He touched the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest, and the energy progress bar automatically appeared in his mind. There was still 68% left, enough for a round trip.

Wu Zihao came to the end of the world again with a thought.

It was still the same room, but Wu Zihao didn't pay too much attention. He put out all the things in the storage space, and then went back to the small dark room with another thought.

After that, Wu Zihao quickly went to the mall to buy two full gas tanks and a gas stove, found an empty corner to store them in the storage space, and then returned to the small dark room.

Looking at the energy progress bar in his mind again, which only had 25% left, Wu Zihao couldn't help but think about it.

It seems that he will have to keep an extra spare energy crystal core in the storage space in the future, which is specially used to replenish the energy of the jade pendant!

Now, he can only use the most primitive charging method to replenish energy!

The first time is the second time, and Wu Zihao is not as scared as the first time when he is electrocuted.

Of course, he still won't take the risk, and wants to see what the consequences will be if he continues to power on after it is full.

However, to be on the safe side, he only charged to 99% and then stopped, then closed the doors and windows of the small dark room, and came to the end of the world again!

Putting down the gas tank, Wu Zihao came to the window and looked at the surrounding scene.

Fortunately, I don’t know whether all the zombies in this community were killed or because the sun was shining brightly at noon, Wu Zihao did not see any zombies.

But this has nothing to do with Wu Zihao for the time being.

It has been almost a day since he last saw his beautiful wife. Wu Zihao is now full of thoughts about rushing downstairs and having a wonderful afternoon with his beloved wife.

After all, so many boxes of Blocking Elf can’t be bought for nothing, so you have to try which one is the best, right?

Wu Zihao thought so and did the same.

As early as yesterday before he went out, Bai Suyun gave him a key to the third floor, so he didn’t have to pry the door this time.

As soon as the door rang, Bai Suyun subconsciously picked up the kitchen knife next to her and stared at the door with a vigilant look.

It was not until she saw Wu Zihao coming in that she breathed a sigh of relief and put the knife down.

Then a feeling of grievance came over her again. This stinky man, you still know how to come back.

He left her alone on the first day of the relationship and she didn't know where he went!

God knows how she spent the night last night.

When she sent Wu Zihao away last night, Bai Suyun looked calm, but she was still quite nervous in her heart.

She was worried that Wu Zihao would never come back, and she would return to the previous life of being alone every day.

She was also worried that some survivors or zombies with bad intentions would suddenly break in and violate and hurt her.

The surroundings were the boundless night, pitch black, and outside was the whimpering of the zombies, but she could only huddle in the quilt and shiver, thinking about all kinds of possibilities.

It was not until this time that she felt the fear of being alone, and she missed the goodness of the man in the daytime. People are sometimes so contradictory. Bai Suyun hated Wu Zihao, a loser, during the day! How could she feel so pitiful for committing herself to such a person! She always hoped that he would disappear quickly and not appear in front of him again.

But when it was really late at night and she was alone in this dark and cold room, she thought of Wu Zihao's goodness again, and hoped that he could show up soon to help her drive away her fear.

Unconsciously, Wu Zihao became more important in her heart because he could give her a sense of security.

Bai Suyun herself didn't know that she was becoming more and more dependent on Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao didn't know what Bai Suyun was thinking, and he was now thinking about which brand was the best.

After being apart for nearly a day, they had to have sex first to show their joy of reunion!

""Wow, haha! Good wife! You miss your husband so much!" Wu Zihao rushed to Bai Suyun in a hurry, picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Bai Suyun was still immersed in the surprise and grievance of seeing Wu Zihao again. Who would have thought that this horny guy would be thinking about that right after they met? When he was held in his arms, he immediately said coquettishly:"Hey! What are you doing? It's still broad daylight!"

"What's wrong with daytime? I love my wife, so why should I care about daytime or nighttime? Hurry up and let me see what's different after not seeing my wife for a day.……"

Bai Suyun did not refuse this time. When she was held in his arms, she felt a long-lost sense of security. This feeling made her greedy and wanted to grab it. She also hugged Wu Zihao with her backhand!

Two hours later, Wu Zihao finally came out refreshed, but Bai Suyun didn't want to move at all.

Wu Zihao also knew that she was tired, and did not let her get up with him. He just told her that he would give her a surprise later.

When he came upstairs, Wu Zihao put a bunch of food and drinks back into the storage space, and went downstairs again with two gas tanks in his hands.

For Wu Zihao, whose physical attribute has reached 10 and strength has reached 9, two gas tanks are not really a big deal. He easily brought them to the third floor.

When Bai Suyun saw the things in the kitchen, she immediately widened her eyes in shock, and her mouth opened so wide that she could almost fit an egg.

After the shock, she was ecstatic. She immediately rushed forward to look at this and that, and then pinched herself hard to make sure she was not dreaming.

Seeing these things, she was like a full blood resurrection, and there was no reluctance and fatigue when she got up just now!

Rice, flour, oil, and salt, how long has it been since she last had such decent food?

There are also gas tanks and purified drinking water, which means that from today on, she can eat delicious rice again.

As for fresh fruits and vegetables, she dare not even think about it.

In the past six months, all public facilities in the city have been paralyzed. Without power supply, all fruits and vegetables will rot. Even if there are freezing conditions, they will be old and unrecognizable after being frozen for half a year.

Even such old and unrecognizable things are luxury goods for them, which they can't even beg for, let alone the fresh fruits and vegetables in front of them?

And the meat, it is still fresh meat. She doesn't even know if there are any animals in the world that can be eaten safely.

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