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At the gold-farming group base, Hou Shanliang looked at the four people in front of him, his face was so cold that it was almost frozen. This time he sent people out, but only four people came back, and he also lost six armored vehicles.

The four people standing in front of him did not dare to speak for a while. The loss this time can be said to be very heavy, especially since there were more than a dozen people who went out, and only the four of them were left, and all of Shang Xitian’s people were robbed.

Sitting on the chair, Hou Shanliang took a deep breath, and then said:"Tell me how the whole thing happened."

Thinking of this incident, everyone couldn't help but tremble. After all, the man who was like a god and demon had left an indelible figure in his mind. You know, the other party relied entirely on his flesh to deal with more than a dozen guns, and the most important thing was that he still fled in the end.

"Boss, that man is really a demon. His speed is so fast that it is hard for us to see him with our naked eyes. What is more terrifying is that he can dodge bullets. He is not a human being at all."The man said in fear.

Hearing what the other party said, Hou Shanliang's eyes became even colder. Could it be that he was sent by the organization? This should not be the case. He did not get any information at all.

But he really couldn't think of anyone else who could have such skills except those in the organization. However, a figure flashed through his mind. If the other party could kill people with laser pistols, it would be easy for him to deal with these people. Is it really Wu Zihao?

"Look and see if this is the person?" After saying that, Hou Shanliang opened his personal terminal and projected Wu Zihao's photo on the wall.

Instantly, the four people's legs went weak and they hurriedly said,"Devil, this is the devil, everyone run away!"

Wu Zihao had left an indelible impression on these people. Now, seeing a picture, they were so scared that they collapsed to the ground and couldn't stand up at all.

Seeing this scene, Hou Shanliang frowned. He didn't expect Wu Zihao to be so strong. These people were also known for killing people without blinking an eye, but now he looked so cowardly, which was really inconsistent with him.

""What are you doing? This is just a picture. Look at how cowardly you are. You are actually scared like this. It's shameful." Hou Shanliang shouted.

The four people who were lying on the ground woke up as if from a dream. They looked at the smiling picture on the wall and after confirming it, they supported each other to stand up. The leader of the four wanted to muster up his courage, but unfortunately he couldn't do it. He said very carefully:"Yes, it's this devil. Our brothers were killed by him with one punch each!"

It seems that this person is not someone he can deal with. Hou Shanliang is not the kind of person who would do something without guarantee. The first thing he thought of was to report the matter.

"Prepare a car for me, I need to go there."Hou Shanliang said this after clicking on his personal terminal. He ignored the four weaklings and walked out of the office.

As for dealing with these four people, he already had an idea. For those who are not very useful, it is best to send them to do hard labor, otherwise it is a waste of resources to keep them.

Because from their perspective, they can only do hard labor. If they are sent on a mission, Hou Shanliang does not believe that they can complete it.

The four people did not know that because of this incident, their identities had completely changed. Even if they knew what to do, would they argue with Hou Shanliang? They did not have the courage to do so. If they went to trouble Wu Zihao, they would not dare to do so even if they had a hundred courage.

The branch of the Shadow Organization is in Wenzhou. Because there is a factory there that can produce some small items, the organization simply arranged the branch there, and the distance from several gold-making groups will not be far.

When they were about to approach the ten-kilometer range of the branch, Hou Shanliang got off the car directly, because the security here was stronger than that of the gold-farming group. After all, the two were not at the same level at all.

After a series of inspections, half an hour later, Hou Shanliang came to the branch. This place was not unfamiliar to him. It looked like a city inside. Except for the lack of cars and the increase in patrol teams, everything else was similar. It could be said to be a pure land in the end times, but living here basically meant that you either had skills or some people who had a little status before the end times lived here by relying on relationships.

It's just that the former dignitaries have now become artificial laborers. In this world, if you don't have skills, you can only use labor to survive.

However, those dignitaries here are already very satisfied. The outside world has long been in ruins, and this place is still a blessed land. At least there is no need to worry about being eaten by zombies.

After standing in the square and waiting for a while, a man in white clothes walked up to Hou Shanliang and said,"Come with me.""

"Okay!" Hou Shanliang nodded and followed the other person.

Following the other person, they walked towards the tallest building. Everyone inside was wearing white clothes.

This set of clothes can only be worn by members of the Shadow Organization. The most important thing is that this clothes is not only warm in winter and cool in summer, but also similar to bulletproof vests and can absorb damage.

This is high-tech, a product that a gold-making group like him can never get. It used to be worn by soldiers, but it was a resource that civilians could never get at that time. Now it is controlled by the Shadow Organization and has become a symbol of status.

Among them, the people you can't mess with the most are these people.

If they want to kill you at three o'clock in the morning, you can't live until five o'clock in the morning.

This has long become common sense.

This is how it is in this world.

No matter how awesome you were in the past, it is useless now.

You are not a member of the organization and can only do your job well.

After entering the building, the two stood on a one-meter-wide disc and slowly walked towards the building.

���Fly to the highest point.

Arriving at the top floor, the man in white stood in front of the door and knocked on it.

"Come in." A voice came from the room, and the man in white nodded and let Hou Shanliang in.

When he came to the room and saw the man sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, Hou Shanliang bowed his head and greeted him:"Boss, I'm here to report something important."

The other party sat lazily on the sofa, and he was quite impressed by this new leader of the gold farming group.

"If you have something to say, hurry up and say it. You should know that you still owe me 400 crystal cores."

Hearing this, Hou Shanliang said quickly:"I think this matter is likely to threaten the branch. A mutant appeared in the area under my jurisdiction. He can easily deal with five armored vehicles and dodge machine gun bullets."

Before Hou Shanliang finished speaking, the other party stood up directly._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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