The most important thing is that the other party basically knows his trump card. He has a gun and he heard the gunshot yesterday. He has also seen his speed yesterday.

It can be said that he has no more secrets from the other party.

Wu Zihao did not wait for two minutes before the other party appeared again.

It was still the same two people, with the same equipment. They thought that they only needed a submachine gun to suppress him, and there was no need to expose their firepower.

The man in sunglasses appeared again and waved at him as a greeting.

Then Wu Zihao saw him take out a piece of paper from behind and stick it on the window one by one, and pointed with his finger, indicating that he should look there.

Wu Zihao waited until he had stuck all the pieces, looked through the telescope, and found that the pieces of paper stuck on the window actually formed a string of numbers.

He looked at the other party again in confusion, and the man in sunglasses pointed at his wrist.

Wu Zihao then reacted and thought that this was the other party's personal terminal number!

The other party wanted to add him as a friend!

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao nodded to them and then went down the roof. The two sides did not communicate with each other throughout the whole process.

They were too far away, so if they wanted to speak, they had to shout loudly in order to be heard by the other party.

However, they all knew that if the voice was too loud, it would attract zombies.

Wu Zihao returned to the third floor and then turned on his personal terminal.

He finally decided to add them as friends and find out the situation first.

No matter what they wanted to find him for or what they were plotting against him, he had to contact them first to understand.

Now the other party knew him very well, but he knew nothing about them, which was obviously not good for him.

And just relying on his own careful observation with a telescope, it was obvious that he could not find any useful information. It would be better to talk to them and find out directly!

According to the method Bai Suyun taught him, Wu Zihao entered the other party's personal terminal number and initiated adding a friend.

The other party responded quickly. Within five seconds, it was shown that the other party had been successfully added as a friend.

Then Wu Zihao received a video call request from the other party.

Wu Zihao looked at the bedroom. Bai Suyun was still busy programming and did not care about the situation on his side.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao closed the bedroom curtains and the door, and then went to the living room and accepted the video request.

The other party had bad intentions, and he didn't know if they noticed this, but Wu Zihao didn't want Bai Suyun to be exposed to the other party's sight.

The personal terminal projected a TV-sized projection in front of Wu Zihao, on which appeared the man in sunglasses.

"Hello, sir! Let me introduce myself. My name is Yu Xin. What's your name, sir?"

This time, Yu Xin didn't wear sunglasses, revealing his slightly sinister eyes and a sour face. Although he was smiling, Wu Zihao felt a chill.

His voice was a little sharp, and Wu Zihao felt uncomfortable.

Since the other party wanted to pretend, Wu Zihao also pretended with him.

After all, they were people living in a modern and peaceful society. Wu Zihao's smile was much more sincere and harmless than the other party's.

"It turns out to be Mr. Yu. Nice to meet you. My last name is Wu. Please give me your advice!"

The other party was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and continued with excitement:"Hello, Mr. Wu, we are the survivors who are trapped in this community. Yesterday, I saw Mr. Wu showing his skills and killing several zombies by himself. I really admire him!"

"Mr. Yu, thank you for the compliment. No matter how good my skills are, what can I do? I am still stuck here alone and can't get out."Since the other party wants to test their bottom line, I don't mind showing off first. It just so happens that I also want to test their bottom line and reduce their vigilance first.

"Oh? Mr. Wu can't get out with his ability?" Yu Xin showed an expression of surprise and shock, and then continued to ask:"What does Mr. Wu want to do next?"

Wu Zihao sighed when he heard it, pretended to be discouraged, and said:"What else can I do? I'll just live one day at a time!"

Yu Xin was stunned, and then asked:"I wonder if Mr. Wu wants to escape from here?"

Wu Zihao nodded quickly and said:"Isn't that nonsense? Who would want to stay in this damn place if they can get out?"

As if Yu Xin knew that Wu Zihao would say this, he opened his mouth with a shocking news:"To be honest with Mr. Wu, we really found a way to get out these two days, and we can get to a relatively safe place! But……"

"Oh? There is such a good thing?"Sure enough, Wu Zihao was"excited" immediately after hearing Yu Xin's words, his eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously:"But what? Tell me quickly!"

Yu Xin whetted his appetite, but did not continue to talk, but asked:"Excuse me, Mr. Wu, do you have any food?"

Wu Zihao immediately became alert when he heard this, and a defensive look appeared on his face. He asked:"What? What does whether I have food have anything to do with whether I can go out?"

Hey! There is a way!

Looking at Wu Zihao's reaction and voice, Yu Xin guessed that the other party might really have food.

Seeing Wu Zihao so alert, Yu Xin was not surprised but happy, and felt more relieved.

Such a straight-forward man with his thoughts written on his face, at first glance, has not experienced much of the world, and such a person is the easiest to deceive!

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Wu. I don't mean anything else, I just asked casually."Yu Xin waved his hand quickly, and smiled kindly, and continued:"I want to say that since we are all human beings, now that we have met in this critical moment, we should help each other!"

Wu Zihao pretended to be silent for a moment, and then spoke��:"Oh? How are you going to help each other? What does this have to do with whether I have food or not?"

After seeing Wu Zihao's two reactions and the flaws revealed in his words, Yu Xin was basically sure that Wu Zihao did have food, which made him overjoyed.

Yu Xin had wanted to kill Wu Zihao as early as yesterday, not because he knew that Wu Zihao had a gun, but because he found that Wu Zihao had the treasure he wanted. He originally thought that the other party only had the treasure he had set his eyes on, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected gain, that the other party even had food.

While being overjoyed, he also strengthened his determination to kill Wu Zihao.

As long as he killed him, the treasure in his hand, his gun, and his food would all be theirs!

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