In this situation, Wu Zihao had only one way to kill them, and that was to lure them out and have a close-range face-to-face fight!

However, although Wu Zihao also thought so, he still couldn't easily give in. It would be bad if he agreed too readily and aroused suspicion.

"This!~~"Wu Zihao deliberately showed an awkward look, as if he was thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

Yu Xin saw Wu Zihao hesitate, and immediately tempted him again:"Don't rush to refuse, Mr. Wu! We don't want your food for nothing, we will exchange it with you for weapons!"

"Weapon exchange?" Wu Zihao shook his head, casually took out a pistol from his back (storage space) and showed it off, and continued:"Isn't it just a gun? I have it!"

The younger brother behind Yu Xin burst out laughing. Where did this bumpkin come from? You call that broken thing a gun? Not to mention its power, can it fire continuously? How many times can you withstand the recoil?

Yu Xin's mouth twitched, and he held back his smile to maintain his demeanor and said:"Mr. Wu, you are joking! Your M-221 has a capacity of only ten rounds, a slow rate of fire, and a large recoil. It is an outdated product that was eliminated ten years ago!"

"How about we exchange our most advanced F-18 submachine guns with you?"

Yu Xin took out a submachine gun from the table beside him and showed it to Wu Zihao. It was the same model that the man in the baseball cap on the rooftop had just held.

Fearing that Wu Zihao would not agree, Yu Xin continued:"We not only have guns, but most importantly, we have ammunition!"

"Mr. Wu, you have to know that a gun without bullets is no different from a rolling pin, and what we lack the least is elixirs. If you don't believe me, Mr. Wu, take a look!"

As he said, Yu Xin walked into another room and showed Wu Zihao their ammunition.

Wu Zihao took a look and saw that there were two and a half boxes, with an astonishing amount of bullets.

Damn, you guys have taken over the arsenal of the police station, how come you are so rich?

Seeing these ammunition, Wu Zihao was also very excited. In his opinion, these were already in his pocket. As for the three villains, they must be killed by him!

"I am willing to exchange this box of ammunition for ten kilograms of rice for Mr. Wu. What do you think, Mr. Wu?"

Anyway, these things are not yours even if I exchange them for you. Yu Xin is very willing to write a blank check!

Wu Zihao finally became interested. He touched his chin and said,"This exchange is fine, but……"

Seeing that Wu Zihao finally gave in, Yu Xin was naturally overjoyed and asked quickly:"But what? Mr. Wu, if you have any concerns, just tell me!"

Wu Zihao continued:"But how do we exchange? Your guns are much better than mine. What if I show my head and you kill me? In this way, if I die, the food will naturally be yours!"

Oh! You are quite cautious!

However, seeing Wu Zihao say this, Yu Xin felt more relieved.

If Wu Zihao had no doubts and agreed so readily, he would have to ask the other party if he had any conspiracy.

"It’s okay, it’s okay! We just need to meet without weapons!"Yu Xin said quickly

"No weapons? Then what do you want to exchange with me?"Wu Zihao asked with an expression as if he was an idiot.

Yu Xin waved his hand and continued:"Mr. Wu, you misunderstood. What I meant was that we don't carry any lethal weapons."

"First, I will throw this unloaded submachine gun in my hand to you from the rooftop, just like I just gave you my personal terminal number. You can also use a telescope to check that I pull the safety and pull the trigger to ensure that the gun will not go off!"

"I am also relieved. A gun without bullets is useless to you."

Wu Zihao listened and asked the Golden Finger about the truth of what the other party said.

Yu Xin really didn't fool him here. He didn't plan to do anything in this first step. What he wanted to do was later!

After Wu Zihao found that there was no problem through calculation, he nodded and said,"Go on."

"After that, we will meet again to do the second step of the transaction. Neither of us will bring guns or any other weapons. We will both bring bullets, and you will bring rice. We will exchange the money and the goods!"

"However, we have seen your skills yesterday, Mr. Wu. For safety reasons, we cannot get too close to you. We should keep a distance of ten meters from each other. You throw the rice bag to us, and we throw the bullets to you. Then we will retreat together! What do you think, Mr. Wu?"

Wu Zihao did not answer immediately, but used the golden finger to judge the other party's words:

【Is the other party lying to me this time?】


【The other party wants to use this transaction to kill me?】


【The other party wants to send a hidden third person to kill me when I show up with the rice?】



What a treacherous guy. After hearing the other party's way of trading, Wu Zihao narrowed his eyes.

If I hadn't known in advance through the golden finger that you still had a third person hidden and had malicious intentions, I would have been fooled directly, right?

Obviously, the other party wanted to use this opportunity to kill me directly.

If I didn't have the golden finger, I wouldn't know their malicious intentions, and I would also think that the other party had only two people. In this case, both parties were unarmed and exchanged with each other, and I couldn't find any flaws that threatened my safety.

Then I really went out to trade with them foolishly, and when I approached them, I was shot in the head by the hidden third person.

The other party obviously knew me very well and knew that I had extreme speed, which gave me a situation of fearlessness.

It was also because of the extreme speed that they didn't dare to get too close to me, so they set a distance limit of ten meters.

And my building is twenty meters away from the other party's building. At this distance, both parties have to leave the door and walk five meters.

This distance just made me out of the cover range of the building, without any cover. The submachine gun was blasted down, and I was basically dead without knowing it.

What a vicious plan, what a deep calculation.

But Wu Zihao still agreed to them after just a moment's hesitation.

Although they had calculated everything, they didn't expect that he had a golden finger that could defy the heavens. When they still thought they had it all figured out, he had already seen through all their plans.

Seeing Wu Zihao agreed, Yu Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed a sincere smile.

Then, as they had agreed on, both parties came to the rooftop.

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