"That's right, Mr. Wu." Yu Xin said slowly,"We learned from the other survivors a few days ago that there is a relatively large survivor force about 15 kilometers north of here, in a police station."

"That's the place I just talked about. There are many people there, with weapons, and it's safer. As long as we get there and join them, we can get temporary safety!"

"Through the observations of the past few days, we have roughly figured out a method. We are 70% sure that we can reach that place safely with the weapons we have."

"I wonder if Mr. Wu is interested in joining us to join them and gain a safer living space? I believe that with Mr. Wu's participation, we will have a better chance of arriving safely!"

After Yu Xin's words, Wu Zihao's vigilance did not weaken, but became even stronger.

"Since you have the ability to reach the police station with your current weapons, why are you still here? I don't believe you will share such a good thing! Don't tell me about helping each other as human beings, I don't believe it!"

Damn, you are quite smart now! Yu Xin cursed in his heart, but still had a kind smile on his face. He sighed and said,"This is why I asked Mr. Wu if he had any food just now!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Mr. Wu, you also know that in this world, no one wants to support idlers. The same goes for the survivors! If we want to join them, we have to pay the corresponding compensation! Otherwise, why would they protect us?"

"Oh? You want a reward? What reward?" Wu Zihao seemed to have thought of something:"Could it be food?"

"Mr. Wu is really smart!" Yu Xin exclaimed, and continued:"Yes, they want food. In this world, the most valuable things are food and weapons. They have no shortage of weapons, so the only thing they want is food!"

"Although we two brothers have weapons, we have no food. So I want to ask Mr. Wu if he has any food!"

"If Mr. Wu has food, we can cooperate, join them together, and leave this damn place!" When

Wu Zihao heard this, his vigilant expression finally relaxed and he fell into deep thought.

Seeing Wu Zihao buried his head in thought, Yu Xin continued to persuade him from various angles:"Mr. Wu, you must know that no matter how much food you have, there will be a day when you will eat it all. And you can't get out, you will starve to death sooner or later!"

"It would be better to exchange food for the opportunity to join them, so that we have more people and greater strength, and can truly live longer!" After listening to Yu Xin's persuasion, Wu Zihao finally"moved", and finally struggled for a while, nodded and said:"Okay! Mr. Yu, you are right! Instead of sitting here and eating up all the food, I might as well go out and fight with you! I'll do it!"

Yu Xinyan immediately showed a surprised expression and asked:"So Mr. Wu really has food?"

He didn't care what decision Wu Zihao made. What he cared most about was whether this guy had food and how much food he had! That was his goal.

Wu Zihao nodded vigorously:"That's right, we don't have much else, but we have a lot of food! I believe there will be no problem in exchange for our joining"

"That's great!" Yu Xin's expression was delighted again, but he was cautious when he spoke:"However, since Mr. Wu said there is a lot of food, can we take a look?"

Seeing Wu Zihao frowning, Yu Xin quickly explained:"It's not that I don't trust Mr. Wu, but the food issue is too important, we must be cautious. I believe Mr. Wu is not willing to cooperate with a careless person, right?"

""Okay!" Wu Zihao nodded, stood up and went to the kitchen, put the rice, flour and various canned foods in the kitchen under the scanner of the personal terminal one by one, and passed them to Yu Xin opposite.

As he showed these foods, Wu Zihao clearly saw the shock and ecstasy on Yu Xin's face and the greed that could not be concealed.

This Mr. Wu is so rich. In the building opposite, Yu Xin and the two behind him stood up in shock after seeing the food on the projection screen.

Yu Xin was fine, he had to face the scanner of the personal terminal and needed to maintain his image, but his shaking hands also betrayed his inner excitement.

And the one behind him The two younger brothers didn't care and were so excited that they almost danced with joy.

Apart from anything else, this bag of rice and a bag of flour would be enough for them to eat for two months, not to mention the various delicious canned foods.

They even felt like they were dreaming, until they pinched their thighs and felt pain and believed that this was true, they would have so much food.

That's right, in their opinion, all the food they just saw was theirs from now on.

As for Mr. Wu, they would never let him see the sun tomorrow!

Yu Xin was so excited that he managed to calm down for a long time, trying to maintain his image and said:"Wow! Dear Mr. Wu, this is really great! With Mr. Wu's food, I believe we can definitely join the survivors and be protected by them!"

Wu Zihao immediately raised his tail high and said,"That's right! We don't have anything else but a lot of food!"

Yu Xin's eyes flashed, and he continued,"That's it, Mr. Wu! Our plan will not start until tomorrow at noon!"

"But we have no food here, and we’ve been hungry for a whole day. By tomorrow noon, I guess we won’t even be able to lift a gun!"

"Can you give us some food first so that we can survive this day, and tomorrow we can stay in good condition to fight the zombies, so that we will have a better chance of winning!"

Here it comes! Wu Zihao is waiting for this. You want to lure them out and kill them, but I want to catch you all in one fell swoop! Wu Zihao is very clear about the current situation. His advantage lies in speed. As long as he is close, he can kill them quickly when the opponent cannot react.

But once they are in two buildings like now, he will have no way to deal with the opponent. Although he has a gun, it is far inferior to the opponent's submachine gun!

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