For Wu Zihao, who has a golden finger, he doesn't need to search inch by inch.

【That gun is in the living room?】


【In the master bedroom?】


【Under the bed?】


【In this closet?】



Finally, Wu Zihao finally found the pistol in the interlayer of the closet!

Wu Zihao took out the pistol, checked the magazine, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a semi-automatic pistol that Wu Zihao has never seen before. It is very small, and the magazine capacity is only ten rounds, and it is now full.

In addition to the pistol, there is also a handful of RMB and a bag of white powder in the interlayer.

Needless to say, the RMB is just a pile of waste paper now. Wu Zihao is too lazy to even look at it.

He picked up the bag of white powder, opened it, smelled it, and then frowned slightly.

If he guessed correctly, this bag should be drugs.

Although he was not on the front line when he was in the army, he had a certain understanding of this kind of thing. Although he didn't know what type of drug it was, it didn't hinder his understanding of it.

It seems that the times are progressing, and even drugs are much more advanced than modern ones.

【The owner of this resident is a drug dealer?】


Sure enough, this gun should be hidden by the drug dealer.

Looking at the bag of powder in his hand with disgust, Wu Zihao thought for a while, scratched out all the soft sister yuan in the interlayer, and then put the bag of powder on it, took out a lighter and ignited it directly.

As a modern veteran with correct values, he hates this kind of thing the most.

I don’t know how the drug dealer is now. Most likely he has become a blood food for some zombie!

Burn your things for you, and there is a lot of soft sister yuan, which is a reward for taking your pistol!

After cleaning up, Wu Zihao calmed down a little. The next step is the two zombies in the corridor. He just wants to try out the power of this pistol two hundred years later.

Wu Zihao opened the door and came to the corridor, then stepped hard on the floor, making a"bang" sound, and there was an echo in the quiet corridor.

Sure enough, the two zombies in the north suddenly heard the sound, and hurriedly roared, and ran towards this side along the corridor. They felt the breath of blood food.

Wu Zihao had already prepared himself. He held his pistol with both hands and pointed it at the entrance of the corridor, waiting for the zombies to show up.

Two zombies ran frantically along the corridor one after the other. As soon as the zombie in front showed its head, it was directly shot in the head by a bullet.

Wu Zihao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his marksmanship had not deteriorated.

For a veteran who had served for several years, although he was a little rusty after not touching a gun for a year after retiring, if he couldn't hit the target within such a short distance of five meters, he would buy a tofu and kill himself. He rubbed his wrist a little. He still underestimated the recoil of this pistol that was two hundred years ahead of the modern times.

He had deliberately used both hands to prevent the recoil injury, but his wrist was still hurt by the shock. If he had held the gun with one hand just now, he doubted that his whole hand would be disabled.

What was even more surprising was the power of this gun. He saw clearly just now that with just this one shot, the zombie's head was like a watermelon, and was smashed into pieces by this bullet.

You should know that the skull is the hardest bone in the human body. In modern times, even if you shoot close to the forehead, at most you will leave a blood hole with burn marks on the head. However, the zombie in front of him was beaten into a muggle in an instant!

This instantaneous explosive power is indeed incomparable to modern pistols.

Although he was shocked, Wu Zihao knew that it was not the time to think about these things, because there was still a zombie behind him!

For zombies, being shot in the head by their own kind cannot deter them.

They are just a walking corpse, without any wisdom.

In their consciousness, there is no fear, no shock, only blood food.

The fellow in front fell down, and he did not hesitate at all. Instead, he became more violent because of the louder gunshots, and rushed towards Wu Zihao frantically.

The result is self-evident. He got another bullet.

Wu Zihao blew on the muzzle of the gun and rubbed his numb wrist hard.

Looking at the pistol in his hand, Wu Zihao sighed in his heart: Although the power is good, it can't be used often!

In the future, it is better not to use this thing easily unless it is necessary. It hurts the hand too much.

He just fired two shots and that was it. If there was another zombie, he probably wouldn't be able to use his hands anymore.

Wu Zihao cursed in his heart. It's been two hundred years. How come these weapons dealers haven't made any progress? A pistol has such a strong recoil. It's not practical at all!

After a little complaining, Wu Zihao put away the pistol and went to the zombie in front to search carefully.

He saw clearly just now that after the head of the zombie behind was exploded, a red thing flew out, which was in sharp contrast with the white brain.

He had to study it carefully.

The corridor was not very big. Wu Zihao quickly found the thing in a corner. It was a red crystal.

Wu Zihao picked it up and looked at it carefully.

This bright red crystal was about the size of a pigeon egg, crystal clear and round, and seemed to contain pure energy.

Wu Zihao recalled the apocalyptic novels he had read before. According to legend, zombies have an energy crystal core in their heads. Could this be an energy crystal core?


After getting the confirmation, Wu Zihao looked at the other zombie again and thought:

【Doesn’t this zombie have an energy crystal core?】


【In other words, not every zombie has an energy crystal core?】


Wu Zihao nodded, and then asked a more concerned question:

【Can I absorb this crystal core?】


【Are there any side effects after absorption?】


【Will I become stronger after absorbing it?】


Wu Zihao was really excited now. He said that since he had traveled through time, he couldn't be a weakling forever!

Although he didn't know what effect it would have after absorbing it, it was a good start. As long as he could become stronger and stronger, it would be fine!

The next question was how to absorb it!

Wu Zihao looked at the energy crystal core in his hand and thought for a while. How should he absorb this thing? Should he eat it directly?


It seems not, so it is going to break it?


What should I do? Should I put it directly on the pattern on my chest?


Uh, is this okay?

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