The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 2 Death is like the wind! Always with me!


The right hand of Tu Yan that was bitten by the zombies emitted a faint glow!

Then it expanded rapidly and grew a lot of flesh!

Instantly transformed into Tu Yan!

Tu Yan! Resurrection!

Tu Yan looked at the group of zombies in front of him that were constantly gnawing at his original corpse.

After thinking for a moment, he picked up a brick and rushed towards them!

This time, Tu Yan's speed was actually a few points faster than before.

With one brick, he almost knocked off the head of a zombie!

The zombies also reacted, they didn't care about resurrection from the dead.

As long as there was food!

After several rounds of fighting. Tu Yan barely killed a zombie.

Then he quickly threw his bitten ear hard!

"It hurts so much!" Tu Yan vomited and roared, his eyes went black again, and he died!

Extremely painful! Because of the increased pain attached to this ability, Tu Yan suffered half as much pain as an ordinary person!

"Ding, the warrior is completely dead, and the passive skill "Eternal Immortality" is activated!"

The ear that was thrown into the air before glowed again, and Tu Yan grew out of thin air!

As soon as Tu Yan landed, he rushed up again.

This time, the speed was faster! The power was greater!

"Ah!!! Go to hell!"

A brick went down and directly killed a zombie.

That's it.

Tu Yan died five times!

The group of zombies and zombie beasts were almost full.

Although they were all the same person, they were all meat!

The resurrected Tu Yan picked up a brick and stared at the last one!


At this time, it was smacking its fangs and gnawing on Tu Yan's fourth body.

Tu Yan went up and hit it with a hit to the head!

The zombie twitched and fainted.

After experiencing many deaths, Tu Yan was already extremely exhausted mentally.

Immediately sat on the ground panting and gasping.

And at this moment, a voice came.

"Ding, the warrior level is upgraded, and the fifth-level exclusive skill, the Eye of the Illustrated Book, is automatically obtained."

"The Eye of the Illustrated Book can see the situation of alien creatures that are not higher than the warrior level of 20."

"Huh... This zombie has a lot of experience, which directly allowed me to upgrade two levels."

After saying that, Tu Yan was so tired that he fell asleep.

This is not because he is a big head.

And because of his ability "Death is like the wind, always with me."

This ability has a total of three skills.

Eternal Life (Passive): Death is impossible, so please waste as much as you want, but please note that you can only be resurrected when you are completely dead, and you need to have intact body parts.

This is exactly why Tu Yan threw away his bitten ear when he died for the second time.

As long as there are body parts, Tu Yan can be resurrected countless times!

And the reason why he did not run away after resurrection, but chose to continue to fight the zombies.

That's because of the second skill!

Death Superposition!

Each time he dies, he can improve his own attributes by 10% and his pain by 5%, which lasts for one hour. If he dies again during this period, the time can be reset and the attributes will continue to stack.

This ability clearly tells Tu Yan to keep dying until he can defeat his opponent.

But with each death stacking, the pain Tu Yan endures becomes more unforgettable!

"This ability is really a pitfall. Others are going smoothly, but I have to keep dying to become stronger and stronger."

Tu Yan didn't feel very comfortable when he woke up.

Because at this time, a zombie dog next to him was gnawing at him.

Use the Eye of the Encyclopedia.

Name: Zombie Dog

Level: 3

Belongs to: Animal.

Status: Infected.

After a few simple lines of words, Tu Yan smiled slightly.

He just let the zombie dog erode him and greeted death with peace of mind.

He also threw away a bitten finger in advance.

Resurrection again!

The resurrected Tu Yan was slightly stunned and smiled meaningfully.

A pistol appeared out of thin air in his right hand!

Desert Eagle!

The moment he got this weapon, he thought about how to use the gun.

Not only that!

Even his body seemed to have undergone some transformation!

It was as if the Desert Eagle in his hand was growing on him!

One shot, just one shot, headshot and killed!

The sound of gunfire resounded throughout Keli University, and many people were awakened by the sound.

They all thought that the government had sent soldiers to rescue.

When he was about to call for help, he suddenly remembered the existence of the zombies, so he closed his mouth.

"So cool!" Tu Yan laughed.

Then he put the Desert Eagle in his military green backpack.

This backpack can store a thousand square meters of supplies, which is the legendary space bag.

Together with this space backpack, there is also a Desert Eagle.

All of them are the third skill of "Death is like the wind, always with me"!

Death reward!

You must die once a day, and you will be randomly rewarded with something when the first death occurs. If you do not die on the same day, you will enter eternal darkness and suffer forever.

Three skills!

Eternal immortality!

Death stacking!

Death bonus!

All of these are encouraging Tu Yan to become a person who just rushes forward and attacks.

Among them, death stacking and death bonus cannot be activated by suicide.

Seeing this description, Tu Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

Although it's good to be able to revive, you have to die completely to revive.

It hurts.

The death reward forced Tu Yan to accept this pain once a day.

After sighing, Tu Yan opened his own warrior attribute panel through his brain consciousness.

Warrior: Tu Yan

Level: LV5

Strength: 6 (+10%)

Speed: 4 (+10%)

Defense: 3 (+10%)

Attribute points: 20

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, eye of the illustration

Props: space backpack, Desert Eagle.

After Tu Yan woke up a few days ago, this warrior panel has always been LV1

Now after hunting a few zombies and a zombie beast, his level has reached five.

For each level increase, there are five attribute points.

Tu Yan also added strength and speed without hesitation.

Able warrior: Tu Yan

Level: LV5

Strength: 20 (+10%)

Speed: 10 (+10%)

Defense: 2 (+10%)

Attribute points: 0

Abilities: Death is like the wind, always with me, Eye of the Illustrated Book.

Items: Space backpack, Desert Eagle.

Defense? Not needed!

If too much defense is added, no one can kill Tu Yan, then it will be bad luck.

This way of adding points is really incredible.

Most people will distribute it evenly, often three points of defense, one point of strength and one point of speed.

In this world-destroying crisis, staying alive is always the most important thing.

Space backpack: can store 50 square meters of supplies.

Desert Eagle: Pistol, can cause fixed damage of 20 points to creatures.

If the fatal part is hit, it can cause multiple damage, and the chance of a one-shot kill depends on the ability to use it.

The number of magazines is replenished with all bullets every ten minutes, a total of seven bullets.

Tu Yan took out the Desert Eagle and checked it carefully.

As a game enthusiast, he naturally knew about this ‘Desert Eagle’, but he didn’t expect to have the opportunity to use it.

Then he grabbed this currently most powerful weapon and walked towards the classroom.

Tu Yan wants revenge!

The target is Fat Tiger!

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