After Wu Zihao clicked twice, his physical strength finally reached 10, which was the peak of ordinary humans.

Now Wu Zihao's attributes were:

【Body: 10 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 9 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 15 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 8 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】As the physical attribute increases, Wu Zihao clearly feels a warm and comfortable feeling filling his body, and then he finds that his physique is stronger. Now rolling with Bai Suyun, it is estimated that she can keep her from getting down once!

Anyway, both physical strength and physique are strong!

And Wu Zihao feels that even the soreness and numbness he just felt from using extreme speed is gone!

【Is it that the stronger my physical attributes are, the less side effects I will suffer when I use extreme speed?】


Wow! Wu Zihao has decided to add all the following attribute improvements to his body.

This body is really amazing. It can not only enhance immunity and improve resistance to zombie viruses, but also reduce the sequelae of extreme speed. Moreover, if it is improved to a certain extent, he may be able to normalize his extreme speed, just like walking normally without any sequelae. Of course, the improvement of certain abilities also accounts for a small proportion, ahem, only a little! It is definitely not the main reason!

Opening the door again, Bai Suyun looked at Wu Zihao holding a bunch of personal terminals in his hand and opened her mouth in surprise, but didn't say anything!

Wu Zihao was excited to see the spoils he had just looted downstairs, and quickly took out one of them and opened it to try.


【DNA match failed! 】

Wu Zihao looked at the big words on it sadly, and he was about to cry!

He didn't believe it, so he changed it again.

However, he changed more than ten times, and all of them showed that DNA match failed. Wu Zihao was so angry that he threw them all out, causing Bai Suyun to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"Wu Zihao was furious. Damn it, he was already unlucky enough. He had wasted so much effort and it was all in vain.

This woman not only did not remind him, but she even dared to laugh at him. However, this smile was really beautiful! Especially with that angelic face and devilish figure, even my little brother was in awe.

Ahem! Now is not the time to think about such things. The main topic now is that this woman actually dared to laugh at him!

Wu Zihao thought he had a ferocious expression, but Bai Suyun laughed even more happily after seeing it.

Wu Zihao's face was red and his neck was thick, but he still tried to pretend to be fierce. It was obvious that he was angry and embarrassed. Even a child couldn't be scared. It was really cute!

"You are doing stupid things by yourself, and you don't allow me to laugh?" Bai Suyun suddenly felt that the man who threatened her with food was not so scary, and was actually a very lovely person.

Although she was a homebody, she was not ignorant.

On the contrary, she knew very well that in this doomsday, human nature had been distorted beyond recognition, and people were capable of doing anything.

She had seen with her own eyes a young couple in the building across the street who were forced to run out of the building. In order to escape, the man personally pushed his girlfriend into the group of zombies to delay time, and ran away on his own.

Although she was standing on the third floor at the time, she could clearly see Seeing the disbelief on the face of the woman who was pushed into the zombie group, her loss, sadness and despair were beyond words!

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that the man in front of her was different from that scumbag, and his heart seemed to be filled with a kind nature.

This kind of character is extremely precious in this doomsday where everyone is in danger. She felt that following a man like this was not as worthless as she had imagined.

Wu Zihao's face turned even redder when he heard this, and he said angrily:"Since you knew it, why didn't you remind me, and you even laughed at your boyfriend's joke!"

Bai Suyun held back her smile and said:"You didn't ask me! Besides, you went downstairs in a hurry after listening just now. Who knew you were going to pick up this thing?"

"If I had known this, I would have reminded you that a private terminal cannot be used by anyone other than the person himself because it is bound to his DNA!"

Wu Zihao had never thought that this thing would be so advanced, and it was a bit embarrassing that such a big mistake was made in the end.

However, Bai Suyun changed the subject and continued,"But it seems that there is a way if you want to use this thing!"

Wu Zihao's heart moved when he heard this, and he quickly asked,"Do you have a way?"

Bai Suyun nodded and said,"I am a hacker myself, and I am best at cracking various security programs. If this thing was used in the past, it would be a bit difficult. After all, these system programs are maintained by experts, but now in this era of great destruction, it is not difficult to crack a smart program in a single machine!"

Wow! It's like a ray of light!

Wu Zihao came to Bai Suyun excitedly when he heard this, hugged Bai Suyun's little head and kissed her hard on the face, and said excitedly,"You are worthy of being my wife, Wu Zihao! It's amazing!"

Wu Zihao really felt that he had picked up a treasure, a hacker! The legendary hacker!

In the virtual world, it is a synonym for omnipotence. There is no system that top hackers cannot break into, no program that top hackers cannot crack, and no private space that top hackers cannot enter!

In Wu Zihao's impression, the hacker is the code name for the top masters who are hard to find, and they are legendary.

And now a living hacker is sitting in front of him, and she is his girlfriend. How can Wu Zihao not be excited.

Even if Bai Suyun's hacking level is at the rookie level, that is a rookie from two hundred years later. In modern times, she is definitely the number one hacker!

"Hurry up! Good wife, help your husband get it done! My husband can't wait to try this high-end thing!" Wu Zihao urged excitedly.

Bai Suyun's cheeks flushed slightly. She didn't expect that the man in front of her would be so excited to hear that she was a hacker and kissed her.

Although they had already had physical contact, she was still a conservative girl after all, and she still felt a little uncomfortable with this sudden intimacy.

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