Seeing the percentage numbers in front of him, Wu Zihao felt relieved.

At this time, he should first understand the surrounding situation. After all, he is just a newcomer to this world and has no idea about everything in this world.

【Are there zombies near me?】


Sure enough, there are zombies everywhere in this world. It is impossible that there are no zombies here. I saw them when I came here last time!

【Can zombies infect humans and turn them into zombies?】


【If a normal person is bitten or scratched by a zombie, will he turn into a zombie?】


It was similar to what was described in the novels I had read. It was indeed very dangerous.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao asked again in his heart:

【If I get bitten by a zombie, will I become a zombie?】


Well, I still have a certain immunity compared to normal people! It seems that my golden finger has a certain immune function!

However, although there is only a 50% chance, Wu Zihao did not dare to try it. What if the god of luck does not take care of him?

It seems that in the future, when dealing with zombies, I must retreat unscathed and must not get hurt!

Looking at the zombies on the street outside the window, Wu Zihao thought subconsciously.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao still felt that he should have a certain detailed understanding of zombies. After all, he will have to deal with these guys all the time in the future.

【Are all zombies the kind with stiff bodies and move slower than ordinary humans?】


【What does that mean? Does it mean that some zombies are very agile and can move very fast?】


Shit! I thought zombies were just like zombies. If I met one, I could still run away even if I couldn't defeat it!

In this situation, if I met one with a flexible body, wouldn't I be unable to run away?



After calming down, Wu Zihao asked again:

【Are there any agile zombies near me?】


Phew—that’s not bad, Wu Zihao breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were zombies like that everywhere around him, he would be in trouble! He should just go back to modern times and be his own security guard!

【Are there many types of zombies?】


【Are there zombies that are invulnerable to swords and guns?】


Really, Wu Zihao secretly exclaimed, invulnerable to swords and guns! Isn't this kind of zombie invincible?


Well, yes, although it is invulnerable to swords and guns, there are many weapons in modern times that are more powerful than swords and guns, not to mention that it is already two hundred years later!

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao asked again:

【Are there any zombies here that have advanced intelligence?】


WTF! There really is one!

Wu Zihao just asked casually with the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that such a thing really exists!

Are you kidding? Aren't those with intelligence considered living things? Can they still be called zombies?


Uh, what is this?

Before, all I could see were percentages, but now there are three question marks. What's going on?

Whatever, let's continue to learn about zombies!

【Are there any extremely powerful zombies near me?】


This is not so bad. It seems that the zombies around me are all those brainless ordinary zombies with stiff limbs and slow movements. There are no high-level ones that can't escape if they meet me.

【One on one, can I kill an ordinary zombie without getting hurt with the weapon in my hand?】


This probability is not high! You have to know that I have been a soldier for two years, and my skills are much better than ordinary people.

Even so, with the weapons in my hands, I can only fight zombies on equal terms, and they are the weakest and most common zombies. This shows how terrifying the zombies in this world are.

In the following time, Wu Zihao carefully asked all kinds of questions about zombies that he could think of, and finally had a certain understanding of the zombies in this world.

After understanding the zombies, Wu Zihao finally began to care about the situation around him.

【Are there zombies in the corridor outside the house?】


【How many zombies are there?】


After many attempts, Wu Zihao has discovered that he can only get the exact percentage response from the other party when he asks the exact number or the exact question!

Otherwise, he will only give you three question marks.

In this case, he has to ask in a different way:

【There are one or more zombies?】


【There are two or more zombies?】


It seems that there is only one zombie in this floor corridor!

Fortunately, one zombie is a 50-50 chance to fight him. If there are more, he won't have to go out.

Although it is a 50-50 chance, Wu Zihao did not go out immediately. The probability is still a little low. You know, if you get hurt, you may be infected and turn into a zombie.

He decided to learn about other situations around him first to see if there are any favorable conditions that can be used.

【This building has... uh... six floors or more?】


【Seven floors or more?】


There are six floors in total.

Wu Zihao looked down from the window and estimated the height. He estimated that he was on the fifth floor, and it was confirmed by asking.

【Are there any other survivors in this building?】


Uh, are there others?

Wu Zihao was secretly alert. You have to know that this is the end of the world. Those who have read novels know that people are the most reliable and the most unreliable in the end of the world. In this situation, you never know what kind of people you will meet!

【Is this person a bad guy?】


【Is this person a danger to himself?】


Wu Zihao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this number. As long as they were not bad guys and there was no danger, there would be no problem. He could temporarily not���Ignore him.

What he fears most is that when he is fighting with zombies, someone suddenly comes with a knife in the back. That would be terrible!

【There are some more powerful weapons in this building?】


Hey! Wu Zihao's eyes lit up.

If he got this weapon, wouldn't he have a better chance of killing the zombies without getting hurt?

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao asked again:

【Is there a gun in this weapon?】


Hey! There is such a good treasure! Wu Zihao was so excited that he almost shouted!

But in the end, he still asked cautiously if there were any bullets. You know, facing zombies, a gun without bullets is not even as good as a fire stick, so he must be cautious.

Seeing the 100% in front of him, Wu Zihao was relieved again.

At the same time, through several more tests, it was confirmed that the gun was upstairs, and there were ten bullets.

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