"Then you should also put on your clothes first."

The carefree Margaret did not notice that the belt on her shoulder had fallen off.

She was exposed, and she was in danger.

"No time for that! Hurry!"


Tu Yan also acted quickly.

He woke up Mark, packed up all the tents, and eliminated the traces of the campfire.

Everyone hurriedly got on the Yanyu Chariot and ran away.

Mark, who was sleepy, was also very panicked when he knew that there were several giant dragon species nearby.

Perhaps because he had been with the little lizard for a long time, Tu Yan did not think that the giant dragon species was so scary.

Mark saw this and explained some things about the seven major races to him.

It turned out that the so-called ranking of the seven major races had a basis.

On the sixth planet invaded by the Zang Beasts-the Savage Star.

All races gradually understood some facts.

That is, the Zang Beast Legion should invade in order of racial strength.

Therefore, the spirit species of the first invaded planet, ‘Spirit Star’, are naturally the strongest.

Although their number is very rare.

All races that have had contact with the spirit species, when mentioning the spirit species, are all terrified.

And the dragon species is the second race.

Its strength can be said to be ‘under one person, above ten thousand people’.

No race, except the spirit species, can guarantee that they can beat the dragon species in a single duel!

Even the third-ranked Skywing species cannot guarantee it!

“I have calculated that facing an adult dragon species, at least twenty Skywing species are needed to defeat it!”

Margaret stepped on the accelerator and said.

“Uh” Tu Yan still looked unconvinced.

“Then Tu Yan, let me ask you, after the little lizard grows bigger, if you fight him in a single duel, what do you think is the chance of winning?” Mark asked beside him.

“Well, it seems”

Tu Yan, who had never thought about this question, also fell into deep thought.

In the end, he concluded that if the death gate is not opened again, it is absolutely impossible!

In the case of death overlap, you have to die at least a dozen times! Only then you have a chance of winning!

"Huh, it seems that my battle with Fei Yan was really a lucky one. I concentrated the power of the entire Quan'an Prefecture, and he was already injured, so I defeated him. Alas."

"Don't sigh, don't belittle yourself, it's already very good to be able to defeat the twelve generals! Tu Yan, you are a hero!"

Margaret persuaded.

"The most important thing is that the dragon species is not very good-tempered. Other races can still chat a few words when they meet, but the dragon species is a volcano!"

Looking at Margaret's indignant expression, it can be guessed that she has an unpleasant story with the dragon species.

"9527! What do you say now, where are you going!"

"I don't know if the nearby dragon species will come. Let's walk forward for another half an hour, and then go to the nearest city first."

"After finding the necessary supplies, we will head to Wanchao County."

9527 looked at the map and analyzed calmly.

But his eyes trembled when he heard the word "divine species".

Unfortunately, no one on the Yanyu Chariot noticed this.

After the Yanyu Chariot drove for another half an hour.

He got off the car directly at a highway intersection.

Highway toll station?

There is no one, how to collect money?

Just hit the railing directly!

The group came to a more remote city-Zicheng Township.

This city is very ordinary, and Tu Yan did not know more about this city on TV or computer.

Zicheng Township does not have a city wall like Nat City or Quan'an Prefecture.

Only a few iron fences can be used as a simple city barrier.

"What should I do? Rush in?"

Not far in front of the Yanyu Chariot, there happened to be such a roadblock.

The roadblock was composed of several oil drums, barbed wire and scrapped cars.

Compared with the previous city, it was a bit shabby.

"No, stop in front."

Tu Yan said.


The car braked suddenly, and the tires left black marks on the ground.

Tu Yan got out of the car quickly, walked to the barrier, and raised his hands.

"Hello! I'm from Nat City. We need some winter clothes. Can I come in?"

Several figures walked out from behind the oil barrel.

Three humans and one beastman.

They held knives and sticks, trembling at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

The movement of the Yanyu chariot was too loud.

They didn't know whether Tu Yan and his men were enemies or friends for a while.

"Hello, this is Zicheng Township, affiliated with Zicheng Camp. Please accept our inspection to see if you have any wounds on your body."

A middle-aged man in the lead stood up and said.


Tu Yan was also used to this situation.

So he took off his clothes neatly for inspection.

At the same time, he also asked the two people in the car to get off.

When the people in Zicheng Camp saw Margaret, their eyes were straight.

They had never seen such a beautiful, sexy and charming person.

"Well, she's a girl, so she doesn't need to be examined."

Tu Yan said expressionlessly.

His impression of the people in front of him was lowered a bit. Is it necessary to stare at a girl like this?


After seeing Tu Yan's cold murderous intent, the middle-aged man finally nodded in agreement.

"Isn't this Mark? I didn't expect to see you here again."

One of the orcs in the Purple City camp said excitedly when he saw Mark.

"Ah you! Amai? Are you Amai?"

Mark was also excited.

The orc species called Amai is a cheetah man, and the markings on its body are still the extremely rare dark gray.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be alive." Amai hugged Mark excitedly.

In the post-apocalyptic world, it can be said to be quite lucky to see old friends.

"Is that Flügel behind you the legendary Killing Laughter?" Amai glanced at Margaret and asked.

"Killing Laughter? I don't know. I didn't join the battle on the Savage Planet. I met Margaret on Earth."

Hearing the title 'The Laughter of Killing', Tu Yan couldn't help but look back at Margaret.

Then Margaret smiled evilly and looked directly at Tu Yan, her eyes seeming to say, 'No? ’

"Ah hahaha, I think this killing smile suits you very well."

"Huh, that's all in the past." Margaret stuck out her tongue.

"Come on, come on, come in quickly, captain, it's okay. This white fox man's name is Mark, and he's my friend."

Amai said carelessly.

Then the group of people also successfully entered Zicheng Township.

When Tu Yan saw that nothing was going on, he first put the 'Fire Hell Chariot' into his space backpack.

I plan to continue on the road after searching for winter clothes and having breakfast.

Just as the group relaxed, dragon roars came from the distance again!

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