Go to hell with your mother's little Wuzi, your whole family is little Wuzi.

Wu Zihao was complaining in his heart, but his face was full of pride:"Do you think I am the kind of person who lives off others? To tell you the truth, I won the lottery yesterday, and I won't be short of money in the future! Hurry up and pay me my salary, I am in a hurry to go out and have fun!"

As soon as Wu Zihao said this, the expressions of the people in the room changed immediately.

The younger brothers looked at Wu Zihao with naked envy and jealousy. They were also small security guards in the same company, so why couldn't they get such a good thing?

And the shoe horn sitting behind the desk knew that Wu Zihao was not hanging out with someone, but just won the lottery, so he was immediately relieved and continued to be tough.

Damn it! You are so rebellious! Do you think I can't do anything to you if you resign? You dare to ignore me just because you won the lottery?

The shoe horn looked unhappy. If I don't live well, I will naturally not let you live well!

But he stopped roaring.

Since Wu Zihao was going to resign, that meant he would no longer be his subordinate, so he had no reason to scold him.

However, although he could no longer yell at him verbally, he could get it back in other places, such as wages!

In short, he must not let him have an easy time!

With a turn of his eyes, he said,"So that's what happened! Since you, Wu Zi, won the lottery and are not short of money, then you can afford this little salary, right? After all, we are colleagues, so just use this little money to buy some cigarettes for us brothers!"

Wu Zihao knew that Xie Horn was such a person, so he was not surprised to hear him say this.

However, this was his hard-earned money for a month, so how could he let this guy go so easily?

If it was someone else, such as the Ice Queen, he would let it go, because it was only three thousand yuan, so he could just give it up.

But the person in front of him was Xie Horn, who usually made trouble for him, so Wu Zihao certainly would not let it go!

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. No matter how rich I am, I will not leave my own money unused! As for how to spend this money, it is up to me to decide! You should just take it out obediently!"

""Okay! Good job! Since you insist on getting this money, let's settle the accounts!"

Shoe Horn suppressed his anger and put on a self-righteous look and said,"In view of your attitude of being late, not wearing a uniform, and contradicting your superiors, as well as your various unqualified performances as the security captain during this period, I have decided to deduct 50% of your salary."

Shoe Horn took out a calculator from a drawer beside him and calculated it, and continued,"Excluding the deduction of compensation for the loss of our company's image, this will be five hundred!"

"Well! And because of your impolite behavior, our company has offended many people who should not be offended. Since we are in the same industry, I won’t ask you for more. Let’s just make it four thousand!"

After the calculation, Xie Horn pointed the calculator at Wu Zihao and said,"According to this calculation, you still owe our company one thousand yuan. Pay it quickly! Pay up the three thousand yuan and you can leave!" Oh my god! Wu Zihao was so angry that he almost laughed! I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone as shameless as you!

"I'm talking to you, big shoe horn!" Wu Zihao said coldly,"Everyone here knows how I did my previous job, so stop talking nonsense to me."

"Even if I was late today, I could just deduct my salary for today! Why bother talking about the past?"

"As for who I offended for the company, haha! I remember the Ice Queen praised me for doing a good job, but someone, I don't know how many times he was scolded for trying to please those rubbish!"

"I’m going to say this today. From last month to now, it’s three thousand yuan, not a penny less!"

"Who the hell are you calling a shoe horn?"Shoe horn was furious when he heard that. He hated being called that the most in his life. Those who dared to call him that before had grass on their graves that was a foot high!

However, today he heard someone calling him that again. How could he just let it go? Even the group of security guards who were watching the show were shocked and couldn't believe it.

They would usually comment on the captain's shoe horn face, and even call him shoe horn in private.

But that was just what the brothers said in private, and no one dared to light a firecracker in public.

But what good fortune did Xiao Wu get today? He actually dared to call someone a shoe horn in person! Who gave him the courage?

And the fact that Shoe Horn was always scolded by the Ice Queen was simply Shoe Horn's reverse scale. How dare you bring up that pot!

New and old grudges, even they expressed their early silence for Wu Zihao's next fate!

"You have a ugly face, so naturally I call you that! Why, you are so ugly that it is embarrassing, and you don’t want people to say anything?"

Since they have already torn their faces apart, Wu Zihao has no scruples.

He will be leaving soon, and no one is inferior to anyone else. Who is afraid of who?

"Good! Good! You have guts!"Xiehorn's face turned purple with anger, he clenched his fists and said,"Brothers, did you see that? Wu Zihao, this little bastard, simply doesn't take us seriously!"

"He didn't want to take the good wages, but he still wanted to get more and even dared to curse! If we let him go, will we still have our dignity? How can we hold our heads up in the security industry?"

""Yes!" The boss has spoken, so the younger brothers naturally have to listen!

They are not Wu Zihao, who has to make a living under this boss! Naturally, there is no need to offend their immediate superiors for Wu Zihao.

Of course, the more important thing is that they are all security guards in the same company and work for the same person. Why are you so lucky to win the lottery, wear famous brands, and be so pretentious?

Driven by jealousy, they also dislike Wu Zihao and want to teach this upstart who was on the same level as them a lesson.

""Biaozi, Sanpang, the two of you guard the door, and the rest of you come with me and teach this brat how to talk when he goes out!"

With a command from Xiehorn, two of his brothers immediately rushed to the door, guarding against Wu Zihao's escape and keeping watch.

The remaining few formed a semicircle and pressed towards Wu Zihao.

If it was the previous Wu Zihao, he might have been a little scared and cowardly in this situation, admitting his mistake and taking the money and leaving.

But now that he has absorbed the energy crystal core and his physical attributes have been enhanced, he doesn't take these people seriously at all.

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