Outside the villa.

He Chengji looked at Lu Peng, who was looking at the villa with a fascinated look, and asked uncertainly.

"Are you sure you can smell the food from here?"

Lu Peng nodded heavily, "No mistake! I smell the delicious food coming from inside!"

Seeing Lu Peng so sure, the other four people couldn't help but look at the villa in front of them with an inquiring look.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, they have been running around in various places, rescuing countless survivors, and there is not much time to rest. Even eating is just eating some dry food in the car.

Especially after the temperature suddenly rose, even sealed canned food became a luxury, and now they can only eat compressed biscuits.

Everyone forgot when they last had a hot meal.

So after hearing Lu Peng say that there was the smell of food here, they all came over involuntarily.

Lu Peng greedily sniffed the fragrance in the air.


On the day of the accident, he fell into a weak state for half a day. After waking up, he found that his nose had become much more sensitive and could smell smells that others could not smell.

This ability was perfectly in line with his identity as a scout. At that time, he was complacent, but now he felt that his nose was too useful and it was also a torture.

He could smell it, but he couldn't eat it.

He was so greedy!

If it weren't for his good training quality that allowed him to control his body, he might have been lying on the door and begging the people inside for a hot meal.

"No one has opened the door for so long. Could it be from other families?" Song Qing hesitated and said.

As the only woman in the team, she has a transcendent intuition that has helped her escape from danger many times, and now her intuition tells her that it is best not to provoke the people in this villa.

Captain Yang Lin looked at the gate of the villa in front of him and nodded with a gloomy face.

"Time is running out, let's go to other villas to search for survivors! Although no zombies have been found in this community, everyone should remember to act with caution!"


The team members responded in a deep voice and turned around to leave.

Only Lu Peng looked at the gate of the villa reluctantly, his eyes and mouth were wet at the same time.


It smells so good, let him smell it again.

Even if he can't eat it, it's good to smell it more, after all, others can't even smell it!

Just as Lu Peng was doing deep breathing exercises, the door of the villa, which had always been closed, suddenly opened from the inside.

As soon as Song Chen opened the door, he met Lu Peng's nostrils that were trying to open as wide as possible.



Silence is Cambridge tonight.

"Cough!" Song Chen came back to his senses first, coughed slightly with a little embarrassment, and looked at Lu Peng with a smile, "Is this your team's unique training method?"

"No, no, no, it's just me..."

Lu Peng came back to his senses and wanted to explain, but facing Song Chen's meaningful eyes, he could only cry without tears in the end.


This is a big misunderstanding.

Yang Lin and others behind him also heard the sound and turned around, looking at Lu Peng with his head drooping, and then looking at Song Chen with a smile on his face.

What happened?

Yang Lin stepped forward and blocked Lu Peng behind him.

"Hello, we are the official rescue team Baihu. Are you the only survivor in the villa?"

Yang Lin looked up and down at Song Chen.

When facing other rescued people, he always asked them neatly whether they wanted to go to the official temporary base for refuge. If the answer was affirmative, he would take people to the car, and if they were rejected, he would leave without hesitation.

After all, there are many people waiting for rescue, and they can't waste a minute.

But the young man in front of him, who looks only about 25 years old, gave him an inexplicable strong sense of oppression, and the strong smell of blood penetrated into his bones, as if he had just crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

But on the surface, the person in front of him had a smile on his face and a spring breeze, which was completely inconsistent with the temperament he exuded.

It was the first time that Yang Lin saw two contradictory qualities in the same person, and his attitude unconsciously became a little cautious.

Compared to Yang Lin's caution, Song Chen was much more relaxed.

His eyes passed over all the people in the White Tiger Squad, and finally his eyes fell on the captain Yang Lin.

"Of course there are other survivors. It just so happens that we are about to eat. If you don't mind, come in and eat something together?"

Song Chen's face was full of smiles.

In his previous life, he had heard of the reputation of the White Tiger Squad. It was one of the strongest teams affiliated with the official base. There were only five members, but they could rely on teamwork and mutual trust to complete many impossible tasks.

The most famous time was that the White Tiger Squad destroyed a small base that did many evil things alone, and became famous in the end of the world.

Song Chen had an intersection with them in his previous life. To be precise, he was saved by the White Tiger Squad.

At that time, he went out to find supplies and encountered a small group of zombies. Although he tried his best to break out, he was about to die because of his exhaustion of superpowers.

At the critical moment, it was the White Tiger Team that appeared and saved him, and even invited him to return to the official base together.

But at that time, Song Chen just wanted to survive on his own and did not want to join other bases, so he rejected the kindness of the White Tiger Team.

Instead of scolding him for being ungrateful, the White Tiger Team left him a lot of supplies.

It was those supplies that helped Song Chen survive that difficult time.

It can be said that without the White Tiger Team, Song Chen would never have survived the end of the world.

Thinking that the White Tiger Team had saved his life, Song Chen thought of inviting them into the villa to have a meal together, which could be regarded as repaying them for their kindness in giving away materials in their previous life.

Faced with Song Chen's sudden invitation, Yang Lin and others were stunned.


Now we are in the apocalypse, and everyone is worried about how to save their lives. Why does this guy act like he invited his neighbors to his home before the apocalypse broke out?

Even Lu Peng, who was drooling with greed, had a subtle expression on his face.

Yang Lin stared at Song Chen closely, trying to see something from his expression.

Song Chen just stood there and let him look at him, with a decent and calm smile on his face.

"Don't worry, there are no zombies in this community anymore. If you drive in in a big way, other survivors must have known about it. It won't be long before they come out to find you."

As if to confirm Song Chen's words, as soon as he finished speaking, other people's voices came from not far away.

"Are you an official rescue team?"

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