But to be on the safe side, Wu Zihao still tested it with the cheat code first:

【Are there mutant zombies outside?】


Oh! That's no problem!

What he feared most was the mutant zombies outside, especially the mutant zombies that were particularly good at speed.

You have to know that his current advantage is all in his speed that has reached the peak of human beings. Once he loses this advantage, he will really be at the mercy of zombies. If he is targeted by such zombies as soon as he goes out, he can't even run away. That would be a pitfall!

As long as there are no mutant zombies, Wu Zihao doesn't have to worry about these ordinary zombies.

After the preparations were completed, he quickly opened the door of the building and placed a marble block under the door to block the door that was about to close, leaving only a small gap.

You have to know that this kind of door will automatically lock once it is closed. He doesn't belong to the residents of this community at all, and he doesn't even have a key. He can't rely on himself to use the lock-picking tools slowly, right?

You have to know that after passing this door, it is outside. God knows how many zombies are wandering outside. He can't waste any time.

At the same time that Wu Zihao came out, six or seven zombies immediately heard the noise and turned their heads. After seeing Wu Zihao, they immediately became crazy and rushed towards Wu Zihao.

This is blood food! Live blood food!

For these zombies who have hardly seen living people in the past six months, this live flesh and blood is the most tempting to them.

Wu Zihao took a quick glance. There were three zombies in front of him on the left, one zombie opposite him, four zombies on the right, and two zombies popped out from the corridor between the two buildings on the right. For the time being, he could only see these ten zombies.

Wu Zihao did not hesitate. He rushed towards the zombie opposite him with a kitchen knife in his left hand and an axe in his right hand. His speed was as fast as a gust of wind. He rushed to the zombie in an instant.

The zombie didn't even raise his hand before Wu Zihao split his skull with an axe.

Wow! This speed was so fast that even Wu Zihao himself couldn't believe it. Is this still the speed that the human body can reach?

It really fulfilled the saying that walking like the wind and coming and going like lightning. In this way, let alone these few zombies, even if there were several times more, he would not be afraid!

The situation is urgent now. The fall of one of his kind cannot deter these zombies. Wu Zihao didn't think much about it. After killing this zombie, he immediately turned around and rushed to the left.

There were three zombies on the left, but Wu Zihao only had two hands, so he couldn't kill them all at once.

But it didn't matter to Wu Zihao. If it didn't work once, he could try again!

Wu Zihao held a kitchen knife in his left hand and a sharp axe in his right hand, and he pushed hard again, rushing to the middle of two zombies.

With the momentum of speed, Wu Zihao easily cut off their necks and took away their heads when he passed between them.

Seeing the two headless zombies fall, Wu Zihao felt his own strength!

It turned out that there was no martial arts that could be broken by speed. It seemed that it was a wise move to put all the attribute points on speed!

The next thing was simple. The zombies couldn't touch the corners of Wu Zihao's clothes at all, and Wu Zihao would take the lives of one or two zombies every time he charged. In less than a minute, all the zombies fell.

After this one-minute battle, Wu Zihao finally adapted to his sudden surge in speed, and controlled it freely, and no longer had the occasional situation of overexerting and being unable to control it.

However, he also found the disadvantages of being too fast. First of all, the faster the speed, the lower his accuracy will be. It is very difficult to hit the target accurately while moving at high speed.

There were several times when he wanted to chop off the zombie's neck, but in the end he chopped on the collarbone or the chin, so that the kitchen knife was still on the zombie.

The second and most important point is the endurance of his body.

Compared with his speed, his physical fitness is too poor to maintain such a high speed.

Just now, he was fully focused on dealing with the zombies and didn't feel it, but now he stopped. Wu Zihao felt a soreness all over his body.

It seems that this extreme speed can't be used casually, especially for a long time! Wu Zihao thought to himself.

The next step is to count the spoils. After the calculation of the golden finger, two of the ten zombies have energy crystal cores, and Wu Zihao naturally can't let it go.

Playing with the two energy crystal cores in his hand, Wu Zihao nodded, this wave is not a loss.

After that, Wu Zihao took off the personal terminals on their wrists. Anyway, you can't use them, just give them to me to play with.

Wu Zihao thought silently in his heart, and collected the personal terminals of the zombies he had thrown down the building before.

The movement here attracted a few more zombies. Wu Zihao looked at them and ignored them. He immediately ran back to the building and closed the door before the zombies rushed over!

His whole body was numb because he had frequently used extreme speed just now, so he naturally didn't want to fight with them.

It would be okay if there were energy crystal cores in these zombies, but Wu Zihao asked and it was 0%, nothing, so he would not take them!

Looking at the spoils in his hand, Wu Zihao showed a satisfied smile.

First of all, the energy crystal core, this is the most important.

Wu Zihao placed one of them on the pattern on his chest and absorbed it, and then a few more appeared on the attribute panel."+"

What surprised Wu Zihao was that this time, the attribute data of physical strength, strength, and spirit all had a golden symbol behind them."+"There were no symbols, only the word"speed" had a 15 after it, and nothing else.

Uh, what was going on? Could it be that there wasn't enough energy crystal core?


WTF! Is there such a thing?

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao also absorbed the second energy crystal core in his hand. Only then did he see an extra number after the speed data 15."+"

Could it be that after the attributes have reached the peak of the human body, to increase them a little further would require two energy crystal cores?


【What does that mean? Does it mean that you really need two at first, and you need more when the attributes are higher?】


Oh my god, this golden finger is really a big consumer of energy crystal cores! Wu Zihao secretly complained.

But isn't it for upgrading to dig energy crystal cores? Otherwise, what use is this thing to me?

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao added all the attribute points to the body this time.

First, his speed has temporarily reached the peak of human beings, and this speed is enough for him now!

Secondly, his body can hardly withstand a faster speed, and adding more will do more harm than good. It is better to add all to the body. According to the golden finger test, the higher the body, the stronger the immunity to zombies.

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