The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 97: Dragon Seed O'Ail

"Damn, the ghost is still here!" Margaret twitched her mouth and looked into the distance behind her.

"Tu Yan! Let's go!" Mark also came back to his senses excitedly and said.

"Mark, where are you going?" Only Ama was left with a confused look on his face.

"Ama, dragons! It's the dragon species!"

"Yeah, I know, Zicheng Township is the territory of the dragon species, and they drove away the zombies and beasts here."


Everyone widened their eyes and looked at each other. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

What's going on?

Isn't it just to avoid the dragon species and not to contact the dragon species that they ran so fast.

How come in the end, they ran to someone else's territory.

"Wait, what's going on?" Tu Yan asked.

Seeing this, Ama also spoke carefully.

Zicheng Township was surrounded by zombies and beasts at the beginning.

The various races in it could not form a strong resistance.

There was no way to create a survivor camp.

When the city was almost completely destroyed, several giant dragons appeared in the sky.

It was the dragons that saved Zicheng Township.

Their strength defeated all the zombies and beasts in Zicheng Township.

The so-called Zicheng camp was established with the promise and help of the dragons.

"Well, didn't they do anything to you?" Tu Yan asked with a twitching mouth.

"No, they are very kind. Because of their huge size, Zicheng Township can't accommodate them. They all sleep in the nearby woods."


Tu Yan took a deep breath and looked at Mark and Margaret who were narrating.

"Excuse me, can you give me an explanation?"

"Enke, weren't the dragons very fierce on the Savage Star?" Mark still didn't give up and asked Ama.

"Yes, but after coming to Earth, they found that the food on Earth was delicious, so their tempers were not so fierce."

"Well, this is also okay?" Tu Yan rolled his eyes. He also remembered the little lizard, the foodie, who only thought about eating every day.

Then Mark explained to Amai the truth behind their escape.

This made Amai laugh.

"Indeed, I was scared to death when I first saw the dragon species a few days ago. I didn't expect them to help us, ahaha, but... their requirements are a bit too much, that is, they want humans to cook for them."

"Tsk tsk, they really know how to live." Tu Yan shook his head.

And 9527's voice rang in Tu Yan's mind again.

"Tu Yan, it seems that the dragon species this time have no ill intentions. Ask about the number. If possible, maybe we can use it."


"Yes, Wanchao County must be heavily guarded, and there must be twelve generals in it. If we can get the dragon species to help, it would be a good thing."

"Yes, then I'll ask."

Tu Yan nodded and agreed to this plan.

"Hey, how many dragons do you have here?"

"How many? I didn't count them specifically, but there should be about fifty."


Not only Margaret and Mark, but even Tu Yan was surprised.

What's the matter?

Since the plane fusion, Tu Yan has not seen many dragon species.

I didn't expect that there would be so many dragon species in this poor and remote place?

"Well, how can we talk to the dragon species? We have something to discuss with them."

"They are all back now, they should all be in the square of Zicheng Township." A Mai pointed to the direction of the center of the city.

"Okay, let's go and take a look."

When they arrived at the so-called square, Tu Yan's mouth twitched so much that he almost had a seizure.

What square?

The so-called square is to demolish all the buildings in a place!

Leave a huge empty space.

Let the huge dragon species live here!

There are at least twenty dragons in this square.

They were lazily sunbathing, and from time to time they opened their bloody mouths to accept the food from the human species next to them.

They were just like the masters who were well served!

"Those are the dragons who protect Zicheng Township. I still have the qualifications to go in, so I will take you here."

After saying this, Ama grabbed Mark's hand and stopped him from going in.

"Mark, it's better for you to stay with me. I will protect you." Ama said seriously.

Mark looked at Tu Yan in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"It's okay, just chat with your friends, Margaret and I will go to see those dragon species."

Tu Yan nodded and let Mark continue to stay with Ama.

And Ama also straightened his shoulders and raised his head.

As if to prove to Tu Yan that he was strong enough to protect Mark.

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

Then he walked in with Margaret.

This group of dragon species looks very similar to big lizards.

They all have four legs, a tail, and a pair of wings.

If there is any difference, it is probably the skin color and some subtle differences.

For example, not far away, there are two giant dragons that are khaki, while the ones next to them are turquoise, and in the past there were also fiery red ones, and so on.

Margaret was also unusually nervous and scared, subconsciously grabbing the corner of Tu Yan's clothes and following closely behind Tu Yan.

"Okay, it's okay, don't worry."

"Hello! Dear dragons! I am a human from another city, Tu Yan!"

Tu Yan cleared his throat, came to the center of the square, and said loudly.

Several giant dragon species looked at this strange human species curiously.

But the huge part of the dragon species is still lying on the spot, enjoying the sunbath.

"I hope to find the dragon species that I can talk to. Is there one here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a giant black dragon not far away glanced at Tu Yan.

Then its huge body moved, and the entire ground began to tremble slightly!

"Human species? Other cities? Tell me, I am the leader of the dragon species in this area of ​​Zicheng Township, Oriel."

The black dragon exhaled white mist and spoke slowly.

The sound of heavy breathing came, and it also brought with it the slightest smell of bad breath.

Tu Yan finally controlled himself so as not to vomit.

"Dear Olier, hello, I am Tu Yan from Nat City."

"Can I get your help? We plan to continue going north to the city of Wanchao County."

"There is Yanlong Kingdom's second mourning beast teleportation device there. We plan to destroy it. Can we get your help?"

Tu Yan bent down slightly and looked at the other party sincerely.

But Oriel's face flushed, and before he could laugh out loud, the dragons next to him suddenly burst into laughter.

The roaring laughter was so harsh that it seemed to envelope the entire city of Zicheng.

"Hahahaha, Tu Yan? Are you trying to laugh me to death? Hahahaha, if there is a teleportation device, there must be twelve generals. Do you want to defeat the twelve generals? With your body? Are you going to fill the gap between your teeth? Haha. Ha ha"

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