Wu Zihao was now very confused. Looking at the strange and dilapidated room in front of him, he pinched his face hard.

It hurts! This is not a dream!

Although he didn't want to believe it, he finally confirmed one thing, that he had traveled through time.

He clearly remembered that he had been electrocuted when he went to repair the circuit failure in his house. Then he felt numb all over and felt a warm current flowing down his arm to his chest. After that, he knew nothing.

The room in front of him looked quite luxurious, compared with the small dark room he rented.

He was in a living room, and it was full of dust. It seemed that the house had been empty for at least half a year.

Wu Zihao picked up a piece of remaining newspaper on the coffee table, blew away the dust on it, and read the content on it.

Fortunately, the words on it were no different from what he knew. Wu Zihao first looked at the time displayed on the newspaper: February 22, 2222.

Wu Zihao's mouth twitched. This must be 2 more years.

Then he was shocked. If compared with the previous earth, 2222 is two hundred years later.

The report mentioned only some virus outbreaks and nothing that could give him more clues.

He walked to the window and looked at the street, but his eyes widened in shock. He saw that the outside was shabby, with occasional broken walls reminding Wu Zihao of the dilapidated world.

However, this was nothing. What shocked him the most were the creatures wandering in groups of three or two on the street.

No, Wu Zihao was no longer sure whether it was a creature or not. It was a zombie-like monster, similar in appearance to humans, and dressed like humans.

However, looking closely, their eyes were empty, their limbs were stiff, their hair was sparse, and they had almost no flesh and blood on their bodies. Their skin was also shriveled, like skin and bones, wrinkled and attached to the bones.

After the shock, Wu Zihao suddenly felt something and muttered to himself,"Am I traveling to the end of the world?"

Before he finished speaking, a"100%!".

Huh? What does this mean? Wu Zihao rubbed his eyes, looking at the words that still did not dissipate, expressing his doubts.

He reached out and touched it, but felt nothing. It seemed to be just an image, not a physical entity.

Then Wu Zihao began to imagine again. As a loser, he had read many novels about time travel, in which the protagonists had all kinds of awesome golden fingers when they traveled through time.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao began to conduct various tests.

"Is this my golden finger?"


Sure enough, although he still didn't understand what this thing was, it didn't prevent him from understanding the meaning of this sentence. This series of percentage-like things was the golden finger that accompanied him when he came here.

Then Wu Zihao immediately asked the question he was most concerned about:

"Can I ever return to the modern world?"


Seeing this, Wu Zihao finally put his mind at ease.

Fortunately, as long as he could go back, it wouldn't be a problem at all.

"Is the end of the world dangerous?"


Look at the nonsense I asked. It's the end of the world, it must be very dangerous! How can it be called the end of the world if it's not dangerous?

"Is it safe for me to go out now?"


"Is there a high chance I'll die if I go out now?"



After several tests, Wu Zihao finally understood that he seemed to have obtained an amazing golden finger.

This golden finger seemed to have a function of foreknowledge and puzzle solving. Every time he asked a question about possibility, it would show a string of percentage numbers in front of him to express the probability of something happening or having happened.

After figuring it out, Wu Zihao began to think about what he should do next. When he asked about returning to the modern world just now, it gave a probability of 100%.

In other words, he could definitely go back, but how could he go back?

Just when Wu Zihao thought of this, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind:"Host, have you decided to return?"

Wu Zihao was startled, and then he silently said"yes" in his heart, and then his mind suddenly went blank. When he regained consciousness, he found that he had returned to his own small dark room.

Wu Zihao quickly turned on his mobile phone to check the time, September 2, 2018, 13:21.

Thinking that it was about one o'clock before he crossed over, he stayed there for about ten minutes, and the sky over there was almost that time, it seemed that the time of this world and that world should be synchronized.

If it weren't for the newspaper from 2222 in his hand reminding him, he would have thought he had just had a dream.

"Am I back?"

No response, and this time no percentage figures appeared.

Wu Zihao asked several more questions but still got no response. He thought that this golden finger could only be used in the end times!

At this moment, Wu Zihao felt a burning sensation in his chest, so hot that he quickly unbuttoned his shirt to check.

As the buttons of his shirt undid, Wu Zihao saw a shocking scene: a round yin-yang fish jade pendant slowly embedded into the skin on his chest until it was completely submerged and disappeared, leaving a Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest that was the same as the jade pendant.

This pattern was clearly tattooed on his chest like a tattoo. Wu Zihao reached out and touched it, and it was slightly warm.

Just as his hand touched the pattern, an energy progress bar suddenly appeared in his mind. It was the energy display of the jade pendant, and there was still 50%!

In other words, his return to the end times would consume 50% of the jade pendant's energy! In addition

, Wu Zihao also discovered that he had A space of one square meter!

With a thought, the newspaper in his hand disappeared and appeared in this space.

Then with another thought, the newspaper reappeared in his hand.

It seems that all his miracles come from this jade pendant.

He bought this jade pendant on Pinxixi a few days ago!

He would never have thought that such a cheap little pendant would have such a heaven-defying function.

Hey! That's not right!

I have been wearing this jade pendant for several days. Why did I only experience the crossing today?

Is there any difference between today and usual?

Could it be?

Looking at the damaged electric meter in front of him, Wu Zihao had a guess in his heart.

Could it be that the energy required by this jade pendant is electrical energy?

And the reason why he crossed over at this time is because he was electrocuted and filled the energy of this jade pendant? Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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