Wu Zihao was just trying to ask, it's not that he thinks everyone has malicious intent.

On the contrary, Wu Zihao comes from the modern world, and still maintains the traditional idea that there are more good people in the world.

However, he also knows that this is the end of the world, and it is full of dangers, so everything must be done with caution. When he meets someone, Wu Zihao subconsciously puts his own safety first, so he asked. But he didn't expect that the other party really had malicious intent towards him.

There are survivors in the building opposite who have malicious intent towards him, so how can Wu Zihao sit still? He must find out the situation of the other party!

First of all, he must know how many people and weapons the other party has. Only after determining the combat power of the other party can he consider how to deal with it.

【Are there two or more opponents?】


【Three or more?】


【Four or more?】


It seems that there are only three survivors on the other side!

【Are there three men?】


This is not surprising. Now is the end of the world. In this context, the people who can be active are basically men.

【The other party has a gun?】


【Does the other party have three or more guns?】


【Four or more?】


【Five or more?】


There are only four guns.

【The other party’s gun is a pistol?】


Um, it seems that the other party only has one pistol, what about the other three?

【Are the other guns of the enemy sniper rifles?】


【Is it a submachine gun?】


【The enemy has a lot of ammunition?】


【Does the other side have powerful and lethal thermal weapons?】


A pistol, three submachine guns, and sufficient ammunition. It seems that this is all the firepower the opponent has equipped.

As for whether there are any knives, daggers, etc., Wu Zihao was too lazy to ask. With Wu Zihao's current speed and skills, he can defeat anyone as long as he is close. The only threats to him are those thermal weapons that can cause long-range damage to him, which is what he focuses on.

Even after determining the number of people and firepower of the opponent, Wu Zihao did not relax completely. He continued to calculate with the golden finger. It can be said that he asked all the questions he could think of about the opponent.

After Wu Zihao's calculations again and again, he finally understood the general information of the opponent.

There are three men on the opposite building. They have guns and have killed people. They are distorted and unforgivable criminals, and they have malice towards him.

Yesterday, he fired a gun, which aroused the other party's vigilance.

Moreover, he went out to kill zombies once. The other party knew him at that time, and saw his skills and understood his speed!

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao felt a little scared. Fortunately, he was alert early and reacted quickly.

Otherwise, if the other party suddenly shot him in the head, he would die without knowing how he died.

While he was relieved, Wu Zihao also perked up. There was such a dangerous gang in the same community. He had to be extremely alert and kill them if possible.

Otherwise, he would feel uncomfortable when he was testing which model with Bai Suyun. He always felt that someone was spying on him from behind and he would be killed at any time.

【Did the other party discover me just now?】


That's right. I not only observed the room with the telescope, but also looked through all the windows of the building opposite. If the other party discovered me, there would be no reason for me not to see him.

It seems that the other party may be doing something else, such as eating or going to the toilet, and there is no one in the telescope!

【Is the other party back now?】


【Um, I'm back already? If I show my face now, will they find me?】


That basically meant that he would be discovered. It seemed that the other party was keeping an eye on him!

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao asked again:

【If I am exposed to their field of vision, will I be shot dead by them?】


One percent? Wu Zihao was stunned for a moment, thought about it and then reacted.

It seems that the other party is not very eager to suddenly shoot him in the head. The main reason should be that the other party's shooting skills are not very good!


Sure enough, it seems that the other party was just a civilian before and had not touched a gun many times. This one percent chance is probably the probability of being fooled by that mediocre gunman!


Well, now Wu Zihao felt relieved. He really didn't believe that the other party would rashly open fire and alert the enemy without any certainty.

【The other party is next to the telescope now?】


It was easy to tell the location after confirming it. Wu Zihao took out his binoculars, poked his head out, and looked at the west window of the sixth floor opposite. As expected, he saw the other party.

However, there were not three people, but only two, both men around 27 or 28 years old.

It seemed that there was another person who was secretly spying on him. Wu Zihao did not dare to be careless.

【Is there another one not with them?】


Uh, they are together now? Does that mean the remaining one didn't show up and didn't spy on me?


【Did they hide one on purpose to make others think there were only two of them?】


Damn! Is there such a thing?

The other party is also quite cunning. The more this is the case, the more it shows that the other party has bad intentions. Otherwise, why is he so secretive?

If I didn't have a golden finger that can see the accuracy, I might have been fooled by the other party.

Since the remaining person on the other side did not secretly spy on me, but just hid me, Wu Zihao was relieved and boldly looked at the two people on the opposite side.

The one on the left was the leader. This person wore sunglasses, a cigarette of an unknown brand in his mouth, and was looking at me with a telescope.

A guy wearing a baseball cap next to him pointed a semi-automatic submachine gun at me, but he didn't mean to shoot. As soon as

I showed my head, the other party quickly saw me.

After seeing me, the man in sunglasses gave me a smile, then made a gesture to me, and left the window with the man in the baseball cap.

Although the other party withdrew, Wu Zihao still did not relax his surveillance on the other party.

The other party has a gun and has malicious intentions towards me. They are a group of unforgivable criminals. There is also a person hiding in the dark who I have never seen and I don’t know where he is. I must not take it lightly.

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