Official rescue team?

Song Chen leaned out of the window and looked out, and saw a drone slowly flying from the outskirts of the community, and the sound came from it.


Because of the sound, many zombies followed behind.

Obviously, this drone flew from another direction.

"Brother Chen, is this news credible?"

Cheng Siyuan and others also heard the sound and gathered together, watching the drone slowly flying outside and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Don't people who use drones know that the sound will attract zombies?

Such unscrupulous broadcasting everywhere, someone may die because of the zombies it attracts.

Song Chen nodded and replied: "It is indeed official news."

He had seen similar scenes in his previous life. At that time, he was still hiding near the group company, and was tortured by the lack of supplies and high temperature. Later, he waited until the rescue team appeared and entered the official base to get better.

But it was only relatively better.

After half a month, the authorities finally stabilized the internal situation and began to carry out rescue operations. However, like ordinary people, even the official supplies were not much, and they had to supply the survivors from all over the place, so they could only maintain the most basic livelihood.

Although they still couldn't eat a full meal, they would starve to death.

The problem of high temperature could not be solved, and it became even more unbearable because of the gathering of people.

The management was completely militarized, requiring the survivors to obey completely, but how could people full of fear in the end of the world be so easy to manage? In short, there were frequent situations.

But compared to hiding at home and not knowing whether they could survive tomorrow, the survival rate was indeed higher in the official base.

"Then what should we do?" Ji Yumo looked at Song Chen, "If the official rescue team really comes to the community tomorrow, should we follow them?"

"No." Song Chen shook his head decisively.

Even if it was the official, he would not leave with them.

The current location was the place he carefully selected and determined. Even in the late end of the world, facing various natural disasters and corpse tides, he could deal with it in a better way and minimize the damage.

Since they have decided to build a base, they will not turn around and go to other places.

Moreover, the official temporary base is not safe.

Although the zombies are still at the lowest level, they can be easily killed by swords, guns, and axes, but it will not take long for the zombies to usher in the evolution tide. At that time, zombies with various powers will run all over the ground, and high-level zombies will be everywhere.

Ordinary weapons can no longer threaten them, and only survivors with awakened powers can barely compete with them.

But in the official temporary base, there are very few survivors with powers, and most people don’t even have the courage to confront zombies head-on, so they can only rely on the official troops.

The weapons in their hands are weak, and it takes a lot of effort to kill zombies, and they also have to protect a large number of unarmed survivors. Even the most elite troops will be unable to do so.

It didn’t take long for the official base to fall completely.

In the end, they could only lead a few survivors to evacuate Beicheng and go to Jiangcheng next door to join the large army.

With the painful experience in Beicheng, Jiangcheng gradually established a base affiliated with the official.

Although the treatment in the official base is indeed better than that in other bases, it is not as good as the supplies stored in Song Chen's space, and there are too many rules and regulations. How can it be as comfortable as staying in a base created by yourself?

Ji Yumo just mentioned it casually, and he didn't say anything more when he saw Song Chen decisively refused.

Other survivors don't think so.

When they heard that the official rescue team was coming to rescue them, everyone got excited and quickly packed up the luggage and supplies they needed to take away, and the most important thing was to take away all the valuables.

In their minds, since the official rescue has begun, it means that the hellish apocalypse is about to end.

They don't have to worry about food and drink anymore, and their previous lives will soon be restored. As long as they take more money now, they can become rich people after the social order is restored.

At that time, they will eat and drink well to make up for the suffering they have suffered these days.

"Brother Chen, there are many zombies following that drone. Do you want to get rid of them?"

Cheng Siyuan pointed to the group of zombies outside. Some of them gave up and wandered aimlessly near the community because they couldn't catch up with the drone.

Song Chen nodded and asked Cheng Siyuan and others to clean up the zombies and exercise their bodies.

It just so happened that the crystal cores were running out, so they took them to replenish.


The next morning.

The official White Tiger rescue team arrived near the community where Song Chen was.

"Boss, something's wrong!" Lu Peng observed the entire community with a telescope, and his expression was very surprised. "This community is too clean!"

Due to the population density, in addition to large shopping malls and amusement parks, residential areas should be the places with the most zombies.

The five of them drove all the way from the northern suburbs, passing by many communities and residential buildings, and there were indeed many zombies around them.

But in this high-end villa area in front of them, there was not even a zombie to be seen, which was too clean.

He Chengji next to him didn't care. "This high-end villa area is expensive and remote, and the population is small. It's normal that you can't see zombies at first glance. Maybe they are all locked in the house! And it's better to have fewer zombies? This way our rescue work will become safer and simpler."

The other team members also felt that what He Chengji said was more likely, but Lu Peng always felt something was wrong and looked straight at the captain Yang Lin.

"We must rescue the survivors in this community no matter what, but it's always right to be careful when you act."

Yang Lin's tone was serious.

Although he also felt that the situation in this community was a little wrong, he didn't feel any danger, and the task given to their team was to rescue the survivors in this community. No matter what danger there was, they had to save people.

Seeing Yang Lin speak, even if Lu Peng felt strange, he couldn't say anything more, so he could only follow the team into the community.

They drove a total of three military trucks.

As the outpost, Lu Peng and captain Yang Lin led the way, He Chengji drove one alone in the middle, and the other two finished at the end.

Three cars drove into the community in a mighty manner, heading just near the entrance of Song Chen's villa.

In order to ensure the rescue rate and reduce losses, after entering the community, Yang Lin asked others to park the car behind the door, and everyone gathered together to search the community.

At the same time.

Song Chen was helping Ji Lu taste the dishes in the kitchen.

To put it bluntly, the taste was too fragrant, and he couldn't resist stealing a few bites.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a vehicle outside, turned on the tablet surveillance to check the situation, and saw four men and one woman walking towards their villa.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

The door of the villa was knocked.

"Are there any survivors inside? We are members of the official White Tiger Rescue Team and are here to take you away."

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