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Back to reality, Wu Zihao took a look at his phone first and found that Ye Xintong had called more than a dozen times and all the messages on WeChat were from her. He quickly picked it up to check

"Husband, call me immediately after you see the news!"

"I have something important to do, please call me quickly"

""Hubby, are you back? I've been waiting for you for so long that the flowers have withered!"

After taking a quick look, Wu Zihao couldn't help but feel a little curious. What on earth was going on that made her so anxious? After all, there hadn't been any major problems with the Ye family recently. She made a phone call, and the call was picked up as soon as the notification tone sounded. Ye Xintong's voice came out.

""Hubby, what are you doing now?" Ye Xintong said in a sweet voice while lying on the bed with her feet crossed.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao didn't have anything to do during this period of time, so he just needed to deliver all the supplies to the end of the world!

"I'll take care of things, and it'll be fine."

"Then can you wait at my house? Sleep with me tonight! Ye Xintong blushed. Fortunately, she was talking on the phone. If she was really in front of Wu Zihao, she would not be like this.

The charming voice coming from the phone made Wu Zihao's heart drift towards Ye Xintong. He didn't expect that the ice queen actually had this side.

"Then wait for me, I will come to find you after I send the things over!" Wu Zihao said and hung up the phone, went to the material room, and put all the things in it into the system space.

After all the food was moved to the end of the world, Wu Zihao returned to the modern world again, took the car keys and went directly to the parking lot, drove his Phaeton on the road, and released all the performance of the car.

Staying in Lakeside Jiayuan, Ye Xintong, wearing pink pajamas, lay on the bed, buried her head under the pillow, kicked her white calves, and said secretly:"I just said such words, I won't let Zihao think that I am that kind of person!"

Although she was shy, she was full of expectations when she thought that Wu Zihao would come later. No matter what, she had already determined in her heart that the other party was the one who could be entrusted with her life.

Half an hour later, Du Fu knocked on the door and said,"Miss, Mr. Wu is waiting downstairs!"

"Okay, I know!" Ye Xintong got up quickly, tidied up her messy hair and slightly wrinkled clothes, and walked downstairs.

When she came to the hall, she saw Wu Zihao sitting on the sofa. She quickly quickened her pace, walked behind him, blindfolded him, and said in a low voice:"Guess who I am!"

Sitting on the sofa, Wu Zihao smelled a refreshing fragrance. This smell was unique to Ye Xintong, the faint rose fragrance was intoxicating.

However, Wu Zihao still cooperated with the other party in acting, pretending to be surprised and said:"Who, is it the thief who stole my heart!"


This answer made Ye Xintong feel sweet. She loosened her hands that were covering Wu Zihao's eyes, sat beside him, leaned on his shoulder, and smelled his unique masculine scent.

Wu Zihao also hugged her very naturally, and said with a smile:"What's the matter? Why are you calling me here in such a hurry!"

Leaning on Wu Zihao, Ye Xintong seemed to have found an outlet for her emotions, and said with sobs:"It's some things in the company, and those termites have already started to act!"

Seeing Ye Xintong crying, Wu Zihao felt a surge of anger in his heart. How much injustice had she suffered to make her like this? Even when the company was facing bankruptcy, she still faced it with the attitude of a strong woman.

And as a man, if he continued to be indifferent when his woman was bullied, how could he have the face to continue to be with her? He didn't even have the ability to protect her, let alone be with her forever.

Du Fu, who was preparing tea, happened to see this scene and sighed. However, this matter was not something he could handle, so he had to put down the tea and slowly retreated without disturbing the two of them.

At the same time, he also ordered the servants to leave work early today.

After comforting Ye Xintong, Wu Zihao learned what happened from her mouth.

Recently, the Ye Group has completely revived and its momentum is unstoppable. Some old jewelers have also slowly come to discuss cooperation, and under Ye Xintong's operation, Jin Fafu's Group has also been To acquire it.

Originally, this matter was a good thing for Ye's, but Ye Xintong's uncle proposed at this time that he wanted to be the chairman of the board, and also put pressure on Mr. Ye.

With the old man's current body, where can he be stimulated like this? Once he was emotional, he was admitted to the intensive care unit again.

After Ye Xintong knew about this, she rushed to the hospital, but the other party did not repent at all, but threatened to give up the position, otherwise this matter would not pass so easily.

Hearing this, Wu Zihao's eyes were full of murderous intent. This was trained in the end of the world. For Ye Xintong's uncle, he had already defined him in his heart. This is a scum. In order to get benefits, he actually used Mr. Ye as a cost of threat.

Feeling the change in Wu Zihao, Ye Xintong held his hand with tears in the corners of her eyes and said,"Husband, can you come with me to see grandpa tomorrow!"

Wu Zihao nodded. Although this was Ye's family affair, his woman was bullied and cried. If he didn't come out to take care of it, he really thought he was a soft persimmon and people around him could bully him at will.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter. You dare to bully my woman, you really don't want to live in this world!" Wu Zihao hugged Ye Xintong and said viciously.

At this moment, Ye Xintong felt that she was the happiest person in the world. Finally, she didn't have to face these things alone.

After this incident, she didn't have a good rest recently. After venting her emotions, she lay in Wu Zihao's arms and slowly fell asleep.

When he found Ye Xintong asleep, Wu Zihao gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, picked her up and walked to the second floor.

After putting Ye Xintong on the bed, Wu Zihao went downstairs and saw Du Fu sitting on the sofa and sighing, so he walked over.

""Uncle Fu , tell me about this!" Wu Zihao said.

Du Fu poured a cup of tea for Wu Zihao, and poured one for himself, then said slowly:"Mr. Wu, I have watched these children of the Ye family grow up with my own eyes. The eldest young master is a dandy boy, and even now, he is still the same, and has never changed."

After Du Fu finished speaking, he couldn't help but sighed and continued:"If the second young master hadn't passed away early, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant. Everything is a sin, everything is a sin!"_

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