In this apocalypse, it is basically impossible to find food, especially fresh food.

In this case, what's the use of having good cooking skills?

Although Bai Suyun didn't continue, the meaning of her words was not difficult to understand.

Food is indeed a big problem for people like Bai Suyun who live in the apocalypse, but it is not a problem at all for Wu Zihao who can travel back and forth between the modern and the apocalypse at any time.

After seeing Bai Suyun nod, Wu Zihao felt that he had not found this girlfriend in vain.

Wu Zihao is a typical example of a person who eats enough to feed the whole family because he has been alone outside for many years, so he doesn't know how to cook. Anyway, he is alone in the small dark room, so he can fool around in any way. He usually eats at any snack shop, and eats instant noodles directly if he is too lazy to move.

So in his small dark room, the most common things are snacks, instant noodles, etc. As for firewood, rice, oil and salt, what's the use for a single dog who can't cook?

It is precisely for this reason that he only brought these junk foods this time, and they can only eat instant noodles now.

Now that he knows that Bai Suyun can cook, he can bring some rice, flour, oil, salt, and some fresh ingredients next time.

If there is no electricity here and it is impossible to make a fire, he can also bring a gas tank.

In this way, they don't have to live on this kind of junk food every day.

Who would want to eat instant noodles every day when they can eat normal rice? It is monotonous and has no nutrition!

For Wu Zihao, he can also enjoy a hot meal after a busy day and a happy life with his little wife. Just thinking about it makes him feel a little excited.

This is even more true for Bai Suyun. She has been malnourished due to long-term hunger and is almost skin and bones. It is time to recover her body.

Bai Suyun is his girlfriend, so Wu Zihao naturally hopes that she can be healthy and return to her former youth and beauty. At least it will be much more comfortable to hug her! Ahem! This reason only accounts for a small proportion! Only a little bit!

After dinner, Wu Zihao worked tirelessly to sweep the entire apartment building.

According to Bai Suyun, games played with virtual helmets are nothing, there are more advanced game cabins!

Wu Zihao suddenly thought that if he put this thing in his own world and sold it... he would be so rich!

In addition to collecting a lot of game helmets and game cabins, he also swept back some jewelry and other things.

But unfortunately, his storage space was too small, only one cubic meter, and the game cabin was too big to fit it. He got so much in vain and couldn't take it back. But for Wu Zihao, this was already a very good harvest, but these jewelry, if sold in modern times, would be enough to pay for his salary for several years.

Looking at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and it was almost time to go back.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao said to Bai Suyun,"Wife, I'm going to go back and get some food. I'll be back before tomorrow night at the latest! You don't have to save these things. I'll bring more food tomorrow and I promise not to let you go hungry!"

Although Bai Suyun didn't know where Wu Zihao was going to find food so late at night, she knew that he was a capable person. She didn't ask much, but just said to be careful, and watched Wu Zihao walk out the door.

After seeing Bai Suyun close the door, Wu Zihao returned to the room on the fifth floor where he first came. With a thought, he returned to the real world.

Touching the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest, Wu Zihao was surprised to find that the energy progress bar showed that there was still 73% of energy.

Recalling that before he came back, he checked that there was still 93% of energy, which means that he only used 20% of the energy this time.

Did he use less energy to travel through time? Or is the energy storage limit of the jade pendant itself too much?

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao decided to give it a try. He stretched out two fingers and touched the circuit board of the removed power strip again. Then he counted the time and found that the time he used to charge 1% of the energy was a little slower than before.

Only then did Wu Zihao determine that the energy storage limit of the jade pendant itself was increased.

What is the reason? Is it because the absorption of the energy crystal core has expanded the capacity of the jade pendant?

Wu Zihao thought for a long time and shook his head. Since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it for now. Anyway, it's a good thing that the energy storage limit can be expanded. He will know when he goes to the end of the world tomorrow to ask the gold finger.

Looking outside, the lights have already come on, and Zhejiang Sea is brightly lit. Compared with the dark and desolate lonely city in the end of the world just now, it is really like a paradise on earth!

Looking down at the personal terminal on his wrist, and then looking at the virtual helmet and various jewelry in the storage space, Wu Zihao's heart ignited a pride.

In the future, I will no longer be ordinary!

Wu Zihao was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Out of boredom, Wu Zihao took out his personal terminal and tried to connect to the Internet.

You don't know until you try it. After trying it, you find that this thing can actually connect to the modern network.

Wu Zihao tried various things again, and even took out the virtual helmet.

Later, he found that through the game helmet, he only needed language to control the personal terminal to perform various Internet operations. Wearing the helmet can intuitively see the entire interface, which is much more convenient than using a monitor to surf the Internet!

Moreover, many games in the personal terminal can be played, and Wu Zihao also had a lot of fun playing!

Sure enough, black technology is black technology, which is much more awesome than the so-called advanced products of modern times.

After playing for a while, Wu Zihao's excitement passed, and fatigue also rushed up.

Taking off the virtual helmet, Wu Zihao fell asleep beautifully.

The next day, Wu Zihao, who woke up naturally, opened his hazy eyes and subconsciously looked at the time. It was already past ten o'clock. Damn! It's so late!

No! Today is Monday! I'm going to be late for work! This time I'm going to be scolded by the shoe horn again!

Wu Zihao hurriedly got up to wash his face and brush his teeth, subconsciously put on his security uniform, and when he was about to go out, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Shaking his head, Wu Zihao recalled what happened yesterday. He had traveled to the apocalypse twice, and he was no longer an ordinary person.

Looking at the jewelry in his storage space, Wu Zihao slapped his head. With all these, why should he go to work? Why should he be afraid of the shoe-horn security captain?

Damn, he really got used to it!

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