It has to be said that Yu Xin and his team were cunning, and their plan was almost perfect.

They could say that they had calculated everything they could, including Wu Zihao's trump card and the possibility of various developments.

However, they didn't know that Wu Zihao had a golden finger, and he didn't trust them from the beginning, and he was afraid of them, and he saw through their plan and found the location of the third person, Huang Mao.

They didn't know that Wu Zihao had a hidden space, and he could take out a pistol from this space with just one thought.

They didn't know that Wu Zihao had been a soldier for several years.

Although his shooting skills were not as good as a hundred steps, he was also a good player in the military district.

He was not one of them who had to rely on blinding when shooting more than 20 meters.

However, at such a short distance, Wu Zihao could be said to be accurate with every shot, and he directly shot Huang Mao in the head.

Too many things they didn't know were connected in series, which determined that they were led by Wu Zihao from beginning to end, and finally led to the current failure and annihilation of the army.

Yu Xin finally recovered from the shock. Knowing that the situation was hopeless, he immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Mr. Wu, no, Brother Wu, Grandpa Wu, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"……"

"Oh, what good can I get from sparing you?"

Wu Zihao didn't kill him immediately. His understanding of this world was still superficial. Even Bai Suyun was just a technology geek who had not been out much and didn't know anything.

He needed to get some information about this world from the other party.

When Yu Xin heard this, he felt a glimmer of hope. He immediately grabbed a life-saving straw and said repeatedly:"Don't kill me, I have a good gun and a lot of ammunition. As long as you let me go, those are all yours!"

"Ha!" Wu Zihao laughed coldly:"If I kill you, all those things will be mine! This condition cannot buy your life! Be honest!"

Yu Xinyan immediately raised the price again:"Don't kill me, I know a secret! A secret that you must want to know!"

"Oh? Tell me about it!" Wu Zihao was not afraid of him doing anything weird, as he had everything under control.

"It’s the crystal core inside some zombies’ heads. I know you have it. I saw you get it with my own eyes yesterday!" Yu Xinsheng was afraid that Wu Zihao would shoot him if he spoke too slowly, so he quickly said,"It is said that this crystal core can be used to extract a genetic medicine that can strengthen the body and enhance human attributes!"

"Oh?"Wu Zihao was surprised when he heard this, and at the same time he felt a sense of crisis.

He originally thought that relying on the energy crystal core in the zombie body to improve physical attributes was only the unique ability of his golden finger, and it was his patent.

But he didn't expect that there were other people in this world who could do this through scientific means.

Doesn't that mean that in the future there will be people like him who can continuously improve their physical attributes through this so-called genetic medicine and reach a superhuman existence?

No, not only in the future, even now I'm afraid someone has achieved it.

Not to mention far beyond humans, at least there must be many people like him who have reached 15 in some aspects of their attributes.

"Go on!" Wu Zihao was naturally very concerned after hearing such explosive news.

You know, this is related to his future safety!

Having tasted the sweetness of improving attributes, Wu Zihao knew very well the horror of masters like him whose attributes in some aspects are far higher than those of normal people. He must try to collect more information before that.

At the same time, Wu Zihao did not completely believe it, and while asking, he used the golden finger to test whether he was lying.

"That's all I know! These are the things that the big powers are researching. The most we can do is collect these things and exchange them for weapons or food. The rest is not something we can know!"

Yu Xin didn't lie this time, he really only knew this much!

This kind of thing of using energy crystal cores to enhance human attributes is originally a confidential matter, and a small shrimp at his level should not have known about it at all.

He was able to know because his identity was a little special. The other two people with him didn't even know what energy crystal cores were.

And it was because he saw Wu Zihao pick up two energy crystal cores after killing the zombies yesterday that he decided to kill Wu Zihao.

Perhaps seeing that Wu Zihao was really concerned about this kind of thing, Yu Xin talked about it in a random way, and took this opportunity to put his hand behind his back and secretly fiddled with his personal terminal where Wu Zihao couldn't see.

Wu Zihao was distracted by thinking because he suddenly heard about the energy crystal core, and he didn't notice Yu Xin's little action.

When he found out, Yu Xin's personal terminal had already rang.

At this time, Yu Xin was really relieved, and brought his hand from behind his back to the front, and then shouted to the screen that popped up on his personal terminal:"Brother! Save me quickly, he wants to kill me!"

It turned out that Yu Xin took advantage of Wu Zihao's distraction to secretly call his brother's personal terminal, with the purpose of saving himself through his brother.

Wu Zihao frowned. He didn't expect this guy to be so cunning and do some small tricks without paying attention.

Wu Zihao did not put down the gun, but looked at the screen projected by Yu Xin's personal terminal.

A picture of a man who looked 30% similar to Yu Xin appeared on it. He was roughly estimated to be in his thirties. There was a long and narrow scar on his face, which made him look hideous. There was a wild breath in his eyes, which made people feel cold in their hearts.

Before Wu Zihao could say anything, a rough and domineering voice sounded over there:"I don't know who you are, but I hope you let my brother go! As long as you let my brother go, we can discuss any conditions!"

"If you dare to touch my brother, I, Nanmen Yuzhenshan, will cut you into pieces and feed them to the zombies outside!"

At the end of his words, his eyes flashed with cold light, his face was cruel and ferocious, and his arrogance and domineering were undoubtedly revealed.

Yu Xin in front of him seemed to have a backbone, and he no longer trembled and begged for mercy, as if he had expected that Wu Zihao would not dare to do anything to him again. He climbed up directly, with an arrogant look on his face.

"Did you hear that? The one with the surname Wu!" Yu Xin had a backer, and he was full of confidence. He looked at Wu Zihao and said,"Let me go quickly, or my brother will never let you go.""

"You have heard of my elder brother's name, right? Nanmen Yuzhen Mountain! In this area of Nanmen, my elder brother is the sky. Whoever my elder brother wants to die will not see the sun tomorrow!"

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