"Yes! That's right, Tu Yan, you understand."

"Lady Heerlen is really not wary of others. Please remind her more."

Yue Zhiming said sincerely.

"Yes. I will." Tu Yan nodded.

"Then I won't bother you anymore, go to bed early."

After that, Yue Zhiming turned and left.

Tu Yan stood there, watching Yue Zhiming's back as he left.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

'Even at the end of the world, only soldiers can act uprightly. '

Tu Yan thought of the "elites" he killed in Dingfu Square.

If Heerlen had been with them for a few days, she might not even know she was sold out.

Nothing happened that night, so she fell asleep early.

The next day, Tu Yan also woke up early.

Just when he was about to stay in bed, he was disturbed by a noisy slogan outside the door.

He stood up straight, looking at the little lizard that was still sleeping, and decided to let it continue sleeping.

He put on his clothes and walked out.


Rows of soldiers stood straight.

There were some young men who joined temporarily behind them. Although they were immature, they were also well-behaved under the leadership of the soldiers.

They also did morning exercises under the leadership of Major General Yue Zhiming.

When firearms cannot be used, humans can only rely on their own fists to break a way out.

Tu Yan watched from the side. He hadn't felt so lively for a long time.

Unconsciously, he walked to the side.

"How about? Let's spar together? Next, we will continue the actual combat part." Yue Zhiming greeted Tu Yan enthusiastically after seeing him.

"Ah, no, no, I'm afraid I'll kill a few people with one punch."

Tu Yan waved his hand quickly, indicating that he just wanted to watch the show.

As soon as this was said, all the soldiers cast a look of "Is this guy an idiot?"

A young man stood up and said disdainfully.

"Newcomer, who are you? You are so arrogant? Let's have a fight?"

The other people at the scene couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

I've seen arrogant people, but I've never seen such an arrogant person.

Now someone wants to teach that idiot a lesson, everyone must be eager to fight.

And this young man is also the most powerful among the group.

His martial arts level has reached 14. It can be seen at a glance that he kills zombies a lot on weekdays.

The young man, whose real name is Zhou Letian, has a neat short haircut and was a fitness coach before.

When the end of the world came, he relied on his muscles to fight his way out of the zombie group.

After coming to the soldier camp and receiving professional military training, his fighting ability has improved by leaps and bounds.

"Me? A student of Keli University, Tu Yan."

Tu Yan said expressionlessly.

"Come on, let's have a fight?"

After saying that, Zhou Letian took off his shirt and revealed his strong muscles.

"My name is Zhou Letian, and my warrior level is 14."

At the end of his speech, Zhou Letian raised his head proudly. At LV14, he was already an expert among experts in the entire soldier survival camp.

You know, even Major General Yue Zhiming's warrior level was only LV16.

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst into thunderous applause.

Yue Zhiming ignored the people who were making a fuss.

He looked at Tu Yan and waited for his decision.

Tu Yan was a guest of Lord Heerlen after all, and Yue Zhiming respected his wishes.

Of course, Yue Zhiming also wanted to know what kind of ability this person who was praised by Heerlen had.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Tu Yan agreed.

The previous battles were all with zombies and beasts.

He himself also wanted to know what the result would be if he dealt with humans.

But Tu Yan's words "stop here" made everyone laugh.

"Ahahaha, what? You accidentally killed someone just now, why do you change your mind and say stop now?"

"Maybe it's because you saw Zhou Letian's muscles. If he punched him, it would be Tu Yan who died."

"Go on, Zhou Letian, teach him a lesson!"

The noisy voices of the crowd did not affect Tu Yan.

On the contrary, Zhou Letian changed.

He smiled evilly and was ready to hit hard!

Because he decided to take Heerlen for himself from the first day he saw her.

He approached her several times, but was repelled by Heerlen's cold expression.

And just yesterday, Heerlen actually went with a man in person, and went to the canteen together, taking good care of him.

How can it be tolerated!

Zhou Letian thought he had a good appearance, and after the end of the world, he also gained quite powerful abilities.

He was so proud of himself, but he didn't expect to lose to the thin young man in front of him in the matter of chasing girls?

He had planned to go to her house to find trouble in the next few days, but he didn't expect to deliver himself to her today?

"Haha, okay, don't worry, I will show mercy and won't use the ability of a warrior."

Yue Zhiming saw this and was about to remind Tu Yan not to use the Desert Eagle.

But Tu Yan gave him a look of "reassurance".

He also nodded quickly, stood up and acted as the referee.

"Okay, the two sides are Tu Yan and Zhou Letian. Weapons can be used in the fight, but no blood or death. Everything should be stopped at the right time, and the main focus is on exchanging skills!"

Everyone quickly formed a circle around the city and gave up the empty space in the middle.





After giving the order, Zhou Letian took the lead in taking action.

I saw him taking out a wooden stick and running at an extremely fast speed!

"Hahaha, you didn't expect it. I have fifteen points of speed. For a guy like you who only knows how to push around, I'm afraid all the points should be added to defense!"

Being scolded by Zhou Letian.

Tu Yan also took advantage of the break to check the attributes of his own warriors.

Able martial artist: Tu Yan

Level: LV17

Strength: 60

Speed: 25

Defense: 2

Attribute points: 0

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, the eye of the illustrated book.

Props: space backpack, desert eagle, eternal gasoline barrel, clay bomb, full set of body armor.


Tu Yan calmly dodged Zhou Letian's attack.

Then he flashed behind him and said calmly.

"I just checked, I have twenty-five speed points."

Zhou Letian turned around, swung the wooden stick behind him, and exclaimed, "What! Impossible!"

Tu Yan calmly took a few steps back, then took a deep breath and rushed forward.

Directly demonstrate the gap with practical actions!

The two sides were going back and forth, and Tu Yan's speed was obviously much faster!

Zhou Letian couldn't hit Tu Yan at all, and was easily dodged by him every time.

On Tu Yan's side, every time Tu Yan's fist was about to hit Zhou Letian, he quickly stopped it, just like a cat teasing a dying mouse.

"Fuck! Get out of here!"

Zhou Letian became angry and swiped the wooden stick across the ground, trying to distance himself, and then directly activated his ability!

"Go to hell, the warrior ability is activated! 'Earth and Rock Armor'!"

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