The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 344: Awakening Ratio

Their entire village's materials and crystal cores are handed over to the public and managed and used uniformly.

The villagers themselves don't have any private money or crystal nuclei.

The person who opened his mouth to save everyone was the accountant in charge of bookkeeping in the village.

Well, the accountant used to be the accountant of the brigade.

This is what they call making the best use of everything.

The villagers chatted and found that they didn't know what the village chief and Captain Liang meant. They wanted to stay here for a few days and move out, or what their plans were.

Everyone simply went to Liang Chao and the village chief to ask.

Their village chief often listened to Liang Chao's opinions, so he asked the village chief. The village chief was an ordinary person who didn't understand many situations, so he actually listened to Liang Chao's advice.

The most powerful and knowledgeable man in the village.

Liang Chao and the village chief were also nibbling dry food, which is a kind of rice cake that is easy to carry and suitable for dry food.

When the two heard what the villagers said, the village chief looked at Liang Chao subconsciously.

"My suggestion is to stay here for two days and don't take out anything except what you need for the time being. If you can settle in this base, rent a house in the community to live in. It has privacy and is convenient for cooking."

"Moreover." Liang Chao paused, "I heard what Xiao Hei said. The housing in the community is protected. If you trespass, you will get into trouble. It seems to be protected by a mysterious force."

He didn't say anything like this. He was dismissive at first, thinking that these people were thinking all day long.

Until he saw the mission hall, Liang Chao had to re-examine these words.

Maybe the residential buildings here are really protected by a mysterious force.

Thinking of this, Liang Chao said to the crowd: "Everyone will disperse in the evening. The survivors here seem to be relatively friendly. You can take the initiative to inquire about this information, or collect some other information."

"Since Xiao Hei is saying that the base is also lively at night, with people coming and going, you can go shopping at night."

Liang Chao suggested this, and the village chief naturally nodded in agreement.

Before the end of the world, he was the village chief and was in charge of village affairs. His official reputation was good because he really cared about the village.

I have never dealt with anyone in the village because of personal grudges.

Therefore, after the end of the world, the bureaucracy has long been useless, and everyone still calls him village chief. He has developed a habit over the years.

The village chief's words can still be heard by the villagers to some extent.

The villagers finished their rest, and when it was getting dark, Xiao Hei came over and asked them if they wanted to go to the canteen to eat.

When everyone thought about the free meals, more than a thousand of them could eat in the base canteen, which would save a lot for themselves, so everyone agreed.

Then on the way out, a group of people saw people coming and going, and it was very lively.

There are also street lights, which are no different from before the apocalypse.

"If you live here for a long time and don't go out, you will forget what the end of the world is like."

Even Liang Chao couldn't help but sigh.

A group of people entered the canteen. The villagers couldn't help but swallowed when they saw the plates carried by many survivors and smelled the food.

It took a while for everyone to react.

"Good guy, how come they have oil for cooking?" a villager exclaimed.

It has been so long since the end of the world, and after such a long period of ultra-high temperature, there has long been no oil.

At most, we can catch the alien beasts and boil some fat from the fatter beasts.

But there aren't many of them, and the portions are small.

How is it possible that the entire base canteen can be used for cooking?


"Chi yo chi yo!"

The sound of slurping came and went.

He directly attracted many people who were serving food in the canteen, and everyone smiled kindly.

Some of the cheerful ones even said, "You are too reserved. It was our first time to eat in the cafeteria, and our swallowing sounds were much louder than yours."

If they were outside, the villagers would not feel uncomfortable at all.

But after entering this base, there is a strange magic that makes them always feel uncomfortable.

For example, everyone around you is clean, but they are dirty.

In the afternoon, many people wiped their faces and hands with water before going out.

For another example, if everyone found out that they were swallowing saliva here, the villagers felt a sense of shame in their hearts.

As a result, this man made a few words and made the uncomfortable feeling of shame disappear in the villagers.

"You guys swallowed too?"

As if they had found something scandalous about each other, some villagers wondered.

The man who spoke smiled heartily, "It's not just a mouthful. If I didn't know that I could eat for free, I would have a better life in the future. I would go up and grab these meals as soon as I saw them."

The man patted his chest and said, "Fortunately, I didn't do that before, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat from the government now."

"Public food?" The villagers sipped their saliva and looked at the man.

"Well, that's what our base says. The base will post announcements to recruit people who work for the base, such as the patrol team. For example, our base has a public hospital with a lot of advanced equipment and you can go there for some diseases. The medical center is good. But minor illnesses and disasters are fine, but for serious illnesses, you still have to go to the public hospital on the base."

The man chuckled and said: "But this hospital usually doesn't treat serious illnesses and won't let you. The resources are limited and cannot be wasted. The medical center can already treat our ordinary problems. In addition, after the superpowers awaken their superpowers, their physical fitness has improved a lot. Xiao The illnesses are rare, let alone serious ones."

When the villagers heard this, they were all in a trance.

Fortunately, it was their turn to wait in line, and the delicious food brought their attention back.

"I haven't eaten oil or water for a long time, and my stomach is always green."

"Eating this will make your dormitory stink when you get home."

Everyone understood the meaning of these words and laughed out loud.

"This base has a magical power. It seems to make people relax and laugh." Liang Chao and the village chief said.

"Yes, I used to be scared in the village. I felt that there were many dangers around me. I didn't know when zombies or zombie animals would sneak in."

The village chief sighed, "Then when you enter here, you feel a sense of security everywhere, whether it's the security teams passing by on the street from time to time, the large number of patrols outside the base, or the aura exuded by the survivors living here, It makes people feel safe.”

"Yeah, I think they didn't seem to think about zombies or zombie animals coming in at all."

A resident passing by carrying a plate took over the conversation.

"No one is worried because our base is here. Of course, the most important reason is that many people in the base are superpowers, and the proportion of superpowers is much higher than outside. And the security team and patrol team are here, so we don't worry about these at all. .”

"Yes, I have strength, the base's armed forces are strong, and they are always protecting everyone." Liang Chao and the village chief thought about it. After being reminded by this person, they also discovered that there were many people with super powers here.

According to the big data they learned about the four major bases, there may only be a few awakened people out of a hundred people, which is a very low ratio.

However, in this base, there seems to be one superpower out of ten people.

This awakening ratio is horrifying if calculated carefully.

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