The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 1 Will the protagonist die?


on this day.

People all over the world heard a sentence in their heads, a very grainy sound.

"Due to the increasing damage to the earth's environment, the self-protection mechanism is implemented and the plane fusion begins. I wish all humans good luck."

Just as all humans are digesting this sentence.

They collectively fell into a coma.

When they wake up again.

Everything around me has changed horribly.

All kinds of huge, colorful vines and trees surround the surrounding reinforced concrete high-rise buildings.

Various suspended gravel blocks appeared in the sky.

These rubbles seemed to have escaped the pull of gravity and refused to fall to the ground while in the air.

If these are still within the acceptable range.

The sudden appearance of mysterious species makes humans extremely panic.

That can only be described as "monster".

Later, people came to know them as "mourning beasts".

And the humans bitten by them all became unconscious and soulless zombies!

But at the same time, humans have also awakened a special ability called "Warrior".

You can practice and kill zombies and monsters to gain attribute points and improve your physical fitness.

You can even get special magic or powers.

Three days have passed since the mutation.

Koli University, Nath.

In a classroom wrapped in layers of iron bars and wooden bars.

Tu Yan was kicked away by a strong man at this time.

"Tu Yan, what do you want to do? You haven't awakened as a warrior yet, and I'm giving you something to eat and drink. I already feel sorry for you. Why do you still want to rebel?"

"Fat Tiger! You asked me to go out to find food, find water, or even use it as bait, but how could you do this to Mei Lin!"

Tu Yan is a thin young man. From his withered face, it can be seen that he has not eaten enough for several days.

"Oh? Is it your turn as an orphan to point fingers?" After saying that, Fat Tiger kicked him away again.

"Besides, this is Meilin's request. What's wrong? Can you still feed her? Besides, I don't see you and Meilin being very familiar with each other on weekdays!"

Fat Tiger looked at Tu Yan condescendingly, and then motioned to his other companions to throw Tu Yan out.

"Find me a few packs of cigarettes. If you delay my post-event cigarettes, don't come back! Trash!"

After saying that, Fat Tiger looked at Mei Lin lewdly.

Mei Lin, on the other hand, stared at Fat Hu with a charming look on her face.

"Brother Fat Tiger, don't pay attention to Tu Yan's pretense. I'm hungry. Feed the top first and then the bottom."

Meilin didn't look disgusted or resistant at all.

She seemed to enjoy the process.

In an apocalyptic crisis, survival is the most important thing.

And the "warrior" ability she awakened happens to be "charm".

This is considered to be in line with her own nature.

"Hehe, little beauty, I can only blame you for saying a few words to him on weekdays, which made him want to eat swan meat and have wild whims."

"Yeah, yeah, it's my fault. Come on, those brothers are also waiting impatiently."

The classroom was filled with joy.

Tu Yan, who was driven out, gritted his teeth and immediately stood up and ran away.

Not running? Just wait to be eaten by zombies!

Looking at the zombies chasing him, several of them were his classmates.

Tu Yan couldn't help but feel sad.

At the same time, he also hated his own powerlessness.

Like Fat Tiger, he is already strong in stature, and his ability as a warrior is also "muscular".

It can instantly refresh 50% of one's own strength.

Rely on this "muscularization".

Fat Tiger also raised his warrior level to LV3 by defeating zombies in just two days.

Poor Tu Yan, when he woke up from a coma for three days, he was clearly reminded that he had awakened as a martial artist, but he still didn't know his specific abilities.

And he happened to appear next to Fat Hu, so he was caught by Fat Hu and used as a labor force.

Even if he doesn't have enough to eat, he still has to endure the bullying, beatings and scolding from Fat Tiger.

He also knew that in this apocalyptic crisis, something had already become cargo, and survival was the most important thing.

But he refused to accept it, whether it was due to his conscience or his unwillingness to accept such a fate, he did not accept it!

After making up his mind, he no longer ran towards the small supermarket, but ran towards the sports room.

There may be weapons that can counter the Fat Tiger stored there!

He hurriedly went downstairs.

What was shocking on the road was that human corpses and zombie remnants were everywhere.

Even if human beings awaken as "combatants", they are still no match for zombies!

Just when Tu Yan came to the school road.

"Tu Yan! Help me!" At this time, a voice came from the side.

It is Lingya, the school beauty.

At this time, she was also being chased by a group of zombies.

Tu Yan, who usually had a crush on Ling Ya, took out a wooden stick without thinking and hit the zombies chasing Ling Ya in the head.

"Lingya! Run!"

"Ah! No! Tu Yan, that's it!"

Following Ling Ya's direction, Tu Yan saw a mourning beast walking on four legs!

The whole body is wrapped in a sticky black mysterious substance. It is about two meters long and looks a bit like a human being.

But that look of bared teeth and sharp teeth and claws is really terrifying!

"Tu Yan! Tu Yan! Help me!" Ling Ya stood behind Tu Yan and said in panic.

"When I count to one, let's run!"

Tu Yan tried his best to calm down, and then told Ling Ya.

"Three! Two! One!"

The moment the count reached one, Tu Yan felt pain in his calf and fell to his knees!

When he turned around, he saw that it was Lingya who had kicked Tu Yan in the calf muscle!

He lost his balance and fell down!

"Tu Yan! Don't you have a crush on me? Then please be the bait. I will love you forever!"

When Lingya kicked Tu Yan down, she ran away as fast as she could.

Tu Yan looked stupidly at Lingya who was getting further and further away, and spit out a mouthful of black blood accumulated in his chest.

The zombies and the zombies on the side also seized the opportunity and rushed towards Tu Yan.

The sharp claws and fangs gnawed at Tu Yan's body.

pain! hatred!

These two words rolled back and forth in Tu Yan's heart.

The extreme hatred and pain made Tu Yan miserable.

He wished he could die now, and did not want to endure such torture!

"Lingya...I'll fuck your mother!!! Ah! I don't want to accept it! I won't! I accept it!"

Intermittently, Tu Yan was chewed to pieces!

Perhaps because the wooden stick in its hand angered the mourning beast, it bit off Tu Yan's right hand and spat it aside.

Gradually, Tu Yan could no longer feel the pain and ushered in the darkness that belonged to him.

Tu Yan! die!

At this moment!

At the last moment of his life, an indifferent voice appeared in his mind!

"Ding, it is detected that the martial artist has completely died, and the ability "Death is like the wind, always with me" is activated."

"Ding, warriors, please note that this ability also increases pain sensitivity by 50%."

"Ding, the warrior is completely dead, and the passive skill "Eternal Immortality" is activated!"

PS (The new book is released for the first time, please support me a lot, thank you all.)

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