The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 16: There’s always something to do

"Can you just watch the people you spend time with starve to death? Especially when these people are innocent children?" Xintong avoided his gaze. "What's more, can't we still survive now? I can't give up their hope from the beginning."

"We have been at school for several days, waiting for the children's parents to pick them up. Now there are only these thirteen students left. If there is no accident at home or they are abandoned by their families, if I don't care about them, they are so young, There will be no way to survive."

Xintong knew that some people would call her a virgin, and she thought it would be better if she didn't encounter these things.

But after these things happened to her, she couldn't give up before reaching the end of the road.

"At least you can still struggle with the current situation, right?" Xintong smiled bitterly.

The young man pursed his lips and said, "My name is Li Yi. I will move here with you."

"My name is Xintong, I am 23 years old this year, and these children behind me are the first batch of students I teach."

Li Yi smiled and said nothing, and walked straight to the bags on the ground. He did not expect that the young girl was so strong. She was carrying two large bags by herself. He originally thought they were slightly lighter things like quilts.

When he came to help, the young man realized that his idea was wrong.

Under Xintong's gaze, he awkwardly put down the things in his hands, and then said: "Why don't you move into the canteen together first? I just plan to go to that hotel to try it out. If we can move in then, it's okay. Give children a safer environment.”

"That hotel seems to have a protective barrier. Did you see the blue barrier? It can prevent zombies from entering. I don't know if it is the trick of the big guy on the second floor."

Li Yi shared the intelligence he observed in the past two days with Xintong.

Xintong's choice shocked him.

He is not as selfless as Xintong, but he can help as much as he can without harming his own interests.

A group of people quickly entered the canteen, and Li Yi walked towards the hotel.

When he got downstairs of the hotel, he smelled a spicy fragrance that almost made him laugh.

Li Yi couldn't help but move a little faster. When he walked to the blue screen at the hotel entrance, a mechanical electronic sound sounded.

"Are you becoming an official resident of some security base?"

Li Yi was shocked. What kind of method was this? It was equivalent to asking him if he wanted to hug his thigh?

He replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

Li Yi was waiting for the voice in his mind to react, and then nothing happened.

Just when he thought it was an illusion, the electronic sound came to his ears again.

"Congratulations to Li Yi for becoming an official resident of the Security Base. Malicious injury and murder are prohibited within the base."

Li Yi walked toward the second floor of the hotel in a daze.

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Xu Zhiyong's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting three official residents. Please keep up the good work!"

The warm words spoken in such a cold tone made Xu Zhiyong's mouth twitch slightly.

But what surprised him was the female kindergarten teacher named Xintong who had just moved nearby.

The reason why Li Yi could hear the system sound was because Xu Zhiyong allowed it.

After observation, he found that both Li Yi and the girl named Xintong seemed to have pretty good characters.

His base needs such law-abiding residents.

That's right, this girl is a bit of a tiger.

The tiger was so impressive that he was also surprised.

There were so many little carrot heads following behind.

Especially there is one on the fifth floor.

If this really comes together, it may be the first safe base in history with the most children when it was first established.

But if we really don't care, I'm afraid none of these children will survive.

"You have to do something for this world." Xu Zhiyong sighed. After all, he was also the one who took the system.

He could watch a group of adults fend for themselves in the apocalypse, but he couldn't be indifferent to the cubs.

At this time, on the fifth floor, a middle-aged woman was carefully warning her daughter.

"Baby, after those people outside go back to their rooms, can you quietly go to the second floor to find your uncle and aunt?"

The three-year-old child shook his head and said stubbornly: "I want to go with my mother."

The middle-aged woman felt sour in her heart.

"Mom, I still have something to do. You go downstairs first. I'll come down to you in a few days."

If she leaves, Li Yongkang and his group will definitely not let her go.

If you persist, you will bring disaster to the people on the second floor.

The middle-aged woman blinked and controlled her tears.

Whether it was for the sake of her daughter's future or the couple's kindness in return, she couldn't follow them to the second floor.

"Baby, you have to listen to your mother, or she won't want you anymore."

A middle-aged woman would never say such things to her children before. Children from single-parent families are inherently sensitive in this regard.

But at this time, for the sake of her daughter's safety, she had no choice but to say this.

The three-year-old child immediately panicked and clutched his mother's collar tightly with his little hands.

"Mom, I'm good, don't leave me."

"Then you promise mom to secretly go to the second floor to find your uncle and aunt."

"I'm going to find my uncle and aunt." The little girl demanded in a thin and waxy voice: "Then mother must come to find the baby."

"Okay!" The middle-aged woman suddenly looked away, tears falling down her cheeks.

On the second floor, Xu Zhiyong couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He looked at Guan Caiwei who was practicing her powers.

He lit a cigarette and said quietly: "Do you like children?"

If she hadn't developed the skill of staying calm no matter what she faced in the entertainment industry before the end of the world, Guan Caiwei would have made a fool of herself right now.

Questions filled her heart. Could this man be hinting that she would give him a child?

Not to mention that this is the end of the world, but they have only been together for a few days, and they are having a baby. Isn't it a bit too urgent?

This thought swirled in Guan Caiwei's mind, but she smiled slightly and said in a very calm tone: "It's okay, why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xu Zhiyong thought about the arrival of more than a dozen carrot heads and gave Guan Caiwei a meaningful look.

"There are the most surprises in the world. It's nothing. It just makes you mentally prepared for the next step."

Guan Caiwei's heart skipped a beat, her eyelids twitched, and she said warmly: "No matter how much you like children, these things are all about fate."

She didn't expect that this man really wanted a child, and Guan Caiwei felt a little dazed.

"Well, I feel like I might still be a bit of a kid," otherwise why would there be so many little carrot heads in his base?

After the two of them finished speaking, there was a sound in the corridor.

"Is there anyone there? Boss, is the boss here? Boss, I am Li Yi. We met once near the canteen today."

Li Yi hesitated for a long time, entered the hotel and slowly went up to the second floor.

He kept hypnotizing himself in his mind. He didn't do it for the delicious food upstairs, but just happened to come at this time.

The boss is indeed a boss, he even eats on time during the apocalypse.

Xintong led thirteen children and waited nervously at the canteen.

She knew better than anyone else that if the other party hadn't cleared away the zombies nearby, she or the children behind her would have died in the kindergarten sooner or later.

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