Wu Zihao saw the words"100%" in front of him, and followed its prompts to place the energy crystal core in his hand on the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest. He immediately felt his chest warm up, and the energy crystal core was slowly absorbed by the pattern on his chest.

Then Wu Zihao was pleasantly surprised to find that the energy of the jade pendant was immediately filled, and there were more things in his mind!

Wu Zihao took a closer look and found that it was a set of his own attribute panel:

【Body: 8+ (Body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, etc.)

Strength: 9+ (Strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 7+ (Speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance and flexibility, etc.)

Spirit: 8+ (represents mental strength, stress resistance, interference resistance, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The numerical range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】

Damn! You can't have any misunderstanding about the definition of ordinary humans! After all,

I have been a soldier for several years and have received some professional training. The last attribute is still in the category of ordinary humans, and the speed is only 7!

Wu Zihao looked at his attributes blankly and couldn't help but be speechless!

While being surprised, Wu Zihao also noticed that there was a golden yellow after each number on this attribute panel."+"Wu

Zihao thought about it and clicked the"+"

At the moment of clicking, Wu Zihao clearly felt that his leg strength and body flexibility had increased a lot, as if his body had become lighter.

Looking at the attribute panel again, the speed has now become 8 points, and all the numbers behind"+"They have all disappeared.

It seems that this energy crystal core can only increase one attribute point for me.

Wu Zihao thought about it, returned to the fifth floor, looked at the zombies he had chopped off at the door, and asked in his heart:

【Is there a crystal core inside this zombie?】


It seems that I thought too much. There shouldn't be many zombies with crystal cores. How could I easily encounter them?

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao kicked the corpse of the zombie at the door downstairs.

No matter what, this is my home in this doomsday, and I must keep the door clean!

After cleaning up this zombie, the air in the corridor on the fifth floor finally became much fresher. Although there were still bursts of stench, it was at least much better than before.

Wu Zihao returned to his room and began to rest.

Although he had just killed three zombies and absorbed an energy crystal core, he did not pay a price.

First of all, his hands were numb from the recoil because he fired two shots, and he had to rest for a while.

The second was mental exhaustion.

Killing the zombies this time seemed easy and simple, but in fact, Wu Zihao was always in a state of high tension and his nerves were completely tense.

You know, this was his first time facing a strange zombie, and he was almost scratched.

If he had been a little slower, he might have become the zombies' blood food, or become like them, so he couldn't help but be nervous.

Now that he was back in the safe cabin, he relaxed his mind and felt weak.

The fatigue after the high mental tension, the numbness of his hands from the violent movements, and the discomfort of killing a humanoid monster for the first time all came to his mind.

Wu Zihao ran to the bathroom and retched several times, then leaned on the sofa to rest for an hour before slowly calming down the previous negative state.

After recovering, Wu Zihao heard a"gurgling" sound coming from his stomach, followed by a feeling of hunger.

Naturally, he had to eat when he was hungry, so Wu Zihao took out a box of instant noodles from the storage space and soaked it in hot water.

As for drinking, he didn't plan to drink alcohol now. After all, there would be a battle next, and he had to stay in the best condition, so he only took out a bottle of Coke! After eating and drinking, his whole body was once again filled with a sense of power, and Wu Zihao began to think about what to do next.

The zombies above have been eliminated by me, and it is time to go to the ones downstairs.

This building is my base for the time being, and I cannot allow zombies to linger around.

Moreover, I have just arrived in this apocalypse, and I am still completely unfamiliar with this world. I only know a small part of it, which is very unfavorable for my future development.

I should find someone to learn about this world. Even if I don’t know everything about this world, at least I should have a basic understanding of the surrounding environment!

Like me now, all I know is my building and the street I see through the window. After I go out of the building, I can’t tell which is which. This is absolutely not allowed.

I thought of finding someone to find out. Isn’t there a survivor downstairs? And there is no danger to me.

Wu Zihao has decided to contact this survivor, but he can’t go down rashly. It is better to learn more about him first.

【Is the survivor downstairs a man?】


Uh, it's a girl! I can't be that lucky, right?

【That woman is about my age?】


Haha! She's still a young lady! Wu Zihao couldn't help but smile.

【Is that a beauty?】


Wow, hahaha! So I'm really lucky!

【That beauty is in a bad condition now?】


Yes, looking at the dust in the house, no one has lived there for at least half a year, so the zombie outbreak must have begun at that time!

It would be strange for a young beauty to be in good condition after spending half a year in this apocalypse full of zombies!

But how bad is her condition?

【Is that beauty hungry now?】


It seems that the stored food has been almost eaten, but I don’t know how hungry he is now!

【Is she still able to move now?】


Uh, she has no ability to move at all? Is she in a coma now?


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