Are you kidding? He has even killed zombies in the apocalypse. Why is he afraid of these little security guards?

Just as they were about to rush forward, they saw a figure flashing in front of them, followed by a series of bangs and bangs.

The security guards didn't even see how Wu Zihao attacked them, and they were beaten black and blue, and fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

How could these ordinary little security guards in modern times react to the speed of 15 peak human values?

The black-faced Shoe Horn saw that he and his brothers were all knocked to the ground in less than ten seconds, and he was dumbfounded!

Damn, is this still a human? It's a monster!

Why didn't I realize that this guy is so awesome before?

If you are so awesome, why do you stay here as a security guard!

Looking at Wu Zihao who was walking towards him slowly with a playful look on his face, he looked terrified as if he was looking at a devil. He struggled to climb up but couldn't get up after a long time.

Wu Zihao squatted down and patted his face, which was already crooked and now even crooked after being beaten, and said,"I say, you big shoe horn, why can't you just talk it out and have to resort to violence?"

"Can't we solve the problem peacefully? Really! You have to make me use my fists! I have never seen someone who likes to be beaten so much!"

"Big brother, uncle, Uncle Wu, I was wrong, I know I was wrong……"

Looking at Wu Zihao's harmless face, Xie Horn was so scared that he almost cried. He apologized tremblingly, without the arrogant attitude he had just shown.

"Oh! By the way! My salary……"

"Normal! Normal!" How could he dare to mention the matter of salary deduction now? Didn't he see that he couldn't even get up?"Uncle Wu, not only is your salary paid normally, but our company also rewards you for your good performance this month!"

As he said that, Xie Horn quickly reached into the safe and took out a stack of RMB. He not only took out three thousand yuan, but also took out twenty more and handed them to Wu Zihao, saying,"These two thousand are the company's recognition and commendation of Uncle Wu's work!"

"No need! I'll just take what I should take! Don't make it look like I'm robbing someone violently!" Wu Zihao took it over and only took away three thousand, throwing the remaining two thousand back.

For Wu Zihao now, this little money is really nothing!

But these three thousand yuan are his hard-earned money for the past month, and he deserves it.

As for the remaining two thousand, he didn't hold it in his hand because it wasn't his.

When they arrived at the door, the two security guards guarding the door almost peed their pants with fear, and their legs trembled and they didn't dare to move at all.

Wu Zihao rubbed his fists and asked,"Why? Do you want to keep me here?"

The two security guards shook their heads like rattles and hurriedly made way.

Wu Zihao reached out and patted their shoulders, then opened the door and walked away.

As Wu Zihao left, the security guards in the security room obviously all breathed a sigh of relief.

Shoe Horn finally found the time to rub his face, looked at the younger brothers around him who were looking at him, and frowned and said,"What are you looking at? Why don't you help me up quickly?"

The two security guards who had escaped because of guarding the door hurried over and helped Shoe Horn to sit back on the office chair at the back.

After the brothers on the ground recovered and could stand up, they roared and drove them all out.

After leaving the company, Wu Zihao felt refreshed!

After being bullied and suppressed by Shoe Horn for so long, he finally got rid of his anger today. It feels great!

Since he joined the security department of this company, this is the first time he feels so refreshed entering and exiting this gate. Even the air he breathes is fresh and beautiful!

Riding the scooter back to his small dark room, Wu Zihao checked his mobile bank and found that there were only 80,000 or 90,000 yuan left in it.

In just this afternoon, more than 100,000 yuan was spent by him. It really is like spending money like water!

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao decided to give it to His parents in his hometown sent 20,000 yuan, and he sent another 10,000 yuan to his younger sister who was studying in college. His family was not rich to begin with, and they had to raise two children, himself and his sister. His parents, who had worked hard, were now even more financially constrained.

His younger sister also knew the difficulties of her family. She had been working part-time since she went to college, and she couldn't even afford to wear a good piece of clothing.

With this money, they could at least live a better life.

It was not that he didn't want to send more, but it was difficult to explain why he suddenly sent too much money at one time.

It was just a small amount of money, and within five minutes after the money was transferred, the phone rang.

Wu Zihao was born in the countryside, and his family were all simple, kind and honest people. When his parents saw the money, they were afraid that their son would go out to do bad things and make money that came from illegal sources.

Wu Zihao had to patiently explain to them that he was lucky. He found some good stuff on Pinduoduo, and the money came from a legitimate source.

He also planned to use the money to start a business or something, so that he would have more and more money in the future, so that they would not have to worry about money, and they would not have to save money, and they could spend it however they wanted!

Wu Zihao was not lying, he really had found good stuff on Pinduoduo to get to where he is today.

If it were not for the Tai Chi ball jade pendant, he would still be a small security guard, being troubled by the shoe horn!

After convincing his parents and comforting his sister, he gave them advance notice and told them that he would be on a business trip these days and would often not be in the service area. Only then did Wu Zihao put down his phone.

After a short rest, it was time to go to the end of the world again!

Wu Zihao took out the things in his storage space and erased the production dates on them one by one.

The production date on it They are all modern, but if they were placed in the end times, they would be more than 200 years ago. This must not be seen by anyone.

Even if Bai Suyun is his girlfriend now, it won’t work. After all, they just met, and he exchanged them for a box of instant noodles. The familiarity and trust between them are not up to standard.

Then he checked and found that all the food, drinks and daily necessities were there, but it seemed that something was missing?

Wu Zihao thought about it, and finally patted his head. Yes! There is still a gas tank missing.

In the end times, everyone is in danger, and all kinds of facilities are paralyzed. Water, electricity, natural gas and other things are all unusable, so naturally there is no way to make a fire and cook.

In this case, a gas tank is quite useful.

However, Wu Zihao looked at the storage space. After all the food, drinks and daily necessities were packed in, it seemed that there was no extra space for another large gas tank.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to transport it in two batches!

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