Wu Zihao was so excited that he wanted to rush downstairs immediately, wipe out the zombies in the whole building, and have a wonderful encounter with this unconscious beauty!

Ahem! Don't think too much!

I just want to find someone to understand the world, and it has nothing to do with whether that person is a comatose beauty! Put away your dirty thoughts!

That's right, I just want to uphold justice and save the beauty from the zombies. I am doing good deeds! It's not what you think!

Wu Zihao wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, opened the door and walked downstairs!

According to the calculation of the golden finger, there is only one zombie in the corridor on the fourth floor. As for the room, there are indeed more, but Wu Zihao does not intend to pay attention to the one that can't get out for the time being.

His current goal is the third floor, the room of the unconscious beauty.

There is only one zombie, so there is no need to shoot.

First, the sound of gunfire will attract more zombies, and second, he only has eight bullets left, so he still has to use them sparingly.

Just now, two shots were fired on the sixth floor, which attracted the attention of the zombies in the building. Fortunately, the gunshots were only for a moment, and no sound was heard afterwards, and the zombies returned to peace again.

However, even so, some zombies still went up to the next floor.

For example, there was no zombie on the fourth floor, but now there is one more.

With previous experience, Wu Zihao put on a gas mask first this time, after all, the smell of zombies is really disgusting!

The zombies heard the movement and felt the breath of blood food, and immediately went crazy and rushed straight towards Wu Zihao.

With previous experience, Wu Zihao seemed much calmer when facing the zombies again this time. In fact, these ordinary zombies are quite brainless, and it is not so difficult to deal with them after mastering their characteristics.

Most people are just scared by the name of zombies and their hideous appearance.

Because of the fear of being infected by zombies and the infection of the foul smell of zombies, people can't muster the courage to fight hard, so so many people are defeated by zombies.

The most common and common zombie has the most obvious weakness of being stiff and slow to react.

Just like the first zombie, when it rushes towards you, you just need to dodge to the side quickly, and it will miss and leave you behind because of its slow reaction.

The weakness of its stiff body and inability to turn around flexibly makes it open at this moment, and this is your chance.

Wu Zihao still does this now, but the difference from before is that Wu Zihao is now much better in both reaction speed and body movements than before.

At the moment the zombie rushed over, he turned sideways to the right and just avoided the zombie's claws.

And at the moment of dodging, he raised the fire axe in his right hand and chopped the back of the zombie's head with all his strength. It was not until he opened the zombie's head that Wu Zihao calmed down and felt the increase in his speed.

When he killed the first zombie before, he had used up all his strength to barely avoid the zombie's claws.

That's it. The claws were only a few millimeters away from scratching him. It was quite thrilling.

Since he increased his speed a little, he easily avoided the zombies' attack this time. He didn't feel the danger of walking on a tightrope on a cliff.

And he didn't even try his best. He felt that if he tried his best to avoid it, he would fight with the zombies in this corridor for an hour, and the zombies wouldn't touch his clothes.

It seems that energy crystal cores are good things. I have to work hard to get more in the future!

Unfortunately, according to the calculation of the gold finger, there is no energy crystal core in this zombie.

Next, it's time to go to the third floor, which is the highlight.

According to the calculation of the gold finger, there are the most zombies on the third floor, with four.

Wu Zihao even suspected that this girl had done something to attract most of the zombies on the entire floor here!

With so many zombies, it is absolutely irrational to fight hard, but Wu Zihao has already thought of a way.

It was definitely dangerous to fight four zombies at once. Even if his speed was increased, it was impossible to avoid the simultaneous attacks of four zombies in such a narrow corridor, even if his speed was increased by two times.

However, it would be no problem if he could separate them.

What Wu Zihao had to do now was to lead them upstairs one by one and kill them one by one.

On the third floor, four zombies were wandering in front of a resident's door in the corridor. If Wu Zihao could see it, he would know that this resident was the room where the beauty was.

Suddenly, there were bursts of banging sounds coming from upstairs. After hearing them, the four zombies immediately became irritable and ran quickly towards the source of the sound, accompanied by bursts of roars.

Although they were called running, they were actually running at the same speed as ordinary people.

This kind of ordinary zombie was quite brainless. Their external perception basically came from sound. As long as they heard any movement, they would follow the sound to find it.

Moreover, zombies would not look for roads, but would move straight towards the source of the sound.

Of course, if they hit a wall and couldn't get through, they would also walk along the wall.

The zombies on the third floor stumbled all the way up to the fourth floor.

However, when they reached the fourth floor, the banging sound disappeared, replaced by groans and gasps.

However, the zombies don't care what sound you make, as long as there is sound, they will follow the sound.

The last few zombies stopped in front of a resident's door and chiseled the door frantically, because the sound came from here.

Wu Zihao was also quite helpless. If you want to lead the zombies away, you must use the zombies' characteristic of chasing sounds, and to separate them, you have to make sounds at two places at the same time.

Wu Zihao even prevented the zombies from not coming up because they couldn't hear human voices. He played a small movie downloaded from an unknown website in his spare time, played it to the climax stage, and adjusted it to the loudest volume, and put it behind a resident's door.

But he was obviously overthinking it. Zombies are brainless. As long as there is sound, they will follow, and they don't care what the sound is. However, no matter how loud the volume of a mobile phone is, it can't be heard far through the door. In desperation, Wu Zihao had to make some noise himself to lure them up.

When they came up, he went up to the fifth floor. At this time, they could already hear the sound of the movie.

Now, when they gathered in front of the door of the resident on the fourth floor and scratched it, Wu Zihao made a sound on the fifth floor again.

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