Seeing the two brothers, each more arrogant than the other, Wu Zihao sneered, without saying a word, he pointed the gun at Yu Xin and shot him in the head.

After blowing the gun, Wu Zihao sneered calmly.

Damn it! Do you think I was scared? Nanmen Yuzhen Mountain? Sorry, I haven't heard of it!

Even if you are a great man in this area, I won't let a person who has a grudge against me continue to live in this world, not to mention that this person has seen the secret of his bare hands turning into a gun, so it is even more impossible for him to speak again.

As for the sky of Nanmen, if he doesn't come, forget it for the time being. If he really dares to come and cause trouble for me, just kill him directly!

With the golden finger that can continuously improve physical attributes, Wu Zihao is not afraid of him, the so-called king of Nanmen.

Rubbing his wrist, Wu Zihao found that this time the shooting was different from the last time. With the same recoil, his wrist was numb and sore when he fired two shots in a row last time, and it took a long time to recover.

Just now, I fired three shots in a row, and now my wrist is only slightly sore and swollen, and there is no discomfort at all.

I think it should be because my physical attribute has been upgraded to 10!

The improvement of physical attributes has greatly enhanced my resistance and recovery in all aspects, and naturally the resistance to the recoil of this pistol has also been enhanced.

Forget it, don't think too much for now, it's important to clean up the spoils!

Yu Xin couldn't believe it until his death that Wu Zihao actually killed him.

I even contacted my eldest brother, and my eldest brother is watching over there!

How could he? How dare he? Really kill himself?

Isn't he afraid? Isn't he afraid that after killing himself, my eldest brother will catch him and cut him into pieces?

At the same time, a shocking roar came from a police station a few kilometers away from Wu Zihao's community!

The sound was so deafening that it even penetrated the streets far away, attracting zombies to wander around the gate of the police station.

The moment Wu Zihao fired the gun, Yu Zhenshan was also shocked and completely dumbfounded, and after the shock, there was a burst of rage!

"Ah—how dare he? How dare he……"

Yu Zhenshan was so angry that his fingers were shaking and his speech was not very coherent!

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that after he showed up, the bastard on the opposite side dared to shoot and blew up his brother's head! The last thing he saw was the bloody explosion of his brother's head and the other party's sneering face!

"No matter who you are! You dare to kill my brother! I, Yu Zhenshan, will cut you into pieces! To avenge the murder of my brother!"

Wu Zihao naturally didn't know Yu Zhenshan's angry words. He was now counting his spoils.

Three submachine guns and a pistol. One of the submachine guns was obtained from the yellow-haired man on the third floor who was shot in the head by Wu Zihao. The rest were all in another bedroom.

Wu Zihao not only got the gun, but also a box and a half of submachine gun ammunition, a box of pistol bullets, plus a few machetes and daggers, and a telescope on a stand.

As for food, they really didn't have much here, only a few dry instant noodles and half a box of mineral water. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Wu Zihao didn't care about anything. Twenty-one, he directly put the one he liked into the storage space.

Then he looked around the house, but found nothing in the end. He thought that the building had been searched thoroughly.

Wu Zihao did not stay for long. It was getting dark. After nightfall, the zombies would be more rampant. He had to return to Bai Suyun's building and his home before then.

That's right, in Wu Zihao's view, Bai Suyun's place was his home here!

Having food, drinks and a girlfriend, only this can be called home, right?

After leaving the building, Wu Zihao immediately grasped the machete in his hand.

He had just fired three shots, and the huge noise had already It has caused the nearby zombies to become restless.

Now, in front of the building, there are several zombies sharing the body of the man in the baseball cap who was killed by him before. There is also a box of submachine gun ammunition lying not far away.

As soon as Wu Zihao came out, several zombies attacked him.

Seeing the breath of a living person, all the zombies present went crazy and rushed towards Wu Zihao quickly with roars.

Wu Zihao naturally would not show mercy. He picked up the machete and chopped off one by one. As long as he saw the zombies, he chopped off the heads one by one.

After a lot of hacking, Wu Zihao finally returned to the building and got four energy crystal cores. Of course, the box of submachine guns The bullets were also taken away by Wu Zihao.

Looking at the energy crystal core in his hand, Wu Zihao thought about it, and finally took out three and placed them on the Tai Chi ball on his chest to absorb them. The remaining one was placed in the storage space by Wu Zihao.

He had thought about it before coming here. When he got this thing again, he must keep one as a backup energy source to replenish the energy of the jade pendant.

Looking at his various attributes, Wu Zihao finally added all the attribute points to the body.

With a strong physique, he can calmly control the other abilities including extreme speed, so as not to be unable to withstand his own burst.

He looked at the attribute panel again:

【Body: 13 (Body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 9 (Strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 15 (Speed represents agility, reaction, speed, sense of balance, etc.)

Spirit: 8 (representing mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The numerical range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】

Three more points were added to the body, and Wu Zihao only felt a warm current flowing through his body, followed by a burst of comfort. He felt his body was extremely relaxed and without any discomfort.

Even the slight fatigue caused by the use of extreme speed just now was swept away, and the state was quite full.

Nodding with satisfaction, Wu Zihao returned to the third floor.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bai Suyun's anxious look.

"I heard gunshots just now. How are you? Are you not injured?" Seeing Wu Zihao come back safely, Bai Suyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Bai Suyun so anxious, Wu Zihao felt a little warm in his heart. It was really good to have someone thinking about you.

"It's okay! What can happen to me?" Wu Zihao waved his hand lightly and said,"I was the one who fired the shot just now, nothing happened at all! Don't worry, your husband is very capable! I'm not bragging, no one in this world can kill me!"

He was not bragging. If the situation was really critical, he could just go back to modern times and there was no need to worry about being killed.

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