"Huh? What's wrong with that? Defeat the Twelve Generals. Isn't that possible?"

This made all the dragon species laugh.

It was as if the air around them was shaking.

"Tu Yan. Hahaha, you should go back. Twelve Generals? How is that possible? The Twelve Generals can't be defeated. They are too strong."

At the end, there was a hint of fear in Oriel's tone.

"You bunch of stinky dragons who only know how to laugh at being beaten! What qualifications do you have to say that!"

Margaret, who was behind Tu Yan, suddenly cursed.

She was originally very nervous in front of so many dragons.

But seeing them laughing at Tu Yan like this, she couldn't stand it.

"Oh? Flügel? Ha, Flügel, this human species doesn't understand the horror of the Twelve Generals, don't you understand it either?"

Oil snorted softly, and the hot air from his huge nostrils almost blew Tu Yan away.

"I understand, so listen to me clearly, Feiyan, one of the twelve generals, has been defeated by us!"

"Puchi. Ahahahaha, I am dying of laughter, are you here to laugh at us? With your small bodies?"

Tu Yan was not angry, but asked with a smile.

"Then respected Lord Oriel, what do you want to believe that we defeated Feiyan? If we prove that we have the strength to defeat the twelve generals, are you willing to help us?"

"Oh, by the way, I have passed through many cities along the way, and there are many delicacies in my space backpack."

Tu Yan is also very good at catering to his preferences, deliberately using "lies" to deceive Oriel.


Oiler originally did not intend to take care of Tu Yan, but in the end he could not resist the temptation of "delicious food".

After swallowing his saliva, Oriel said.

"Forget it, just treat it as an after-meal exercise. Let's put it this way, Tu Yan, as long as you can beat me, then I will believe you."

"Of course, I don't know how to control my strength when I start fighting. If I accidentally step on you to death, don't blame me."

Oil said seriously.

As if Tu Yan was already a dead man.

"Okay, let's get started."

As soon as the voice fell, the giant dragon species next to him flew into the air very cooperatively, leaving a large open space for Tu Yan and the others to fight.

And Margaret came to Tu Yan and asked quietly.

"Why don't you let Mark bring the glassware containing Fei Yan's head? This is the most direct evidence. Let them see it and they will know."

After hearing this, Tu Yan shook his head and said.

"No, strength is the foundation. We have to defeat him and then present this evidence. This will be more powerful and more likely to persuade them to surrender."

"Okay, take care of yourself. I hope you won't faint while dying."

In the days in Quan'an Mansion, Tu Yan had already told Margaret about his ability as a warrior.

Margaret was surprised.

She also happily accepted the task of killing Tu Yan every day in order to trigger Tu Yan's death reward, so that he would not fall into eternal darkness because he could not die.

"Come on, Tu Yan, let me see how capable you are!"

After Margaret left, Olier moved his hands and feet and prepared to compete with Tu Yan.

"Then I won't be polite!"

As soon as the voice fell, Olier kicked him directly!

Stepped on Tu Yan!

"Hahaha, is this your ability!"

Oiler laughed. He had no intention of killing anyone, so he specially saved some strength to avoid stepping on Tu Yan to death with one kick.

The giant dragons watching the show in the sky also looked like they were enjoying the show.

But before O'Leary could finish being proud.

He gradually felt a wave of tension coming from under his feet.

After a dragon roar, O'Leary continued to exert force under his feet.

But he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't step on it completely!

"Tu Yan! Your strength is quite high!" O'Leary gritted his teeth and said.

O'Leary was a little panicked now. If he continued to exert force, he was afraid that he would accidentally step on Tu Yan to death.

But Tu Yan's performance surprised O'Leary.

He had never seen a human with such great strength.

Even the beastmen rarely had the strength of Tu Yan!

In a trance, with Tu Yan's roar.

Half of O'Leary's body was directly lifted up!

"Hey, stinky dragon, this is all you can do, don't blame me for being rude!"

Tu Yan directly took out the 'Barrett's Black Katie Flame' and retreated repeatedly.

O'Leary staggered and barely controlled his body.

"Ollel! Don't let up, ahahaha."

"It's so embarrassing, being lifted up by a human? Ahahaha."

The giant dragon species watching the show began to laugh at their compatriots.

"What do you know!" Ollel raised his head and let out a dragon roar with disdain.

And just as Ollel was distracted.

Tu Yan had retreated to a safe area.

"Roar of Flame"!


The bullet was ejected! It flew away quickly!

Ollel had no time to react at all!


A strong explosion! The violent wind made the giant dragon species in the sky stand on end!

"Damn, what was that move just now? It was quite powerful."

"I really can't believe a human race can have such an attack method. Tsk tsk, the one in his hand, is it Earth's sniper rifle? The most powerful technological weapon on Earth can be used?"

The only thing that surprised these dragons was that Tu Yan could use such a powerful skill.

There was no discussion about whether Oriel could take this move!

Because in their hearts, they knew that this move would be no problem for more than a hundred times!

This is the confidence of the dragon species!


In the smoke, Oriel let out a piercing roar!

This dragon roar actually blew away the smoke directly!

"Tu Yan, not bad, ah ha ha ha ha"

Oil laughed, then stepped on the ground to regain balance.

But unexpectedly, the explosion happened again!

Under Oriel's feet!


"Damn, what is this again!"

Oil flapped his wings and flew to the air, looking at his feet in confusion.

But there was nothing on the bottom of his feet, only some burnt marks, but it was harmless.

It turned out that when Tu Yan was stepped on by Olier, he stuck all 20 clay bombs on his body under his huge feet.

This caused the explosion just now.

"Heh, a trifle." Olier sneered.

He became impatient after being bombed like this, so he raised his head and blew out a mouthful of black flames!

"Oh no! I can't control the power!"

As soon as he released his breath, Olier began to regret it.

He was careless and went all out.

No one could survive this dragon's breath.

"Alas, we agreed not to kill him. What a pity for the delicious food we just agreed on."

Oilier shook his head, his face full of regret.

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