Shy as she was, for some reason, seeing Wu Zihao's reaction, Bai Suyun still felt a little sweet in her heart!

As if she was proud that he thought so highly of her, and satisfied that he was so intimate with her.

Bai Suyun, Bai Suyun, what's wrong with you? Aren't you just a little loser? When did you care so much about the opinion of a little loser?

Don't think about it anymore! Bai Suyun shook her head and began to concentrate on the action of cracking the personal terminal.

Bai Suyun's hacking skills are indeed superb. In less than half an hour, a complex personal terminal program was cracked.

Wu Zihao was watching from behind, and all he saw were various program codes that knew you but you didn't know it. He felt dizzy after just looking at it for a while! However, Bai Suyun didn't adapt at all. She just kept typing quickly with her hands, and there was even a feeling similar to excitement in her eyes.

""Okay!" After the cracking, Bai Suyun handed the personal terminal to Wu Zihao,"Now this personal terminal is in an ownerless state. As long as you bind your DNA, it will be yours!"

Wu Zihao took the little thing, looked at it over and over, and asked in confusion:"How does this thing bind DNA?"

Bai Suyun was speechless:"Which small mountain valley are you from that you can't even bind DNA? It was popularized in rural areas a hundred years ago. Your family hasn't been out for several generations, right?""It was only popularized a hundred years ago. How could I, who lived two hundred years ago, know about it?

Wu Zihao scratched his head awkwardly and said:"My family is indeed a little behind! The most important thing is that our small mountain valley is relatively poor, and we don't often use those high-end products that bind DNA, so we forgot about it later!"

Bai Suyun glanced at Wu Zihao suspiciously, but didn't ask much, and said lightly:"There is a golden sensing area on the back, just drop a drop of blood on it."

Following Bai Suyun's instructions, Wu Zihao dropped a drop of blood on the golden sensing area, and then found that he could operate this personal terminal.

He turned it on, and then a palm-sized screen was projected, showing:

【DNA binding successful!

Master's physical attributes:

Body: 10, normal;

Strength: 9, normal;

Speed: 15, perfect;

Spirit: 8, normal. 】

Fuck! Wu Zihao couldn't believe what he saw. This thing could actually detect his physical attributes, and the data was exactly the same as the data projected on the attribute panel in his mind by the jade pendant pattern.

Bai Suyun was also dumbfounded, staring blankly at Wu Zihao's attributes, especially the speed column, and couldn't believe it.

"You... you are so abnormal! Speed is 15?! You know, that is 15! The pinnacle of human attributes! There are not many people in the world who can reach this value in a single attribute!"

Wu Zihao turned around immediately after hearing this and asked,"You know this thing? What's going on?"

Bai Suyun was still in shock and didn't react very quickly. She didn't realize that Wu Zihao asked another idiotic question, so she just explained:

"This is the most authoritative standard of human attributes developed by humans. The personal terminal will detect the user's human attributes in real time based on the user's DNA, so that the user can know his or her physical condition at any time!"

"The normal range of human attributes is 1-10! Only those who have undergone professional training can break through this value, and even reach 15 in some aspects! However, there are only a handful of people who can reach 15 in a single item, and there are not many in the world!"

"As for those with multiple attributes reaching 15, there is not even a single one. Chen Tianyun, the record holder for the highest human attributes so far, only has speed reaching 15, while the rest of his strength has reached 14, and his physique and spirit are 13. Yet, he is still called a godly man!"

"Ordinary people like us only have attributes of around 7 or 8, and even the weak can only reach 6. It's extremely difficult to reach 10, let alone someone like you who has reached 15!"

Wu Zihao took a long time to digest Bai Suyun's words. Simply put, the personal terminal can detect the owner's attributes based on the owner's DNA, and this attribute is the most authoritative indicator studied by people of this era.

It seems that the attribute panel in his mind is also likely to be adjusted because of coming to this era and adapting to the standards here!

Wait! I seem to have overlooked something incredible.

Wu Zihao stared at Bai Suyun with wide eyes and asked,"You mean that ordinary people can reach 7 or 8 in each attribute? The weak can also reach 6? You...are you city people so awesome?"

Wu Zihao almost blurted out people of your era, but fortunately he finally reacted and replaced it with city people.

"What do you mean by city people or country people? Aren't they all the same?"Bai Suyun laughed when she heard this,"It's very common to reach 7 or 8, right! It's just me, a woman, look!"

Bai Suyun opened her personal terminal and called up her own attribute panel:

【Master's physical attributes:

Body: 6, slightly weak;

Strength: 7, normal;

Speed: 7, normal;

Spirit: 8, normal. 】

Damn it! Looking at Bai Suyun's attributes, Wu Zihao was blinded by his 24K titanium alloy dog eyes!

I didn't expect that Bai Suyun looked so delicate, but her personal attributes were so strong.

Before he used the energy crystal core to improve his attributes, he was only 9, 8, 7, 8, not much stronger than her, and even the last two were the same.

You have to know that he has been a soldier for several years in modern times. Although he is not the best, he can at least be excellent in their army.

And now in this era, his physical attributes are similar to those of an ordinary tech geek girl. Just based on Bai Suyun's body, it is even stronger than those excellent female soldiers in modern times!

As for ordinary people in modern cities, they can't compare. Among these people, it is already quite amazing to be able to reach 5 in a single attribute. Most people probably only have 3 or 4!

The physiques of people in these two eras are simply worlds apart!

""Ahem! So how do you city people train your bodies? We are people who have undergone hard training, but our physiques are not as strong as yours!"

Wu Zihao simply calmed down his shocked emotions and asked.

Such a powerful training method, if mastered in modern times, would simply make a sensation around the world!

He didn't have any great dedication to benefit all mankind, but he had relatives, his parents and his sister who needed it very much!

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