Having a gun and bullets is undoubtedly good news for Wu Zihao, but the bad news is that there are two zombies in the corridor upstairs!

However, after asking and calculating, Wu Zihao got another good news. He has a 70% chance of opening the door of the resident with a pistol before being discovered by the two zombies!

This is already a high probability, enough for Wu Zihao to make up his mind to take a gamble!

After learning this, a bold plan finally formed in his heart.

Clenching his fists, Wu Zihao encouraged himself and did it!

Wu Zihao came to the door, his mind sank into the storage space, and checked his tools to see which one was more suitable.

In addition to a fire axe, the weapons on his body were those security equipment.

Security equipment, in addition to some fire-fighting and anti-wolf and some auxiliary flashlights, the only weapons that can be used are a small electric baton, a swing stick, and a telescopic nunchaku. The small electric baton is a powerful weapon for ordinary people, but I don’t know if it is useful against zombies!

But even if it is useful, he doesn’t plan to use it, because it is too short, just a little bigger than a palm, like a small flashlight.

Wu Zihao was very suspicious that he was scratched by the zombies before the electric baton touched them.

As for the sling stick and telescopic nunchaku, they were sticks, not sharp weapons, with limited lethality, and they might not be very useful to zombies.

After thinking about it, it seemed that the only thing he could use was this fire axe.

Wu Zihao laughed at himself, thinking that he had brought so many things with him, but this was the only one he could really use.

But even so, he was determined to give it a try.

【Now the gatekeeper directly encounters zombies?】


It seems that this zombie has been lingering at the door!

Looking through the cat's eye, there was no shadow of the zombie. Wu Zihao mustered up the courage to open the door and rushed out. Suddenly, a foul smell hit him.

Wu Zihao resisted the feeling of retching and looked to the side. Sure enough, there was a zombie walking stiffly three meters in front.

Hearing the sound, the zombie immediately turned around and pounced on him like a hungry wolf seeing its prey. He smelled the food! As the zombie approached, the stench became stronger and stronger, and Wu Zihao almost fainted.

Wu Zihao hurriedly held his breath. He knew that he had to hold back and not be distracted, otherwise he would end up being the zombie's blood food.

At this moment, he really regretted not wearing a gas mask. It was too late to wear it now.

Seeing the zombie pounce on him, Wu Zihao quickly used all his strength to dodge.

Wu Zihao clearly saw that the sharp claws of the zombie were only a few millimeters away from scratching his cheek when he dodged, and he was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Perhaps this zombie had not seen blood for a long time, and suddenly it used too much force and hit the opposite wall.

Good opportunity!

Wu Zihao tried to calm down his frightened mood, and took this opportunity to raise the fire axe in his hand high, and chopped the back of the zombie's head with all his strength.

He had already known the zombie's weakness through questioning and calculation.

Zombies are not like humans, they have many vital points, and even excessive blood loss can lead to death.

Zombies have only one vital point, which is the brain.

Only by destroying the zombie's brain can a zombie be truly killed, making it completely incapable of movement and unable to move.

Wu Zihao took advantage of the zombie's stiff movement and difficulty in turning around, and hit the zombie's head with an axe, directly splitting it in half, and even the smelly brain inside flowed out.

With the head split open, the zombie finally fell down slowly.

Wu Zihao resisted the urge to vomit and pulled out the fire axe.

Although he had been a soldier, soldiers in peacetime were different from soldiers in wartime, and he had never killed anyone.

Although the one he was killing was a zombie, not a human, he was also in human form.

Anyway, as it was his first time, he was still a little uncomfortable.

But now was not the time to worry about these things, he had more important things to do.

After getting rid of this zombie, there would be no more zombies on the fifth floor.

Wu Zihao observed the layout of the corridor and found that the entire corridor was in the shape of an I, with a staircase in the middle and two households on the north and south sides.

Wu Zihao's room was on the south side, and there was also a neighbor next to him who faced the sun.

Except for the first floor, the layout of each floor was the same, that is, the sixth floor was also like this.

The room with the gun was right above the neighbor of Wu Zihao's room, and the two zombies on the sixth floor were wandering back and forth in the corridor on the north side, which was Wu Zihao's opportunity.

He would never do it if he was asked to fight two zombies alone now, the risk was too great.

His only chance was to rush up to the sixth floor and to the door of the room with the gun when the two zombies walked past the connecting point in the middle corridor.

Then he quickly opened the door and went in before the two zombies noticed him, and took the pistol with bullets.

And all actions must be quiet, not making too much noise, because that would also attract zombies.

Wu Zihao calmed down, walked upstairs slowly, and hid in the shadows at the stairs.

Before he reached the upstairs, the fishy smell had already drifted into his nose. With such a strong smell, Wu Zihao didn't need to see with his eyes, but only smelled with his nose to know where the two zombies were.

The"hissing" sound of the zombies came from the quiet corridor, which made people feel creepy.

Wu Zihao held his breath, rushed up to the sixth floor the moment he confirmed that the two zombies had passed, and then sneaked into the south corridor without looking back, came to the door of the resident with the pistol, took out the lock picking tools from the storage space and started to unlock it.

Now he is very grateful to the old squad leader who led him when he was in the army. It was the old squad leader who taught him the lock-picking technique as a skill.

Due to nervousness, Wu Zihao failed twice at critical moments, but fortunately he did not make much noise and did not attract zombies.

After five minutes, he heard a"click" and the door opened.

Wu Zihao was overjoyed and quickly opened the door and walked in, then immediately closed the door again and leaned against the door with a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, as long as he entered the door, he would be temporarily safe. The next step is to find the pistol and bullets in this resident. He was almost caught just dealing with one zombie just now. There are two in the corridor this time. If he really encounters them head-on, he will probably be in trouble!

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