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Feeling the sudden change in the other party's momentum, Hou Shanliang was obviously also shocked. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:"Boss, this person is really not something I can handle."

Obviously, the other party was also stunned by Hou Shanliang's actions. He sat on the sofa again and said lightly:"Continue to tell me about this person."

This time, Hou Shanliang knelt on the ground and began to tell the legendary story of Wu Zihao, how he went from one person to an organization, and the other party's strength was demonized by him, and his saliva was flying all over the sky.

"In just a few months, Wu Zihao has become a leader in the electromagnetic area that cannot be underestimated. It can be said that he can walk sideways in the area now, and no one can mess with him. The vegetables I handed in last time were obtained from him."

"He exchanges crystal cores with those small organizations just like trading vegetables. I think there must be a very powerful organization behind them, which may even threaten the people above!"

In the apocalypse, even a boaster will not be bitten by zombies, so Hou Shanliang directly described Wu Zihao as if he was the spokesperson of another organization. He came to Zhejiang City to announce their arrival, and he was just the vanguard to pick up other people when the time comes.

The man who originally wanted to listen to the story also fell into deep thought. Naturally, there could be no negligence in this matter. Otherwise, if those organizations from outside the province really invaded, then they would be unable to gain a foothold, and it might cost a heavy price to eradicate them.

After Hou Shanliang finished speaking, he waved his hand and said,"I'll give you a credit for this matter. Go find Lao Yu to get a piece of clothing. At least let me see that you are not so poor in the future."

Hearing this, Hou Shanliang almost died of joy. You know, this is a symbol of status. It seems that this time he came for the right reason.

Hou Shanliang climbed up and stamped his sore feet. He had been kneeling for so long that his feet were numb. After kneeling down, he didn't care about the pain and went straight to the first floor.

Lao Yu was the person who brought him up just now. He was the assistant of the branch boss. Usually, he just had to meet him to submit the crystal core.

"" Brother Yu, take me to get the clothes!" Hou Shanliang said excitedly as he went downstairs and grabbed the other person's hand.

When the other person saw that the other person was holding his hand, he couldn't help but frowned and said contemptuously:"Let me go first, follow me and take you to get the clothes."

Hou Shanliang doesn't care about so many things now. His mind is full of this white clothes.

Continuing to ride the disc, the two went to the basement this time. Under this building is the heart of the entire branch. Weapons, protective clothing, scientific research, power generation, etc., all rely on here. If this place is captured, the entire branch will be scrapped. Coming to the first basement, Lao Yu took Hou Shanliang to the factory warehouse with the words"protective clothing" written on it.

The other party turned on his personal terminal, and after a series of operations, he soon heard bursts of subtle sounds, and then a small gap appeared at the door of the factory warehouse, and a slender machine and a piece of clothing were hanging there.

"Take it, drop some blood to open the gene lock, and this piece of clothing will be yours from now on!" After Lao Yu finished speaking, he threw the clothes to Hou Shanliang.

Hou Shanliang was obviously very excited. He dropped a drop of blood directly, and without thinking, he took off the original clothes and changed clothes on the spot.

Lao Yu did not expect Hou Shanliang to be so impatient, and said,"Take away your dirty clothes later, and then come with me."

He is now going to equip Hou Shanliang with a laser pistol, which is also a recognition of him as the Shang's Gold Farming Group. They dare not change their name to Hou's Gold Farming Group.

The man in the office came to the desk, turned on the personal terminal, and contacted the only number in it.

After dialing, the other party quickly answered the phone, and a strong voice sounded:"Boy, is there a problem on your side?"

"Master, I got some information and I want to find you to find out more about it." The man was no longer as lazy as before. He stood straight like a tree.

It was obvious that the other party was also interested in the news, so he said,"Tell me what's going on. Did you really make a big discovery?"

"It's like this, there is an area with very strong electromagnetic interference in our Zhehai City. Just now, the leader of the gold-farming group in that area came to report to me that a mutant appeared there, and his strength may be comparable to mine."After organizing his thoughts, the man continued:

"I think the other party might be from a neighboring city, coming here to expand his territory." said the man

"Don't worry, they won't be stupid enough to go to that area. There are too many mysterious things in this area of electromagnetic interference. Even people from other cities don't dare to go in easily."The other party said.

The man obviously knew about this and fell silent for a while. In that area, communication is already a very difficult problem. In addition, there are some unknown things in it, so it is very difficult to use it as a springboard.

After such an analysis, the man probably had an answer in his mind and said,"Master, let me go in and take a look during this time. There are many resource providers under the name of our organization. I will find them to understand the situation when the time comes."

"Just plan it yourself, remember to do everything within your ability, don't be stubborn."After giving the order, the person on the other end of the terminal hung up the phone.

But it's not the right time to check it out. After all, there are still many things in the base that have not been arranged. After the things in the branch are dealt with, I will naturally go there to see who this Wu Zihao is and how he has such strength in such a remote place.

In Changyun Villa, Wu Zihao is preparing to go back to the modern world first, because it's time to restock again. There are so many more people now, and the food is a bit out of stock. At the same time, some small organizations are looking for him to exchange supplies.

If I don't prepare more, I won't be able to exchange supplies at that time, and it seems that nothing has happened recently. He has already asked Pi Wanjiang to arrange people outside the electromagnetic interference area to guard against Hou Shanliang's sneak attack.

But thinking that the gold-hunting group has been really troubled recently, and the gold finger has also confirmed that the other party will not attack in the near future._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, share

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