The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 343: Picking up trash

Then the villagers heard the voices of a man and a woman.

"Tell you to stop reading those boring novels to Dad."

"There are no recreational activities for the elderly, and the village is boring. I read to him, and I also read it myself. I didn't expect that he would bring those things into his life."

Xiao Hei: "Okay, okay, everyone should find a place to live first. Do you have any price requirements for a place to live? There are many places to live in our base. Basically, hotels opened by several big forces can accommodate such a place. Multiple people.”

He touched his nose and kindly reminded: "But there are so many of you. I personally suggest that except for those who really have a strong need for a living environment, you should go to the temporary residence of our base."

"Survivors who are new to the base can live here for free for a few days. Even if they don't move out later, they may not have the money to move out. After verification, the fee will be very low."

Xiao Hei added: "Even if you pick up trash, you can still pay the rent."

He paused and said, "Going to pick up garbage in the outer city does not mean actually picking up garbage. Ordinary people in our base do not leave the base. Many things are planted in the outer city. It is ordinary people who do it for those with special powers who have land. Many times some Rotten vegetable leaves or old ones will be thrown away. There are also some vegetables and grains that have been cultivated incorrectly and have no nutritional value or taste, and are thrown away in a fixed place, so you can pick them up when needed."

"When some people in the base really don't want to spend their points, they will pick up food from places where non-nutritious food is thrown away. Just in the outer city, there is a pile on the edge of the land. You can see it at a glance when you go to the outer city."

Xiao Hei shuddered, "That stuff is too unpalatable. It's sticky and has no taste. Otherwise, after one bite, it feels like dirt."

"It's not nutritious. I eat a few meals occasionally to keep my stomach from feeling hungry and save a few meals."

Liang Chao: "??"

Villagers: "."

They always feel something is strange.

"Can't bear to spend points?" Liang Chao asked: "Does it mean that no matter how poor the people in your base are, they still have points to buy food?"

"Of course." Xiao Hei nodded affirmatively, "If you are injured when you go out fighting zombies and are really broke and seriously injured, you can apply for free meals in the canteen. The doctor will give you free meals based on your recovery time. You open a note and get the official seal from the base management office, and then you can go to the base canteen to eat with the note."

"You haven't been to our base canteen yet, have you?" Xiao Hei touched the corner of his mouth, "You newcomers have the opportunity to eat in the base canteen for free for three days."

They heard Xu Zhiyong mention this matter on the way here.

But no one took the food in the base cafeteria seriously.

No matter how nice it is, the base cafeteria provides free food to survivors who enter the base. Even if the food is good, it is just the first meal, and everything will change later.

"What does the food in your canteen taste like? Do you think that when you put a chopstick in your mouth, it's all sticky and tasteless?" The villager shuddered, "If that's the case, I don't feel like eating rice. At least it still tastes like rice.”

Thinking about the end of the world without any vegetables and fruits, and the vegetables and fruits produced by the wood-type superpowers in their village, it makes people cry.

The first time I gave birth, it just tasted a lot lighter.

Later, when the seeds are used to promote the growth, the taste will become less and less.

People in the village gradually preferred to eat plain rice or plain porridge with salt.

I won’t choose to eat fruits and vegetables that promote fertility.

Later, the wood-type superpowers themselves found it boring and stopped spawning.

"We are different. Although our vegetables and grains are catalyzed, they are not catalyzed as quickly as yours. Anyway, I don't know much about it. They say that they can accelerate and shorten the growth period, but they cannot catalyze growth and ripening in a very short time, and then still What kind of nutritious soil will be used?”

Xiaohei pointed to another street and said, "There are several nutrient soil stores over there. If you want to plant something or promote growth, you can go there and buy it. This is all done by professionals in this field."

Villagers: prosperous and in a trance.

Good guy, that's all they can say.

This base has a ghostly style.

It was a real eye-opener for them.

"This is a temporary dormitory. You can apply with the management and try to arrange the people in your village on one floor." Xiao Hei reminded: "This will make it easier for you to move around."

"If you have any questions, you can consult the administrator."

Xiao Hei stepped forward and communicated with the dormitory manager of this centralized dormitory, and then the dormitory manager waved to the villagers.

"A lot of people haven't moved back yet?" Xiao Hei looked at the empty floors, where a few people lived here and there.

There are a large number of survivors from the four major bases, but they do not live in the inner city, but in rebuilt warehouses outside.

Therefore, there are still many vacancies in centralized dormitories.

In addition, a lot of people have moved out, so the number is much smaller.

The dormitory manager led people up the stairs and said, "The row of centralized dormitories at the back is even emptier. The troops are still living in the centralized dormitories in the ice hall. They would rather cover themselves with a thin blanket at night than move back now. "

"Hey, these people really like to be particular when they can, and they have brought over their virtues of preferring to cover themselves with quilts and turn on the air conditioner in the summer before the end of the world." The dormitory man shook his head, "It's also the base that has spoiled them."

The villagers looked envious when they heard this. They had seen it on the street of the mission hall and knew what the ice pavilion was.

"We need to pack our luggage first and talk about it in the evening." Liang Chao and Xiao Hei discussed the matter, and Xiao Hei said goodbye and went back to his home to rest.

"The ice pavilion in this base is unique. It adapts supernatural powers to life. I can only say that the survivors in this base are all geniuses."

In order to facilitate chatting, the villagers sat cross-legged in the corridor, eating dry food and drinking water from time to time.

This floor is filled with people from their village.

The centralized dormitory is indeed a centralized dormitory. Each room has many beds, which are like the upper and lower structure beds in student dormitories.

It simply makes the most of the space.

"I think the survivors in this base are living a good life, so they have the time to ponder these things. Everyone is studying how to make superpowers more offensive, but here we will first study how to apply them in daily life."

"Yeah, yeah, look at the buildings they knocked down and rebuilt later, didn't they have supernatural powers mixed in them?"

"The buildings are normal. Buildings built with supernatural powers are stronger. Wouldn't building walls prevent more zombies?"

"What are our plans? How long are we going to stay here? There is no way to cook in this centralized dormitory. Fortunately, there is a bathroom, which is awesome. There is also free water supply now."

"You also have to pay for water in centralized dormitories and pay crystal cores, so don't use it indiscriminately. Other centralized dormitories share it equally. Fortunately, everyone saves it. Our dormitory is all public property and no one shares it equally."

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