The angry Zhou Letian no longer kept his boast of "not using abilities" just now.

He directly activated the ability he was proud of!

"What! This is my earth and rock armor, which can increase defense and speed by 10%, and can also be immune to one fatal injury!"

Earth and rock armor is Zhou Letian's ability as a warrior.

His muscles were already extremely strong, and his body size increased by half a circle.

Countless brown rocks spread on his body, forming rock muscles.

And there was a faint light on these rocks.

He also relied on this ability to fight more and more bravely in the zombie group!

"Give up, you are at most LV10, but my defense is 45 points, plus the 10% increase, you will definitely not be able to beat me!"

Zhou Letian smiled cruelly.

After the speed increased by 10%, he was confident that he could catch up with Tu Yan.

If Tu Yan really wanted to give up, he would definitely rush over at the first time.

A stick poked his throat, making him unable to speak and unable to give up!

He wanted to torture Tu Yan!

"Give up? Haha, do you know how many points are your strength?"

Tu Yan smiled slightly, exerted force on his right leg, and rushed towards Zhou Letian!

The purpose of not hitting Zhou Letian just now was just to see what his ability as a warrior was.

Also to see what his shortcomings were in fighting.

Since Zhou Letian has already used the 'Earth Rock Armor', he is useless!

"Hmph, come on, be careful not to break your bones!"

Zhou Letian is very confident in his defense.

Every time a warrior is promoted to a higher level, he can have five attribute points.

At level 14, he has 70 attribute points.

He has 45 defense points!

His strength is 20, and his speed is 15.

When he awakens

This is actually the way most points are added.

In the end times, many people add defense points to try not to be easily infected by zombies.

But his opponent is Tu Yan!

A man who is not afraid of death!

Tu Yan does not retreat! His frail body looked extremely fragile under Zhou Letian's body that looked like a small meat mountain, as if a gust of wind could blow Tu Yan away.

Even the people who were still making a fuss at the beginning felt a little bit reluctant.

Some people had already closed their eyes, not wanting to hear the sound of "hitting a rock with an egg".

Tu Yan raised his right hand, smiled slightly, and whispered softly.

"Since I can be immune to fatal damage once, I will go all out!"

"The first divine fist!"

Tu Yan stopped his body in a horse stance, and relying on the strong inertia, he suddenly stepped out with his right leg!

At the same time! ,

His right arm shook with his whole waist and came out!

Fist! Blue veins popped out!

It hit Zhou Letian's chest hard!


Hitting a rock with an egg, hitting a rock with an egg!

What was broken was not an egg, but a stone!

Zhou Letian was knocked dozens of feet away and almost hit the crowd watching the show.

He lost consciousness and fell to the ground, his eyes were white and he was foaming at the mouth.

The earth and rock armor he was so proud of was also shattered and blown away by the wind!

"Hey, get up, aren't you immune to fatal injuries?"

Tu Yan looked at his fist nonchalantly.

It was really refreshing to punch with all his strength.

But the pain of hitting a hard object was very burning, and Tu Yan felt that he was about to cry out in pain.

Everyone was stunned.

They thought that Tu Yan's fist broke his entire hand bone and he screamed on the ground.

But unexpectedly, it was Zhou Letian who was knocked away and unconscious.

"Medical team!"

Yue Zhiming was the first to react and quickly asked the soldiers with "healing" abilities to come to help.

After confirming that Zhou Letian was just unconscious and not in danger of life.

Yue Zhiming also exhaled deeply.

Zhou Letian's ability is very good on the battlefield.

Because his "earth and rock armor" is a group ability!

It can work on 100 people!

In the crisis of the end of the world, this is a very precious ability.

But Yue Zhiming couldn't find Tu Yan to settle accounts with him, blaming him for being so heavy-handed.

After all, it was Zhou Letian who was looking for trouble.

"You can't blame me. I went all out because I heard that I could be immune to fatal damage once."

Tu Yan also saw what Yue Zhiming was thinking and said it directly.

When everyone heard it, they also reacted from the shock just now.

They whispered to each other, they didn't understand why the battle ended in a flash.

Even if Tu Yan's level of a warrior was higher, how could he kill Zhou Letian, who had a super high defense value, directly?

"What are your strength points?"

Only Yue Zhiming reacted first and asked Tu Yan directly.



Yue Zhiming only suspected that his ears were broken. Strength points 60? How is it possible? Defense points 60 is about right.

"What about speed?"


"Uh, so what is the defense?"

"No more, no less, just two points."

Tu Yan said with a smile.

Everyone was shocked when he said this.

What kind of attribute points are these?

With such low defense points, the old man at the entrance of the village could kill Tu Yan with just a light touch.

In this apocalyptic disaster, everyone was eager to add points to defense.

How little Tu Yan cherished his life to be able to exert all his strength.

"Uh = Wait! What is your level as a warrior!"

Yue Zhiming seemed to remember something and asked hurriedly.


Level 17, this news shocked everyone even more!

How many zombies did Tu Yan kill to raise his level to 17!

The highest level soldier in the soldier camp, besides Heerlen, is Yue Zhiming.

He is only LV16.

Tu Yan is actually one level higher than Yue Zhiming!

What they don't know is that Tu Yan's ability has not been fully awakened in the three days before the end of the world.

He has not fought against zombies, so his level has always been only LV1.

This also indirectly shows how brave and good Tu Yan is in these days with his "immortal body".

"Uh, aren't you afraid of death?" Yue Zhiming felt very speechless.

"No" Tu Yan paused, and then added "Anyone can kill me, but I can kill anyone!"

Tu Yan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Yue Zhiming knew that this was a feeling that only those who had really been on the battlefield and killed humans could have.

"Alas, young man, sometimes don't be too reckless. You can only understand it if you stay alive. I declare that the winner of this competition is Tu Yan!"

The sound of clapping rang out.

Everyone was not convinced by this result. They just thought that Tu Yan was lucky.

If I were to take over, as long as I could avoid his invincible attack and get hit by my punch, I would definitely be able to defeat Tu Yan!

Unfortunately, there was no time for them to daydream.

Heerlen appeared beside the playground and ran over to grab Tu Yan's ear.

"You kid, here you are, come on, work with me!"

"Ah, it hurts! Let go, you crazy woman."

The intimate appearance of the two was seen by Zhou Letian, who gradually regained consciousness.

He gritted his teeth, widened his eyes, and stared at Tu Yan's back.

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