Hearing this, Bai Suyun stroked her forehead again in silence and sighed,"I really doubt whether you are from this world! Didn't the people in your village receive strengthening drugs when they were young?"

"Strengthening potion? What is that?" Wu Zihao expressed his confusion.

Bai Suyun had to explain patiently again:"Strengthening potion is a groundbreaking product that was researched and promoted by humans decades ago to improve human physique. It is a top scientific research result that improves the human body in all aspects by using human genes, which is completely harmless and has no side effects."

"Now, every baby born in the world will be injected with this strengthening medicine for free. The earlier the injection is given, the better the effect of improving the physical condition will be!"

"Because of the strengthening potions, it is rare to see humans with a single attribute below 5 now!"

Damn! I thought you had some special training methods! It turns out that it is a product of technology!

Wu Zihao nodded, and finally understood why the physique of people in this era is so strong. They have been injected with drugs since childhood to strengthen themselves. It would be strange if they are far better than their modern peers when they grow up!

At the same time, Wu Zihao also thought of the gun he picked up upstairs. He originally complained that the weapon manufacturers in the past two hundred years have not made any progress and made the recoil of the pistol so strong.

Now it seems that it is not that the recoil is too large, but that he is too weak.

His physical attributes at that time were similar to those of ordinary people here! And the pistol itself is not for ordinary people to play with.

Even in modern times, if an ordinary person who has not undergone any training takes a police pistol and shoots it, if he is not prepared in advance and concentrates and uses all his strength, his hand will be numb by the recoil of the pistol.

The reason why the recoil of the pistol is designed to be so large is entirely because the physique of the people who are qualified to hold guns here can fully withstand this huge recoil. For guns of the same principle, the greater the recoil, the greater the explosive power of the front will be accordingly. This design can be regarded as maximizing the performance of this pistol!

"Haha! So that's what happened!" Wu Zihao scratched his head and said,"Maybe our village is relatively isolated, so the injection time after birth is relatively late!"

"As for me, I was still a baby when I was injected with the medicine, so I definitely don’t remember it! I don’t have children, and I haven’t seen much of the world, so of course I don’t know about this thing, hahaha!"

Wu Zihao laughed and quickly began to change the subject:"By the way, this thing is ready, teach me how to use it!"

Fortunately, Bai Suyun didn't think too much about it. She just thought that Wu Zihao was too unsophisticated and had seen too little of the world.

As for the fact that he came from another parallel world, Bai Suyun had never thought about it.

Traveling through time and space is too bizarre no matter where it is placed, and not many people would think about it in this way.

Then Bai Suyun simply told Wu Zihao how to operate this personal terminal, including how to switch the size and distance of the projection, how to project the keyboard cursor, and how to add friends to contact and chat, and even talked about online reading.

However, since it is the end of the world now, the network has basically been paralyzed. Regarding the various functions of the network, Bai Suyun simply told him that there is this function, and didn't say too much about the rest.

Wu Zihao didn't care. He and Bai Suyun added each other as friends, and then they began to play like a child who saw a new toy, clicking and poking, and having a lot of fun. After playing for more than an hour, Wu Zihao finally played with the basic functions of this personal terminal, and finally focused his curiosity on the last few icons in this area.

"Hey! Wife, what is this?"

Bai Suyun was still tidying up the house in the living room. Now that she didn't have to worry about food for the time being, she was in the mood to clean her home.

When she heard Wu Zihao's question, she came over to take a look and said,"These are games, downloaded by the original owner of this personal terminal."

Wu Zihao's eyes lit up when he heard about the game. He really wanted to experience what it was like to play games two hundred years later, and what the difference was with modern games. Upon hearing this, he immediately asked,"How do you play? Teach me quickly!"

Bai Suyun pointed to the helmet on the bedside and said,"What do you use to play it!" Wu Zihao turned his head to take a look, then took it in his hand and turned it over and over.

He had seen this helmet when he first entered the bedroom, but at the time he just thought it was just a safety helmet that Bai Suyun used for self-defense. In addition, his mind was full of attention on the scenery on the bed at the time, so he naturally ignored it.

Now that Bai Suyun mentioned it, he realized that it turned out to be a virtual helmet used to play games

"This thing doesn't need to be bound to DNA, right?"Wu Zihao asked. Bai Suyun shook her head:"Kaibo said, do you think things that bind to DNA are everywhere? Do you need to bind everything? Except for those things that are more private and need to be kept secret, other things don't need to be bound! This helmet is just a gaming tool, there are not so many restrictions!"

"Oh!"Wu Zihao nodded!

Yes, if everything is bound to DNA, then there will be no sharing in this world.

"But you should also play it sparingly, this thing consumes too much power. There is no place to charge it right now. Although personal terminals can also be charged by solar energy, the efficiency is far less than that of charging with a power supply!"

Wu Zihao was delighted to see the game, and quickly put on his helmet and entered the game mode under Bai Suyun's guidance.

As for power consumption, it was not within his scope of concern.

Are you kidding? He is a person who can travel between two worlds anytime and anywhere, so charging is a piece of cake?

After playing for a while, Wu Zihao was overwhelmed by this...���He was completely attracted by the game that did not belong to the modern era. The full version of the 3D scene was like being in the scene, and the experience was full, which was more enjoyable than watching a blockbuster movie!

Moreover, both the scenario mode and the main storyline were very sophisticated and rigorous, and there were various ways of playing that he had never seen before, which made Wu Zihao deeply immersed in it and had a lot of fun.

Wu Zihao did not stop until his stomach growled, with a look of unsatisfied feeling on his face.

Bai Suyun was too lazy to complain about Wu Zihao's unsophisticated performance. She just prepared the instant noodles and the two began to eat.

Looking at the instant noodles in front of him, Wu Zihao thought for a while and asked,"By the way, wife, can you cook?"

Bai Suyun nodded:"Yes! But what's the use?"

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