Maybe Wu Zihao's comfort was effective, or maybe she was tired of crying, Bai Suyun fell asleep peacefully after taking the test for a while.

Wu Zihao put her down gently, covered her with a quilt carefully, and then walked out.

Through Bai Suyun's narration just now, he had roughly understood some of the situations here. This end of the world was worse than he had imagined.

First of all, there was the outbreak of a great disaster. Just as Wu Zihao had read in the newspaper before, a wave of viruses suddenly emerged from nowhere half a year ago and quickly spread all over the world.

Too many people began to be infected, feverish, and lesions, and finally became crazy, losing their reason to attack the people around them, and even biting and eating them.

Some weaker humans basically became their blood food, while the slightly stronger ones who escaped became one of them because of injuries and infection.

Whether it was the streets and alleys or the houses and buildings, such scenes were staged in every corner of the world. Some people were attacked by their relatives, friends, colleagues, and even strangers before they even reacted. Only a handful of people really survived.

From the beginning, Bai Suyun could listen to the official real-time news broadcast at home through the network signal of her personal terminal to understand the situation outside, such as the disaster situation, the introduction of the various weaknesses of zombies, how to identify and survive, escape or even kill zombies, and report the latest research results of their scientists to stabilize the people.

From what she heard, at least 95% of the people in the world have been infected and turned into zombies.

However, this is not the worst. What is even more desperate is that a small proportion of these zombies have mutated and have various strange abilities that people cannot understand.

For example, some zombies are invulnerable to swords and guns, and even laser cannons cannot kill them at one time.

Some zombies are extremely fast, and you will be killed by close contact without even pulling out your gun if you meet them head-on.

There are even some zombies that are intelligent and can command ordinary zombies to turn them into a group of organized monsters with even higher combat effectiveness.

Later, the disaster was completely out of control, and there was no network signal. She could only switch her personal terminal to wireless signal and listen in the most primitive form of radio. She couldn't even see the image, and could only listen in the dark night, hoping for good news.

However, the more she hoped, the more desperate she became. All she heard was the repeated failures, disastrous defeats, and strategic shifts of the officials in the face of the zombies.

Even though they were still persuading them to cheer up every day and reporting the latest progress in virus research to cheer them up, they were increasingly disappointed and even desperate, and their confidence in the officials was finally exhausted.

In the end, they couldn't even receive wireless signals. It was not known whether the wireless signal was no longer usable or the announcer himself was killed. They didn't even have the last perception of the outside world.

In the days that followed, they occasionally heard the sound of helicopters. They desperately called for help, hoping that the people in the helicopters could save them and take them away from this area.

However, all they heard was the sound of searching for various doctoral scientists, and they didn't even pay attention to the calls for help from ordinary people like them.

Bai Suyun has lived in hope and despair until now.

Wu Zihao simply sorted out the information he had just obtained, and through the calculation and analysis of the golden finger, he found that this world is really unusually dangerous.

Take those mutant zombies for example. Although the mutation rate is not very high, with only a one in a thousand probability, it is not small compared to such a large zombie base.

Zhehai City is a developed coastal city and one of the dozen most developed cities in China. It originally has a large population.

According to Bai Suyun, the official statistics of Zhehai six months ago alone were 15 million, and the number in the urban area reached more than 10 million. Among so many zombies, one in a thousand must be more than 10,000 mutant zombies!

According to the calculation of the golden finger, it is said that there are more than a dozen mutant zombies within a kilometer radius, all of which he cannot defeat now.

Wu Zihao was shocked when he heard this number at first, and he was almost scared back to the modern world and never came back.

However, after calming down, Wu Zihao finally rejected that idea.

He can enter and exit this world at will, have sufficient and healthy food, have a golden finger to be ahead of the survivors here, and have a beautiful girlfriend.

If possible, he really didn't want to go back and continue to be the mediocre little security guard before.

If he hadn't come to this world, he might not have thought so much.

But once there was such a miracle, his heart was completely activated, and his ambition could no longer be contained.

In this world, as long as he could survive and have enough food, he could do whatever he wanted. Didn't you see that goddess-level beauties like Bai Suyun surrendered to his bags of instant noodles?

Moreover, he could not only bring modern things here, but also bring things from this world to the modern world.

Imagine the black technology after more than two hundred years! If he could get some of the most backward and defective products in this world, it would be high-end technology in the modern world, and there would be hope for a turnaround! No

, he couldn't give up his grand plan just because of some mutant zombies. He didn't believe that he couldn't get rid of the so-called mutant zombies with such a powerful golden finger!

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao decided to deal with the zombies in this building first and get all the hidden dangers out of this building first.

Just do it if you want to. Wu Zihao temporarily put aside those complicated thoughts, calmed down, picked up the fire axe again and walked out the door.

First of all, the zombies in the corridor are the source of danger, because you don't know when they will appear at your door.

He has already eliminated all the zombies upstairs, and now only the first and second floors are left.

There are not many zombies on the first floor because there are no residents, so there are only one.

There are three on the second floor.

Wu Zihao must deal with the three on the second floor first.

If he had just crossed into this world before, he would never choose to fight three alone, but now it is different.

Among his personal attributes, his speed has reached 10 points, which is the peak of ordinary humans.

To deal with this kind of zombies with stiff bodies and slow movements, he is fully confident that he can kill them with his own speed without letting them touch the corners of his clothes.

Wu Zihao, full of confidence, quickly went downstairs and just met three wandering zombies.

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