Everyone has a sense of adventure, especially young people like Wu Zihao who are deeply influenced by modern online novels.

When Wu Zihao thought of the domineering protagonists in the novels who had golden fingers and conquered the world in a minute, he was excited.

I didn't expect that such a good thing would happen to me!

Since God has destined me to have an extraordinary fate, I must do something big!

Uh, now I am back, but how can I go there?

Just thinking of this, a voice sounded in my mind again:"Host, have you decided to go to the end of the world?"

So that's what happened. Wu Zihao decisively chose no.

Are you kidding, how can I go there now? I am unarmed and have nothing prepared. Can I go there as a snack for the zombies?

The most important thing is that my jade pendant only has 50% of the energy left, which is barely enough for me to go back and forth.

What if I waste a little more energy there and can't find energy to replenish in the end, wouldn't it be a one-way trip?

Although Wu Zihao is a little hot-blooded when he is young, he never does things without preparation. This is a good habit he developed when he was a soldier.

Yes, Wu Zihao's family was a little poor. In order to support his sister's schooling, Wu Zihao volunteered to join the army and received preferential treatment for military families.

Now he has retired and become a security guard in an advertising and media company.

No matter what you do, as long as you make up your mind, you must prepare carefully to be prepared for any eventuality.

Knowing that he can go through it again at any time, Wu Zihao began to prepare what he needed.

In the end times, food is the top priority.

In that situation where everyone is in danger, no factory dares to produce food calmly, and no farmer stays in the field to farm.

Therefore, only those who are not starved to death have the right to survive.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao hurried back to his small dark room and turned out all the food in his room.

After a careful look, there was a box of instant noodles, a few apples, a few bottles of beer and cola, a few bags of pickled mustard and potato chips, and a box of canned fruit. It can be said that all the food and drink that he had stored these days were found.

Then Wu Zihao had an idea and transferred all these things into his one cubic meter storage space.

After thinking about it again, instant noodles still need hot water. I don't know if there is a doomsday, but it's better to be prepared.

Wu Zihao boiled a large pot of hot water, filled a thermos and put it in the storage space.

After solving the problem of food, there is also the problem of safety.

Although he has practiced some military boxing, he is not sure that he can kill the zombies there with his bare hands, so weapons and other things must be prepared.

However, China's control over weapons is quite strict, and Wu Zihao finally only found a fire axe.

Fortunately, his current profession is a security guard, and the company has equipped him with security equipment, including small electric batons, swing batons, telescopic nunchakus, etc. I don't know if they are useful against zombies, but he still brought them all. After thinking about it, he also brought a set of lock picking tools.

Finally, I looked at what else I had left. I glanced casually and happened to see the lighter on the bedside, so I picked it up.

I took everything I should take, and the last thing left was the last thing.

Touching the circular pattern on his chest, Wu Zihao's mind appeared again. The energy progress bar, the remaining energy is 41%.

Hey! How come there is only 41% left? Wasn't it 50% originally? Where did the 9% go?

Wu Zihao was surprised when he looked at the energy progress bar in his mind!

Could it be?!

He hadn't used this jade pendant for such a long time since he came back, except for putting some things into this storage space.

Could it be that he still needs to consume energy to use this storage space?

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao tried again, took out a box of instant noodles from it, and looked at the energy progress bar again, 40%. He put it back and looked again, 39%.

Sure enough, storing and accessing things consumes energy.

Wu Zihao tried a few more times and found that the energy consumption depends on the size of the things being stored and accessed. The larger the things, the more they consume, and the upper limit is 1%.

For smaller things, such as the newspaper, the energy consumed by storing and accessing can be completely ignored.

Seeing this result, Wu Zihao was glad that he didn't rush over just now, otherwise he would really not be able to come back if he took some things in the end of the world.

The most urgent thing is to fill the energy of the jade pendant.

The reason why this thing was full of energy last time was that he was electrocuted, and it seems that this time is the same.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao went straight to the power strip, removed the outer shell, and exposed the metal sheet inside.

Wu Zihao stretched out two fingers tremblingly. He was still nervous when he thought about getting an electric shock.

He was unconscious when he got an electric shock before, so he naturally didn't have any psychological burden.

But now he has to take the initiative to touch it, and it would be strange if he didn't feel a throbbing heart! What if he was electrocuted to death? Taking a deep breath, Wu Zihao silently said in his heart that wealth and honor are sought in danger, isn't it just an electric shock? It's not like he hasn't been electrocuted before.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao closed his eyes, made up his mind, and directly put two fingers on the metal sheet.

In an instant, Wu Zihao felt a tingling warm current passing through his right hand to his chest, and was absorbed by the circular pattern on his chest that looked like a Tai Chi diagram.

He opened his eyes and looked, nothing happened! He was fine!

Wu Zihao smiled with relief and touched the pattern on his chest with his left hand.

The energy progress bar appeared in his mind again, 41%, 42%...

In less than three minutes, the energy was completely filled.

The moment the energy bar showed 100%, Wu Zihao quickly retracted his finger.

Now it was 100%, the jade pendant had absorbed all the energy, if the remaining energy was not absorbed, wouldn't it shock him?

He didn't want to risk his life just to try what would happen if he continued to charge it when it was full!

""The end of the world! Here I come!"

Everything was ready. Wu Zihao took a deep breath, and then silently said in his heart: Go to the end of the world.

Then the voice sounded in his mind again:"Host, have you decided to go to the end of the world?""


Wu Zihao said in his heart.

The next second, his mind was blank. When he was conscious again, he had come to the end of the world again.

He touched the pattern on his chest, and the energy progress bar automatically appeared in his mind, with 75% left!

Sure enough, it takes 25% of energy to travel through time!

It's still the same room, and it's still the same window position.

【Are the times of the end of the world and the present synchronized?】


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