get water. If she couldn't get it, she planned to raid nearby small restaurants. She remembered that some small restaurants sold water, cigarettes and alcohol.

It's definitely enough to scan a few more houses, and it just so happens that there are no zombies nearby.

Or she should find a place to stay near here and bring the children over.

With that strong man around, the children can also take advantage of the situation and be much safer.

The young man thought that there was a lot of mineral water inside. When he saw the girl outside the door looking for food alone, he didn't say anything. He turned around and picked up a large bottle of mineral water and handed it to Xintong.

"In this world right now, I can only give you so much."

He didn't know how long the food in the canteen would be enough for him, but the girl gave him a heads up. In order to avoid others coming directly to find him in the future, it seemed that he needed to move the things in the canteen.

If it were before, he would definitely not be able to realize this idea.

But now, occasionally one or two zombies come out of the corner.

The young man felt that this idea was achievable.

"Thank you!" Xintong pursed her lips, thinking that this young man was nice and willing to give her water.

She thought for a moment and said, "You have been staying here. Is there any relatively safe place around here?"

"Are you planning to move here?" The young man understood the young girl's thoughts almost instantly.

"Yes, I want to move here."

The young man waved and said in a low voice: "I said it because you are a girl. The closer to the hotel, the safer it is. There is a big boss on the second floor of the hotel. With him, we will be safe."

Xintong's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Thank you very much."

She handed the water to the young man and said, "I'm going to move now, and I'll come over later to move the water."

The young man had nothing to do, so he simply pulled the door until one-third of the way was left and closed it. In this way, if there was danger, he could close the door in a few seconds, and then squatted and looked in the direction in which the young girl left.

About ten minutes later, the young girl appeared in the young man's sight again.

When he saw clearly what was following the young girl, the young man opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff a goose egg in it.

When the young girl approached, he couldn't help but pull her into the house and whispered: "Are you stupid? No one dares to raise so many children in peacetime, let alone the end of the world."

Xintong choked and said, "They are all my students before the end. I can't give up on them while I can still find supplies. They are all small lives."

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