"Escape?" Wu Zihao laughed,"Now that the wanted order has been issued, I guarantee that as soon as we leave this community, we will be seen and informed, and we will be caught up within three miles."

Looking at Bai Suyun with a worried face, Wu Zihao smiled,"Don't think too much, your husband is very capable! A mere Yu Zhenshan is nothing!"

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao still reminded him,"Don't think about flying alone. We are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If Yu Zhenshan knew that you are my woman, he would definitely not let you go! Of course, in this doomsday, even if he doesn't know me, he probably won't let you go!"

Bai Suyun's face turned pale when she heard this, and then it turned red again. She pouted and said angrily,"Am I that kind of person in your heart? I just want to remind you that Yu Zhenshan is not as simple as you think. Some of them have guns and have already defeated several forces in Nanmen that offended him!"

"So what?"Wu Zihao waved his hand,"Okay, how to deal with him is what I need to consider, you don't have to think too much! You just need to tell me the information about them!"

""Okay!" Bai Suyun sighed and finally stopped arguing. She just told Wu Zihao everything she knew about Yu Zhenshan.

But although she didn't say anything more, Bai Suyun still didn't think highly of Wu Zihao.

In her opinion, a person alone could never fight against an armed force of dozens of people, no matter how powerful Wu Zihao was.

She even doubted whether it was not so reliable for her to follow Wu Zihao. She thought he was a capable man and that she could live with him without having to worry.

She didn't expect this guy to be so troublesome. He offended the big guys in this area in just one day.

And this guy is easy to get carried away, and he doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. He even wants to confront others head-on!

But it's too late to say anything now, so she accepted it.

No matter this first man who possessed her No matter what decision others make, you just need to support them silently.

After all, if it weren’t for him, I would have starved to death yesterday.

Now she is lucky to live one more day. If Yu Zhenshan and his men really find her and come to her house, she can just die.

Although she hasn’t seen much in the end times, she knows what will happen to a beautiful woman like her after falling into Yu Zhenshan’s hands.

She can be Wu Zihao’s girlfriend for food, but she will never be a plaything of a group of thugs just to stay alive!

Thinking of this, her mood became inexplicably open-minded. Now she only hopes that this man can be safe. Only if he is alive can she be safe.

The days in September are not very long, and it is already dark before six o’clock.

Unlike the desolation and sadness of the end times, the modern side is already brightly lit.

And located in Zhejiang In front of a jewelry store called Linlang at a corner of a street in Hai City, a stunning beauty in a white OL suit and with a cold face walked in with an old man who looked like a butler in his forties or fifties.

Qin Ziqiang was in a very good mood today. Just this morning, he bought a batch of jewelry that could be called top-quality.

Although the visitor was not dressed well and his car was not very good, he seemed to have no shortage of money. He offered to buy it at half the market value, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

After receiving it, Qin Ziqiang personally appraised each one of them. Each one of them was of the world's top level in terms of creativity and workmanship, especially the processing of some craftsmanship details, which was simply beyond the ability of the world's technology.

And there are dozens of such top-level products. If it works well, He can make at least hundreds of thousands with just this batch of goods!

Two-thirds of the year has passed, and the performance of his branch has been mediocre, and even has a downward trend.

He no longer had any expectations, but he didn't expect to receive such a big surprise today.

Although the origin of this batch of goods is a bit unusual, it is not a problem for a veteran like him who has been in the industry for more than 20 years.

Just now, he has laundered this batch of jewelry through some special channels, and now it can be officially put on the market! Out of his attention to this exquisite jewelry, Qin Ziqiang personally took it out and placed it on the counter.

While it was being placed, a stunning beauty in an OL suit appeared at the door, followed by a serious-looking butler, who walked in one after the other.

Just when a group of waiters were sighing at the stunning beauty of this beauty and felt ashamed of themselves, Qin Ziqiang recognized the person at a glance, and immediately stopped the work at hand and greeted him respectfully.

"Mr. Ye, why are you here?"Others may not know him, but he recognized him as the owner of their jewelry store, Miss Ye Xintong of the Ye family.

Ye Xintong nodded slightly and said,"I got off work early today, so I came to inspect it!"

While speaking, Ye Xintong was suddenly attracted by a necklace in Qin Ziqiang's hand.

"This...this necklace, where did you get it?"

"This?" Qin Ziqiang looked down and replied,"Mr. Ye has a good eye. This is what a young man came to sell to us today. He brought a batch of jewelry. They are all top-quality goods. This is just one of them!"

Ye Xintong was surprised when she heard this and asked quickly,"You mean there is a batch of jewelry like this? Not just one?"

Not to mention Ye Xintong, even the old housekeeper who had been expressionless behind her was slightly surprised.

As the president of a jewelry design and production company, Ye Xintong has seen countless kinds of jewelry, but has never seen such exquisite styles.

The necklace in front of her is perfect in all aspects, whether it is the design and matching of the appearance, the subsequent craftsmanship, and the final accessories and details. It is already lucky to see one of this kind of top-quality jewelry that is hard to come by, and now someone tells them that there is a batch here. How can they not be shocked?

Qin Ziqiang nodded, with a little pride on his face. He felt quite accomplished when he saw the other expressions of this pair of master and servant with iceberg faces.

"That's right, it's a batch! Look, I just put a few on the table, and there are still many that I haven't had time to take out yet!"

Qin Ziqiang personally led Ye Xintong to the counter on the side, where several equally exquisite jewels that he had just put on the counter were placed.

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