Meeting on a narrow road, Wu Zihao didn't even frown, he raised the axe in his hand and rushed towards them quickly.

At the moment when the zombies reached out to grab him, Wu Zihao raised his axe and directly cut the middle zombie's head when their hands were only half extended, then pulled out the axe and retreated in one go.

He rushed forward and easily killed one of the zombies and then quickly retreated.

In just a moment, the three zombies fell down without even touching a corner of Wu Zihao's clothes, and were pulled away again.

This is Wu Zihao, who has reached the peak of ordinary humans in terms of speed. At this moment, he feels extremely powerful.

The next thing is simple. Wu Zihao retreated a few steps and turned back to rush back. He raised his axe and killed one again. In the end, there was only one left. Wu Zihao just flashed a little and chopped the axe on its forehead again.

In less than half a minute, the three zombies were easily solved by Wu Zihao, and he didn't even breathe.

The zombies on the second floor were dealt with, and only one on the first floor was left. Wu Zihao rushed to the first floor and chopped the axe into the head of this zombie before it could react. Now all the zombies in the corridor were dealt with. It was safe in this building. Now even Bai Suyun could go out and walk around at will if she wanted.

Unfortunately, Wu Zihao asked the gold finger, and none of the four zombies had energy crystal cores in their bodies, which made Wu Zihao a little disappointed.

But Wu Zihao also understood, after all, there were not many high-end zombies with energy crystal cores in their bodies, and it was impossible for him to encounter them all the time.

After the corridor was dealt with, the remaining ones were in the rooms on each floor.

These zombies were locked in the room and could not come out, which was not dangerous to them, but Wu Zihao did not intend to let them go.

After all, he would use this building as his base for the next period of time. Wu Zihao was very disgusted that there were still zombies in his base.

Being neighbors with zombies and living under the same roof made him feel uncomfortable.

Of course, more importantly, Wu Zihao calculated through the golden finger that some of the zombies in the house have energy crystal cores in their bodies.

Wu Zihao must not let go of this kind of zombie. Having tasted the sweetness of attribute enhancement and felt the power after the attribute points were increased, Wu Zihao urgently wanted to get more energy crystal cores to improve his quality in all aspects. Wu

Zihao calculated through the golden finger that there were no residents on the first floor, and only Bai Suyun's room on the third floor had people, so there were no zombies on these two floors.

There were more or less several zombies locked in the house on the other floors, adding up to about 17 or 18.

Fortunately, there were no four or more zombies in the same household among these residents. At most, there were only three zombies in one household, and the family of three did not have time to come out.

Next, Wu Zihao opened the door and killed the zombies one by one. He killed for an hour in a row, and finally killed all the zombies in the building. In the end, even the fire axe he brought was scrapped.

But the harvest was also gratifying. He got five more energy crystal cores.

"I don't know why most zombies with energy crystal cores like to stay in the house!"Wu Zihao muttered casually and began to deal with the spoils in his hand.

As the saying goes, there is no martial arts in the world that is indestructible and no speed that is indestructible. This time, Wu Zihao still added all the attributes to speed without hesitation, wanting to increase the speed to the peak of human speed.

After adding, Wu Zihao looked at the attribute panel again:

【Body: 8 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 9 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 15 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, sense of balance, etc.)

Spirit: 8 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】

From now on, I finally have an attribute that has reached the peak of humans. Even those professionally trained athletes, if they are not trained to a certain degree, can't catch up with me at all.

Wu Zihao now feels that his whole body is floating, and his leg muscles are full of strength. It seems that as long as he exerts force at will, he can jump from one end of the corridor to the other in an instant, and he may even hit the wall.

Moreover, the sensitivity of his reflex nerves has reached a peak, and his reaction speed is extremely fast.

Now if a zombie suddenly jumps out to attack him, he doesn't even need to think about it. He can quickly dodge it with natural reaction subconsciously.

He dare not even think about it. Is this really something that humans can achieve?

Which athlete has received such perverted training to reach such a perverted level? If such a person participates in the Olympics, those 100-meter race champions will be far better than him in a few minutes!

After calming down his excitement, Wu Zihao began to deal with the corpses of the zombies in the building.

The living zombies stink, and the dead zombies smell even worse.

This building is temporarily his base, so he has to keep it clean.

Wu Zihao found a cart in a resident's house, and pushed the zombies onto the cart despite the stench. Later, he went to the end of the corridor, opened the window and threw all the corpses downstairs. After throwing all the zombies in the building out

, the air in the corridor finally became relatively fresh. Although there is still a slight stench, at least normal people can accept it.

Wu Zihao also found a few bottles of air freshener in a resident's house and sprayed them in the corridor, especially in places with severe odors, and concentrated the spraying. Finally, when it reached the point where you can't smell it at all without smelling it carefully, Wu Zihao was willing to give up.

After that, Wu Zihao began to collect weapons. His fire axe had been broken because he had chopped too many skulls, so he had to find some new weapons to defend himself.

Everything in this building belonged to him. Although he did not find any high-end goods such as pistols after a round, he did have axes, kitchen knives and other things. Wu Zihao accepted everything and put them all in his storage space.

After checking again and finding nothing useful, Wu Zihao returned to Bai Suyun's room on the third floor. I think it's about time for this girl to wake up!

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