Wu Zihao hid under the wall on the roof, only sticking his head out to watch with a telescope. He saw with his own eyes that the other party pulled the safety of the submachine gun and pulled the trigger several times, but the gun did not fire, proving that there was no bullet in it.

This semi-automatic submachine gun is not like a modern revolver. It is automatically loaded, and it will definitely not fire if you pull the trigger without thinking.

Wu Zihao nodded and said to the personal terminal:"Okay, throw it over!"

Yu Xin immediately raised his hand and threw the submachine gun over after hearing it.

Wu Zihao picked it up and checked it briefly. There was no problem and it was not deliberately damaged.

Wu Zihao also knew that the other party would not play any tricks at this step. If he saw through it and did not proceed to the next step, wouldn't it be a failure?

However, Wu Zihao still had to pretend to check it. The most important thing was to do it for them to see so as not to arouse their suspicion.

"No problem!" Wu Zihao nodded,"Now that there are no zombies down there, let's make a second deal! You go get the ammunition, and I'll load the rice. I'll wait for you downstairs in fifteen minutes!"

The other party was eager to make a deal quickly, so naturally they would not have any objections.

Wu Zihao returned to the third floor, found a snakeskin bag, filled it with about ten kilograms of rice, and then carried it downstairs.

The other party was not slow either, and soon appeared downstairs on the opposite side.

The two parties first had to inspect the goods. Wu Zihao opened the mouth of the snakeskin bag in his hand, pointed it at them, and scanned it with the scanner of his personal terminal.

One of the other party observed the real object through a telescope, and the other watched Wu Zihao's live broadcast through his personal terminal.

After verifying that there was no problem, the other party also opened the box and pointed the box mouth at Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao also watched the personal terminal with a telescope, and finally nodded.

After the goods were confirmed, the next two were to check the weapons.

In order to facilitate confirmation, both parties wore the simplest T-shirts and shorts, all without pockets, and even the shoes were changed to sandals.

Both parties observed through the telescope with both hands, and the observed party also cooperated with each other to confirm that they did not carry any weapons.

This step is the top priority and neither party can afford to be negligent.

After confirming again and again, the two sides Just now they nodded, and each of them took the goods and went to the other side.

At this time, Wu Zihao had already used the golden finger to determine the hiding position of the other party's third person!

Wu Zihao's building was in the south, and Yu Xin's building was in the north.

Just when they finished checking each other and took the goods in their hands to go to each other, in the north building, behind a window on the third floor on the west side, a yellow-haired man who was about the same age as Yu Xin had already taken his position.

Wu Zihao had already used the golden finger to confirm the other party's position when the two sides checked each other. Now he walked out and used his peripheral vision to sweep and saw a gun barrel on the third floor diagonally opposite.

Even Wu Zihao had to admire the other party's calculation.

It was afternoon now, the sun was in the southwest, and it was autumn. The sun was not high at this time.

Standing in Wu Zihao's position, he could see the sunlight reflected on the glass opposite, and the other party was hiding behind this window, opening the window a little, and sticking out a submachine gun barrel, aiming at himself.

If Wu Zihao hadn't known that the other party was there in advance, it would have been impossible to find the other party against the reflected sunlight.

【What are my chances of hitting the opponent in the head with one shot at this distance?】


Very good! Done!

With such a high success rate, if I don't do this, then I won't come to this apocalypse again. I'll just go back to the modern world and kowtow to the shoe horn and admit my mistake and continue to be a coward!

Finally, it's the critical moment. Wu Zihao held his breath and tensed his nerves, not daring to be careless at all.

This is the only chance, and it must not be missed!

【What are the chances that the other party will shoot me if I walk one more meter?】


【What about another one and a half meters?】


【What now?】



Wu Zihao walked neither fast nor slow, and with every step he took, he would secretly ask Gold Finger about the possibility of the other party shooting.

Suddenly, Wu Zihao casually and naturally stretched out his right hand.

The three opponents had already checked and found that Wu Zihao had no weapons on him.

Now they could also see clearly that Wu Zihao's right hand was empty, and they didn't care much when they saw him stretching out his hand.

However, at this moment, something happened that stunned them.

A pistol suddenly appeared in Wu Zihao's hand, just like a magic trick, and the muzzle was aimed at the hidden yellow-haired man on the third floor. Just when the yellow-haired man realized that something was wrong and wanted to pull the trigger, he heard a gunshot and lost consciousness before he could react.

From a distance, a glass on the third floor exploded, a ball of blood burst out, and the yellow-haired man's head exploded directly.

"call——"Wu Zihao blew away the gun smoke calmly.

Fortunately, his marksmanship has not deteriorated much after more than a year of retirement.

He also has to thank his good comrades-in-arms for opening a private shooting range, which allows him to practice every once in a while, so that his marksmanship has never fallen behind!

Yu Xin and his younger brother were so scared that they threw down the bullet box and ran into the building.

In order to trick Wu Zihao, they are now really unarmed and have no weapons at all!

In this state, how can they be a match for Wu Zihao who is holding a pistol?

Wu Zihao naturally would not let them escape. Immediately after that, the younger brother was also shot in the head.

Seeing his younger brother who was fine just now, his head exploded, Yu Xin was even more frightened and ran to the door of the building like a broken horse.

He never felt that the distance of two meters was so far!

One meter, half a meter, and he was about to grab the door handle. Now, faster.…��

However, just as he grabbed the door handle and opened the door to run in, Wu Zihao had already grabbed his shoulder.

A distance of more than ten meters is just a blink of an eye for Wu Zihao, who has reached the peak of human speed.

Wu Zihao grabbed him and led him directly into the building, closing the door, leaving the zombies outside attracted by the gunshots to bite him.

Looking at Wu Zihao grabbing his body, Yu Xin suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

It's over, it's all over, will he have a good ending if he falls into his hands?

Until now, he is still confused. He doesn't know how his perfect plan was discovered, how the person in front of him found their ambush, and how this person suddenly produced a pistol?

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