There has never been a moment when she could be so grateful as she is now. She was grateful that she made the right choice yesterday and chose to become Wu Zihao's girlfriend.

Sure enough, he is a man with great ability. It seems quite good to be able to follow such a man!

Although he looks a little wretched and is a little lustful, he can get so much food and has the ability to kill zombies to protect himself. The most important thing is that he is really good to himself. In this world, what else can he ask for?

Then Bai Suyun quickly took over the kitchen and was busy and happy, without any fatigue from just fighting a battle.

Wu Zihao looked at the excited Bai Suyun and touched his nose, and said to himself: Did I save too much energy just now? If I had known that she was so strong, I wouldn't have to worry about her body and shoot two more times!

But he just said it casually. If he shot two more times, Bai Suyun would really be unable to come down. Who would cook for him then?

Bai Suyun's cooking skills are still good. Although her hands are a little rusty after not cooking for half a year, she is much better than a novice in cooking like Wu Zihao.

Soon, the delicious smell came out from the kitchen, causing Wu Zihao's stomach to growl.

Not long after, the food was ready and served. Wu Zihao excitedly took a bite and nodded with satisfaction.

This was the first time in his life that he had eaten the food his girlfriend cooked for him. Although it was not as delicious as the chef in the restaurant, it was much better than what Wu Zihao usually ate.

Bai Suyun was even more excited and her eyes were wet. How long has it been since she last ate these fresh and nutritious foods?

It was just the most common vegetables, shredded pork, tomato and scrambled eggs, plus a cucumber soup. In modern times or before the outbreak of the virus, it was ordinary and could not be more ordinary. She would not even touch it before.

But these things are so precious now!

After a beautiful meal, Bai Suyun picked up the table and washed the dishes.

Wu Zihao thought about it, took out his Huawei mobile phone, opened his personal terminal and looked at the time of the end of the world. After comparing, he found that except for the year, everything else was the same.

The modern time was September 3, 2018, and the time of the end of the world was September 3, 2222, and even the time was the same.

This saves trouble. He doesn't need to adjust anything else. He just adjusts his Huawei mobile phone to 2222 and deletes all the information, call records, and anything related to time records.

The end of the world is paralyzed now. There is no network, so it won't be exposed.

After adjusting it, he waited for Bai Suyun to come back after washing the dishes and handed her the phone, saying,"Take a look, can you install an artificial intelligence similar to a personal terminal on this device?"

Bai Suyun took a look at it casually, curled her lips in disdain, and said,"Where did you get these old-fashioned things? They should have been eliminated two hundred years ago, right? You are still using them now?"

Wu Zihao touched his nose awkwardly:"Ahem! I am a nostalgic person! This thing is also our ancestral heirloom! Just tell me if it can be done?"

Bai Suyun looked at Wu Zihao suspiciously, and finally carefully checked Wu Zihao's mobile phone and nodded:"It can be done, but your thing is too backward. Whether it is the system, hardware or even the programming language, it is too poor. You can only design the simplest ones. Too complicated ones can't run at all!"

"Then you can design the simplest one!"

Wu Zihao nodded. He asked with the idea of giving it a try, but he didn't have too many expectations. If he could do it, it would be the best. If he couldn't, he wouldn't force it.

And now that he can, he will do it. The simplest one should be the simplest, at least better than the current one.

Bai Suyun looked at Wu Zihao suspiciously. What's the point of you doing these?

But she didn't ask much. Just design it. Anyway, now in this doomsday where the network is paralyzed, she, a hacker, can't do anything. With this thing, she can kill time.

While Bai Suyun was programming, Wu Zihao took the telescope looted from a room to the roof and observed the surrounding situation.

Maybe because it was daytime, the sun Because there was still enough light, there weren't too many zombies wandering around.

Wu Zihao searched all around, but only found a dozen or so wandering around, and they all looked"listless."

After looking outside, Wu Zihao turned his attention to the surrounding buildings.

You don't know until you look, and you'll find something!

In a building opposite, Wu Zihao found traces of survivors. More importantly, Wu Zihao saw a telescope in front of a window, with the mirror facing his building.

Looking carefully inside, the room was tidy, and there was even half a box of mineral water inside that hadn't been taken away.

Wu Zihao was startled and asked silently in his heart:

【Are there any survivors in the building opposite?】


Sure enough! Wu Zihao immediately became alert when he saw the words"100%". He shrunk his body back to the eaves and used the low wall on the roof to cover his body. What if the survivors on the other side have a sniper rifle? Wouldn't he be under the muzzle of the other side?

Although Wu Zihao didn't know the situation on the other side, he was still careful.

【Has the other party discovered my existence?】


That's right. I fired a gun yesterday and killed zombies downstairs. There was a lot of noise. How could I not notice it?

【Does the other party have ill intentions towards me?】


As soon as he saw the result this time, Wu Zihao immediately became alert.

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